
Day 82

Today was a short RE day because I woke up late and had to leave early for my REIA meeting in PSL.
Good thing I went because I was able to talk to some fellow members about the short sale company that backed out of my deal in LW. The good news is that I found out I said the right things to my clients. The better news was that I have another company who will work with these people if they choose to go forward.

I spent most of my RE time today answering PMs and Emails.
I spoke with a fellow DGer for most of my trip to PSL which made the long trip not feel so long.
I also answered some pressing questions from a fellow DGer in Tampa this morning which took some time.

Other than that, not much time to do too much else.


Just to let everybody know that this does work! I just did my second REI deal and first assignment of contract!

It was hard and took a long time. A was referred to the deal by somebody who did not close the deal. I will have to share the assignment fee with that person. But over all it is great! We got $4,500.00 dollars and will close on Nov. 08.

Guys! Hang on in there this does work!

Thanks Dean for opening my eyes to the possibility. And yes it comes with a lot of hard work and persistence in addition to being able to hang on there.

Three keys, have buyers, find properties and take action!

Thanks Dean

Even though I keep running into road blocks and negitive things in my life, blogs like this help keep me moving forward.
Thank You again Jeff

Days 80 & 81

Day 80:
Spoke with some new DGers and answered some questions for them. Some interesting partnership ideas came about which we will see if they pan out.
Besides that, I posted to a few forums and answered my PMs.
Attended another webinar by Greg H then called it a night. Didn't even have the energy to do my dailies.

Day 81:
Heartbreak and frustration ruled most of today. The short sale firm I was going to use never got back to me so I called again today to find out what's happening. They turned me down because it was too far out of their investment area. Thankfully, I started making calls earlier in the day trying to line up other companies just in case the outcome became what it became. HINT: ALWAYS think ahead!!!

just listend.

i was calling about a fixer upper and got the uncle told him i was looking to buy that house if possible. told me it was his nephews brother past away.then he said i got some homes for sale.hes 69 ready to sale everything and him and wifejust travel.i gave praises to god first deals.tomorrow we do our purchase agreement.this guy has alot to get rid of.13 lots not really sure how i would go about doing those.ill just keep reading on that my biggest deal we will have is he has a million dallor bussines (valued) he owes 250,000 and thats all hes looking for to get out from under the loan.he asked me how fast can i move.i told him lest do these first deal .was i wrong for saying that?

Adding a photo to my profile

It is about time I do this, but I cannot seem to figure out how to do it. Please help.


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