Looking for Investors with cash buyers in their lists in Alabama!!

Hi my name is Alex Rubio, I am from Houston, Tx
I have a friend of mine that has a property in Mobil, Alabama and wants to get rid of it. He is selling it as-is so is a perfect handyman deal.
If you have cash buyers and want pay me a referal fee if one of your buyers close on the property send me a PM and I will give you all the property detail.

Alex Rubio


sacireinvestments's picture

I am also in Mobile, AL please send me the specs and price on this deal.


I'm want to join forces with other investors.

Nvstr's picture

I'm a successful real estate investor in Arkansas. I'm interested in joining forces with other real estate investors who may be having difficulty getting started. I have a succesful program which I am able to pick up propeties with little to no money down. I do not have to use my credit. I'm interested in teaching other investors in other areas so we can prosper together. You can visit my web site at www.nwapi.com to get an idea of what I am doing. Please contact me if you are interested.