This week, Dean shares a story that began two generations ago. A story that begins with a donkey ride, includes a bargain to board a ship has a triumphant middle and ends in a tragic but heroic accident.
Before you celebrate you're 4th of July, take a moment to watch and walk away truly FEELING what it means to celebrate 'Independence Day'...
Moving Mountians
Wow ! what can i say ,You are truly a amazing human being and Helping others with your powerful Thinking goes well past others that want to help the average joe...I am truly blessed to find you and catch the wave of independence ...
Strength and Honor
Declaring Independence is not an easy road -
But its worth it. Whether it's your grandfather on the donkey, our founding fathers bravely declaring freedom from England, the superpower of the time, or any of us seeking independence from financial bondage and confining employment, it is a road of sacrifice and labor. But this is a labor of love. Let's remember, we cannot alter the facts of history. Our country was founded as a Christian nation. The slogan was "no King but King Jesus" (no, you won't find that in a public school history textbook). So put your trust where is belongs and fight the good fight.
My Pastor's Sermon today was we were not meant to just get by.We were to live ABUNDANT LIVES-why?-To be able to HELP OTHERS-like you & Matt were able to do at Joplin,MO.I AM SOOOOOOOOO READY TO MAKE THIS HAPPEN.I KNOW I MUST TAKE ACTION-NOONE CAN DO IT FOR ME.You Guys have given me all the tools & more.I Thank you for that.
Corpus Christi,Texas.
Thanks for doing another weekly video blog for all of us. It is always interesting to listen to our relatives to hear what they had to go through to get to America. I am amazed by the sacrifices to get to America. Just a few days ago I flew into New York and saw the Statue of Liberty and wondered what newcomers thought as they came into America. The excitment they must have felt after a long journey must have been tremendous.
Now, sometimes future generations later forget about the freedom we so freely enjoy and the land of opportunity they live in. It is awesome to be able to do what we want, when we want and blaze our own trails in life. Hard work can create independence and independence is the freedom and the gift of time! I saw a billboard that I liked. It read: "Stay up LATE and Retire EARLY!". This says it all. We wish you continued success in all you do!
- Joe
Believe and Achieve!
"Freedom has its life in the hearts, the actions, the spirit of men and so it must be daily earned and refreshed - else like a flower cut from its life-giving roots, it will wither and die." ~ Dwight D. Eisenhower
Wow and May I say Wow!!!
I am ready. This month, Independence month starting with Independence Day is the month that it has to happen. I am with Dean all the way. My heritage goes back to the Mayflower, but today is my day and the day that God has blessed and prepared the way. May God bless Dean and all that he does every day, week, month, and year to help so many others to get ahead and really make it. To have Independence from financial tyranny.
Freedom to All!
thank you for a great blog and a reminder of the great country we live in, the land of opportunity for all!
I feel so blessed for having started my rei journey towards my freedom, right here on this DG site with everyone else who is committed. It is not easy, but the rewards are well worth the sacrifices; just like the sacrifices that our ancestors made to give us a better life, a life of freedom.
I am learning and progressing towards my independence every day,
A very appropriate video this week Dean
as I have made the same promise to my family, friends and colleagues. I have had a pretty decent life for the last 11 years because of real estate but I am using this summer to take my vision to the next level as well. There are so many opportunities out there right now if you have the ability, knowledge and experience to capitalize on this market. I hope your students take you up on your challenge and truly think of July 2011 as a start to their Independence.
Happy 4th Dean and family!
Have a great time for your 4th of July to Dean, his family, and the entire extended DG family here. I've taken a break this last week from most stuff (MUCH NEEDED). This country is amazing and filled with ultimate opportunity. And there has NEVER been a better time to be a REI!
I love these blogs and when Dena gets super excited it's even better. Let's celebrate our independence this month.
To all a happy 4th
This was an inspiring video. I hope all is well for all deans students as well to those who are not but still contribute to the cause. I would like to say Thank You to all the troops ( My good friend Matt. W especially). One of my goals is to be gaining success and building a successful Real Estate Investment Co, so when Matt gets out of the army in March 2012 his dad & I will have the knowledge, direction and success to bring him into the business. I had an
awesome time @ the edge buying summit in June and will (as a goal) make it to next years big event, with my good friend Matt on tow. I can not Thank You enough for showing me the ways to become your future success story. No more than our troops quit than shall I. I say Press on regardless. Thank You! William.
I am so excited! really encouraging and this month is the month for me!!!!
independence day!
Greetings family, I want to say happy 4th of July. Also as we celebrate our independence, always remember to keep god first and seek the kingdom and all else shall be supplied. You know I'm what you may consider a hybrid. Realtor/Investor here in Atlanta Ga. Real Estate is biblical. Remind yourself of were the cornerstone came from. There's alot of people who were doing business not according to the word. There's a shift going on and those who were last shall become first. Are you on the right side of history?
Winford Straub Jr.
Thanks Again Dean
Another great blog. Can't wait to see what yo have instore for the family this time. Thanks again for the person yo are. God Bless. Happy 4th yo Dean and the family and to other DGers. Felipe
Thanks dean.
I really needed to hear that and happy 4th of july i have a few people that i'm working with on a few deals at the moment.I could use this inspiration this month i have alot to look forward to and i wish everyone the best with there deals and success!
