
30 day quickcash

I am just beginning to post on this site. As, I have been reading Dean's books and his last one 30 Days To Real estate Cash is the best of them all. I have gone thu this one cover to cover and then I pick the parts I need . Today is the first day of not my 30 days but my 90 day Quick Cash, as the holidays are almost heart and I am also working. So getting done what I need to get done in the days time hours will be hard, But no excuses. I Will Do It so today is Nov 2 90 days will be on Jan 31 2012 if my figures are correct.
I have already talked to a realtor and she is sending me somethings on friday when she gets back to her office.I have my new email for my real estate departmen. When I leave this p.m. I will stop and get a street map.

I am on my way

Buisness Name

I am trying to come up with a buisness name and have a couple of names in mind. My question there a certain critera I need to take in consideration of the corporation,enterprise or solutions at the end of the name? I want to start out right Dean.

Fire Sale

Here's the deal I have on the table to get this house for next to nothing the catch is it had a small fire in the attic the home owner had to estimates to fix the house up right around 80K I think this was a way to high. there is a pending order to con-dim the house from the city If I can get this stop and the go ahead from the building department to fix it up, Totalview say's that it's FMV is 60K witch means I would be walking in to 60K of equity, not bad if I can get it fix up for less the 60K.
I thank so any thought's any one.

estimating repairs for an assignment

How do you figure all the repairs that are needed without having it professionally inspected. do you just go for the obvious things since you can't get on the roof and walk around. Is there an estimated per sq ft charge you figure in based on the age of house? I found a website for estimating repairs once I figure it out what is needed.

Thanks DG family for any information you can give me!


New Beginning

I recently purchased 30 Days to Real Estate Cash and I have vowed to do what Dean says to do in this book so that I can have real cash in 30 days. Another reason I decided to make a change is that last Wednesday my daughter was born at 11:47 pm and my "why" finally became crystal clear. So, Dean said to utilize this website for encouragement and helpful information. I can't wait to get my first deal done so that I can quit working for someone else's dream and live the life that I know I deserve. Here's to FINANCIAL FREEDOM and to real estate riches.

Thanks Dean!!!!!

Anthony Griggs

Just started with Dean's program, wondering if anybody of you guys are from Ventura county, ca

Hello guys, I am new to the site. First of all I want to say congrats to all of you guys on your deals, hopefully soon I will close on my first one. I wanted to ask if anybody here is from Ventura County, CA? I have been having trouble finding the right real estate agent to work with out here. The first 2 I tried ended up not working and a waste of time. So how have you guys found your right one? All the ones I talk to dont want to ruin their rep with low offers. Thanks guys

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