Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #132 - Help the People of Joplin by Watching This

Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog
This week's Blog is going to teach you what is really important when choosing a cash flow property.

But even better, you'll actually raise money for the devastated town of Joplin Missouri.

Unlike so many of the email scams you may have seen, (where you're promised to be sent $1,000 by Bill Gates for clicking), this is real.

Everyone who watches this video will help raise money to help the good people affected by the tornado of May 22nd. So please, watch listen and pass it on. In less than 5 minutes, together we can raise thousands to help restore life to a hurting community. Thank you.

thanks Dean

I have friends that live in that area. What you are doing is pretty amazing!

Joplin and it's People need us!


I the years since I first saw you on TV, I have witnessed your transformation from a Real Estate Expert. You now don't just want to buy and sell Real Estate you want to have a profound effect across the Nation and touch as many lives as possible. Your blog feeds my spirit daily, your heart is what calls me to "tune in".

Keep Charging! May the "yeast" of your spirit touch many souls.

I am a raving fan! Smiling


browleyteam's picture

I will gladly post to do my share in contributing help! Thanks for doing this and donating to this cause to you both Smiling

Compassion...all the way

myshel's picture

Hey Dean and Matt

I'm proud to be part of a Team that has compassion for the people in Joplin.

Thanks Dean and Matt for your words of wisdom.

Mickey Mantle Fans & Joplin Missouri

"His blinding speed soon earned him the nickname "The Commerce Comet," carrying him to the Joplin Miners in Joplin, Missouri. (He would later invest in a Holiday Inn motel in that city, with his name attached to it.)"--From Wikipedia. In Mickeys memory for Joplin-Thanks Dean & Matt


Thanks for letting me help! After searching and comparing, I find Dean's methods to be most compassionate. This "reaching out to help" is what makes us best and keeps me coming back to this site.

Great Idea!

I watched, "liked" and posted. I am liking spending other people's money!

I am in awe of the group of people that are involved with This amazing.

Dean Video

tonyjgaro's picture

My pleasure to do what I can to help the people of Joplin. It is a great honor to share with you in this fantastic endeavour.

Good One!

These are the kinds of actions that can make a diffrence.

thanks for all you do

great blog, I hope this helps. keep it up. I am inspired by your lessons. hopefully this is my year to accomplish my dreams. thanks

Gr8 way to help

danyatborder's picture

What is amazing is that whatever you will be able to donate you will receive back in buckets. That is just the way it is.


Way to go Dean...Great Cause!!

Must do our part. God will

boi212's picture

Must do our part. God will provide

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This week's Blog is going to teach you what is really important when choosing a cash flow property.

But even better, you'll actually raise money for the devastated town of Joplin Missouri.

Unlike so many of the email scams you may have seen, (where you're promised to be sent $1,000 by Bill Gates for clicking), this is real.

Everyone who watches this video will help raise money to help the good people affected by the tornado of May 22nd. So please, watch listen and pass it on. In less than 5 minutes, together we can raise thousands to help restore life to a hurting community. Thank you.

Doing my small part

Doing my small part

Help to Joplin Tornado survivors

Way to go Dean and Matt, this shows the kind of
character you both have and that you do care about other people's plight in joplin.
So much disasters hitting all over and so often
makes for an OMG moment in many days following such things, its great that folks are willing to
send help of all kinds...imagine that you or I
would experience similar loss and live through
it only to NOT HAVE A PLACE TO LIVE...or clothes to do go to the bank ATM when its "no longer in Kansas Dorothy". We help thats how. God Bless, Phil Lully


Thanks Dean for helping the community of Joplin!

helping others

This is a worthy cause and Dean, you are to be credited for your willingness to help the people of Joplin. I went through the aftermath of Katrina, so I know how horrible such a natural disaster can be, and believe me, they do need help. Keep it up.


You are a True Servant Dean!

Thanks for All You Do in this World to make a difference in peoples lives!

All the Best!


Dean thank you and the team for the encouragement you give to all of us out here.
The families in Joplin are in my prayers.
I love that you are willing to help out.
Thank you


Hey Dean & Matt,

To lose any loss is tragic but for Joplin it was massive. This is a real generious way to help all who are still suffering, no home, or jobs let a lone losing so many loved one's ! You have A BIG HEART DEAN & MATT and You have the love and support of so may students. May you reach the goal you seek for the town of JOPLIN Missouri.

definition of the DG family!!!!

I love it when i see dean sharing and giving, it motivates me to want to give also. dean and the DG family will all continue to be BLESSED PS..still woring on first deal



Joplin Blog

Two thumbs up for thinking of these people, I wish I could help more. I'm near destitute, but keep positive about REI. I know the victims will appreciate your efforts.

Ruth E. Adams

Great Idea!

I'll pass your message to as many people as I could - it's a good cause!

Great Deal

My Heart go out to them also


yes, this is a good cause lets all chip in too!

How and where can we chip in which, org'' to donate to???

Tony C nashua NH


Great cause, god bless those in need

raising funds

I am so glad to be a part on the DG family.

Please email a valid link...

BillWLV's picture

I would be happy to donate if you could send out a valid link to an organization collecting for Joplin. ( My brother and his family live only a short distance from there and were thankfully spared its wrath. )


MCArmel1's picture

Thanks for making a difference guys!!!