This week's Blog is going to teach you what is really important when choosing a cash flow property.
But even better, you'll actually raise money for the devastated town of Joplin Missouri.
Unlike so many of the email scams you may have seen, (where you're promised to be sent $1,000 by Bill Gates for clicking), this is real.
Everyone who watches this video will help raise money to help the good people affected by the tornado of May 22nd. So please, watch listen and pass it on. In less than 5 minutes, together we can raise thousands to help restore life to a hurting community. Thank you.
Help for Joplin,Mo
Yes Dean I will help in any way that I can, I know what it's like to go through the storm. I have much respect and adoration for you and the DG family which I am proud to be a part.
Sincerely James Watson
Dean and Matt rule. What a great cause!!
Great job Dean and Matt for doing what you're doing for the disaster victims. I will share this video on FaceBook also.
I am a 1 and 1/2 year old newbie, no deals learning a lot. But one thing I have been running through my head for a few months is when I get my company finally off the ground is to ask my employees to establish a Disaster relief Fund in our office to help those in need. I will get off the ground and do this and many Deals. Thanks. Bruce....
Joplin residential Trust Fund
As we all know, red cross and FEMA are vastly incapable of doing anything up to standard. If you doubt this claim, just ask the victims of Haiti how well red cross did over there when they were receiving donations to help them. Red cross was wonderful twenty years ago but in the 2 decades since, they have become a monstrous beaurocracy that has been caught funneling money into the coffers of private individuals. There were several news reports nationwide that covered this story.
I would like to suggest a trust fund for the families whose homes and lives were devastated by these events rather than donating to red cross or any other emergency response, other than the local hospitals. A Trust Fund would serve to ensure that all of those who suffered would get as much help as is feasible for their individual cases. It could also set up a dividend yielding account that the city could use, after recovering, for municipal projects, further recovery projects in neighborhoods that weren't as devastated as others and any number of other things to continue helping the citizens of Joplin in the future. I would appreciate any feedback to this post with opinions and further suggestions. Thank you, all
" A True Gift Of Love"
Your way of giving back is so very special. No one does it better than you! This program is a way to give people their lives back,a true gift of love. YOU ARE THE BEST! I am so proud to be a part of YOUR family, thank you.
Very Cool !
My sweetie and I are always contributing, donating and volunteering in our area and think think it's awesome what Dean and the DG family are always doing to help other.
God bless you.
Sounds awesome, this what
Sounds awesome, this what america is all about, this is what we do...
Thanks Dean and Matt
You know this is why I chose real estate. There are so many people in this world today that need a blessing/miracle. Unfortunately I have not been successful(yet)in RE but the things you do just inspire me more to keep pushing forward. Just to bless people in their time of need is AWESOME! I am so looking forward to that day.
You Rock Dean! God bless you!
Great idea
I'm all in for helping this town. Anybody could be on that place. So lets do whatever we can to help them from that situation.
Thank you so much
Great Move
Leading by example,as always
Amazing idea and generosity. Thanks.
Joplin, Missouri
THE DEVISTATION WAS DRAMATICLY DISTURBING TO ALL! Ihope that the President does Send Money. IF THEY CAN send 15Billion + 15 Billion to Russia then he should take care of the People at Home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
great idea. Good to know
great idea. Good to know someone like you.
Thanks Dean
Great idea - Great cause!
Really awesome, what you and Matt are doing for Joplin. So much craziness is going on, that you sometimes find yourself feeling numb to it all. As usual, Dean is out front......again. Keep up the excellent work!
thing you guys are doing for all those people. I look forward to the day I can financially jump in on doing something like this with you. I'll get there.
Awesome really.
in response to last weeks blog
dean I believe the correct term from last weeks blog is that your one FORTUNATE Ba####d. LOL just kidding. I hope that one day my investing prosperity matches yours
Best wishes
Great Idea
I live in Alabama where the Tornados came through
and to see the devastation every where is heart breaking. I gave Donation to the Red Cross and donated Pet food to the Animal shelter.
It's good to help people in need.
Helping Joplin
This is really a very good thing that you are doing for the people of Joplin, Thank you for including me in the process. I do not have a lot of funds to help out so, I am glad that I can help out in some way. I have been praying for Joplin and other places that have been hit hard by the huge disasters all over. May God bless you Dean and all the people out there who are trying to carry on with their lives.
Way to go. Very nice
I'm Impressed by your compassion for Joplin. I was in the storms that swept Tennessee like a wildfire state wide also my mother in law was in the Birmingham AL event lost her house I'd like to talk to you personally about the particulars I want to know how i can help. also want to help in Joplin just not sure how? I look forward to when i can Do Something in real estate but i feel right now like my mother in law's problems are outta my league maybe you could show me the way?!!!
Thanks for helping Joplin!
We need more people like you, Dean, helping out those in real need!
God Bless You
Keep up the effort and good work!
I just want everyone in Juplin to know that we are all behind then. As my Dad always said "A person can replace any material things but a life can not be replaced".
For all those who made it through that disaster just know that life may have changed in many ways, but know that you will become part of many families throught out the United States.
Muskogee OK
Money for Joplin
Great job Dean and Greg,
no matter what is you guys allways seem to come up with creative ideas to help someone with their tough times.
way cool dean
as always ,Great Thinking, great way to help
Gods Bless
Thanks Dean
Love it! It's so wonderful to see people helping people:) I've lost a place to stay during a huricane and it is a very difficult situation to be in. But there were no deaths so I pray that Jesus would comfort them and provide all their needs.