Happy 4th Of July 2011
This Is Also The Month Of Our Freedom To Soar To The Next Level, Where We Can Help Others To The Next Level Happy 4th Of July 2011, See You From The Top.
I have been Procrastinating Too Long
Dean you do such a great job, I am ashamed that being poor and broke has kept me from moving on
in life. please show again what it takes to get out of this rut.
Robert L. Farmer
Happy 4th of July to Everyone That's On Dean's Team!
Blog 136
Very Encouraging..how about a chorus of the battle Hymn of the Republic.... YA!
Theres no doubt that Dean knows how to motivate. I always get charged up. Dean have you heard of Assignment of Mortgage? Have you done this, my Mom got her house this way 10 yrs ago and I have a sister that did the same thing, and with no money down. Seems to be a better way to sell than lease option cuz theres no refinance required, give us your input, Randy
happy independence day
happy fourth of july dean and to all this day means a lot to me because it another day that i thank god for thank god for you i no i have'nt been work'ing on this business like i should but i thank god for you anyway.
Happiest independence Day
Yes, please give me the best advice is make me "happiest to me and you"
Have a Wonderful 4th of july Dean and entire DG family
It always amazes me when I hear of someone who came to our country with nothing and made life for themselves and great legacy. I then sometimes turn to myself and ask what the heck is wrong with me ? Well I can tell you that I am going to be looking forward to every e-mail and blog from my most trusted mentor all month. I am in the worst shape ever financially and no money left to even buy food. I have stocked up on some food items so I won't go hungry but I still have to figure out how to get money for my parrot food and to pay utilities. I have been looking for a job and applying but no one is responding. I even tried to Red Robin and IN-N-OUT burger. Until I turn 66 I was told by soc sec that I can not make any more than 14,000. a year or it would interfere with my benefits. If I could get out of this hole that I am in and make my way in real estate I would not have to worry. What I want to do is acquire some small homes 2-3 bedroom to buy, hold and rent for monthly cash flow. Also I want to do assignments for the quick cash. I have to do the fsbo or other creative financing to get started. I am telling myself that if I could just get the first deal I could get 2,000. of my money back from the Insider's edge products that I had purchased and also the Success Academy investment. I have believed this would work or I would not have invested. Somehow I seem to be my own worst enemy and that needs to change. I have one more week to get my house in order as I am expecting the company of 2 of my sons that I have not seen in 27 years. They will be here 2 1/2 days and this is better than waiting for Christmas. I never had legal or even biological claim to my 4 sons but I did raise them from and early age and we are strongly imprinted on each other. Divorce broke the ties but two of the boys found their way back to me to say they just wanted to let me know they appreciated what I tried to do for them. They were wonderful boys and now grown men that I can hardly wait to see. After they go home I will be thinking and doing REI around the clock. I do not want to sink any deeper into the hole and I have a book that is teaching me about due diligence so I will be solidifying the bus. plan and goals. I think I also need to design some outlines of procedures to follow to help myself gain the confidence I need to get this ship off the ground. On the EDGE - well I would say at this point I am hanging off the cliff and working on pulling myself back up. If a man can ride a donkey to board a ship and then shovel coal all the way to America then there should be no reason or excuse for me to not make the grade on this. LOL May God Bless and Keep You always my Angel. I will be watching the Boston Pops fireworks display and entertainment this evening on cbs. It is always fantastic. This is America's 235th birthday. God Bless America My Home Sweet Home !
Happy 4th
Have a Happy 4th and stay safe out there everyone.
Thanks Dean for the pep talk; a perfect accompany the fireworks.
I am not only declaring my independence, I'm making it happen with one step at a time. I'm taking action from the direction I got in the call with Joe last week and I'm getting replies. I'm building my network. Now it's only a matter of time!
Can't wait for the next tidbit I get to take away from this community. I only wish I had more time to spend here reading. However, I'm out on the streets looking, learning and waiting to pounce. And quite frankly, gritting my teeth every time one gets stolen out from under me by someone who has already treaded this water. They better look out though because I'm gaining on them. It's a sneak attack!
Happy 4th!
YES, Dean this is the month for me to take action to set up my goal and start working ont it.
going out using what I leanr from you.
thank you for your the DG family.
help move deals
Just waiting on this man do i need a deal been trying 4 2yrs now
Day of Independence
Awesome story on this independence day Dean.Happy 4th of July!
Independence Day 2011
Dean, all I can say is Awesome, this is your best blog post yet- simple- truthful and to to point as always!!
God bless you, your family and all DG Family Members
Nathan & Sandy
PS Love the green background very positive and up-beat.
Our Freedom
Thanks Dean for a great message. Our forefathers not only declared "Freedom" from oppression and tyranny they took "action"! Our liberties don't mean a whole lot if we don't take "action" to secure and preserve them.
That is the difference between those who are successful in this business and those who are not. So let's not only declare our independence, but let's take action and make it happen.
Happy 4th to all
I hope everyone is having a wonderful and relaxing day today.
Dean how are you and and your family today I all is well and for all of the DG extended family.
Dean I here you are coming to Indy July 12-16, is anyone else going to be there?