This week, Dean shares a story that began two generations ago. A story that begins with a donkey ride, includes a bargain to board a ship has a triumphant middle and ends in a tragic but heroic accident.
Before you celebrate you're 4th of July, take a moment to watch and walk away truly FEELING what it means to celebrate 'Independence Day'...
I never thought of it that way.
Hi Dean, Thank you again for another great Blog. I never thought of the 4th of July that way before.
We are diffinately standing up this month a really creating our own Independence day (month, year, etc.)
Thank you for all you do, for all of us, and everyone else.
one more great american story
...from a American who is proud of his ancestors. Thanks, Dean for reminding us all. We have so much to be thankful for.
My Dad, too, only from a Port city in France,to show business [including Ringling Brothers]until he was 40, then went legit...went into the restaurant business!
I rode high for many years, thanks to Real Estate, and now seem to have lost my verve, and can't find the fortitude to knock on those doors.
Now its sink or swim, so will continue to watch, and learn.
AS ever,
Gee Bee
Great blog Dean, lots of
Great blog Dean, lots of good points about freedoms we have here and the need to take action. I've realized over the years that it really comes down to personal choice to make things happen and to keep a positive a forward moving attitude. Better yet... surround yourself with things that inspire and encourage you and one wont have to even think about "keeping a positive outlook" because it will just BE.
I-N-D-E-P-E-N-D-E-N-C-E...Do you know what that means
This is your mark-set-go month. Thanks Dean for the support you always give. Look it up in the dictionary. Right it down. Then evaluate how you can fit those key words in your life. Ask god to give you a clear picture on how you can recieve independence. We all have struggles. Are you a soldier? Only the strong survive. I want you all to be strong and keep moving forward because there is no turning back now. You have made the choice because you are here. Knowledge is POWER and no one can take that away! Good luck everyone.
How do you do it?
Wow Dean! You never cease to amaze me. You are awesome! I can't help it, every time I start getting off track, or losing my momentum, you bring it right back instantly! But you amaze me because you never stop. You just keep on going to the next level. You are so inspirational!!!! I wish I knew you personally....but that is one of my goals, to someday meet you. Although I have met people who know you personally, so I'm getting closer.
I am struggling like a lot of others to make this work. But I have made a commitment to stick with it and triumph. It will happen someday! One day at a time. So many of us have obstacles, so I won't harp on my own infront of you all beause it's not a competition. I want to do this to help myself and my family, but also once I am stable I want to help so many others! That's why I am doing this, to make everyone's life around me better. That is the person I want to be! And because of Dean's teachings (and first watching his infomercial) I have found my path in life. This is what I want to do! This is who I am! The people I have met through this educational journey are the people I love to be around and communicate with! Yes life is full of opportunnities, and thank you for always pointing that out to us. You keep me going. All my best to everyone on here!!!!
I so appreciate Dean's excitement and enthusiasm in each blog. I, like many of us, need to hear that cheerleader say yet again-you can do this! I hope as I progress in RE that I remember to do that for the newbies that come behind me. Sometimes it's the wind in your sails to keep you going. Health issues has slowed me down this year, but after this final surgery my independence month can begin.
I also want to say I am cheered by the faith evident in other members comments-I love that and finally, did you notice how many comments refer to all these strangers gathered here as "family". That is awesome-and so unusual in today's competitive world. Thanks Dean and all family members for giving back and helping to change lives each day for the better.
no money
Dean all of this is so exciting. But sad to say, I bought the books quiet a while ago. I am on Social security.Not enough to live on. I fall three hundred short every month.Daughter helps as much as she can. I am healthy and active, but cant participate!
Dean's Success Accademy
Dean you are absolutley awesome keeping us focused future goals.
Your blogs are so good.
You are so right about our the freedom that we all have. If we had to follow our fore fathers path we would have something to cry about.
Thanks again Dean.
just wen i think i cant do it u always say the words to bring me back to reality and y i wanted to do this in the first place. thank u dean
So Inspiring and Patriotic
We can get so bogged down in the day to day issues in life. A great message Dean. Thanks and I hope you had a great fourth. I and all the other folks on this site are ready for whatever is next. Looking forward to it.
Independence Day Month
Finding our own self worth in Real Estate.
Thanks for the blog Dean. I have been on vacation, just got back today. I'm sure everyone knows about, hurry up and wait when vacationing. Well I kept your book with me everyday Dean, Your Town, Your RealEstate profits! I can't read that book enough. Thanks again Dean, for writing it.
Happy 4th of July to All!
I can't agree enough Dean that it is a Great time to Declare each of our independence from the daily grind if we have not already started. Making tracks towards our own independence and leaving the procrastination behind, digging in and make it happen! Nice way to get independence day off to a great start!
Road to Sucess
Thanks Dean again for a great blog. To have you keep us on track with all of your knowledge and wisdom is such a blessing.
Jan.30/11 my husband had a stroke and wasn't able to get back to work until just recently. He is 67 and I am 63.
Needless to say it has been a little tight making ends meet.
So we both no it is our last chance to make a change for a wonderful future.
So we are stepping out in faith to do your lessons and have passive income while we sleep.
May God continue to bless you and your family and your business.
We are also looking for Canadian investors/buyers. We live in Edmonton, Ab.
Ross & Marie
Blog # 136
Hi Dean,
I have listened to your blog and yes, we are so blessed and do not realize it. Freedom is indeed great. I can imagine that it can be a great thing to control your time, hours, profits, etc.. Well, you asked what I was doing on Independence day. Remember, I am Canadian, living in Canada. Our Independence day is July 1. On July 4, I was job hunting; sending faxes out and preparing mailings for jobs. We had our own fireworks on July 1. It would be nice to be able to celebrate both holidays. Some day, I will be able to declare independence. I, too, am working on a lot of things. Like the saying goes: It's not over till it's over. For me, it is never over. I'm just working on the kinks. Getting closer and closer to independence day for me. Slowly, but surely. Soon, I will declare independence day. Until then, talk to you soon, and keep giving and receiving advice and information to and from your DG family. All the very best to you and your immediate family.
I bought your book/s about a
I bought your book/s about a year ago. I have read both of them and also many other similar books from other people. I started taking Real Estate classes at my local community college. I really believe that I can do this. I probably know more about Real Estate than most others before they started using your techniques.
One thing I haven't been doing is taking action for various reasons.
I really do hope I can make this month my independence month and finally take action.
PS: Happy (belated) 4th of July
thanks Dean
thanks Dean
independence day
I am amazed by your energy! Independence would be a wonderfgul position to be in. Thanks for your encouragement!
Independence Day
Dean. A belated thank you for this message. I needed it to start getting my mind focused again after a few mind blowing things happened. I need the independence from and for reasons not normally thought of .