Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #144 - Get Connected for Profit

Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog
It's nearly impossible to succeed in isolation. That principle is fundamentally true when it comes to real estate investing. This week you'll hear some brilliant tips on making the right connections, as well as a simple technique to make every minute of every day count big.

Watch now and post your feedback on the question I ask. Have a great week!

Dean's blog rename

Your fantastic weekly blog is one of the things that I never drop from my schedule. I look at the ideas of every week as thought freeing. I call the blog "free yourself"

blog name:

Live In The Moment, or Live Moment To Moment Monday. These were M. Landon, last words of wisdom.I repeat these words to myself alot, because all that matters is today right now, this minute. Sure tomarrow is good, but right now is the best. Thanks for the blog Dean.

Good stuff Dean!

SynysterAndre's picture

So this is without a doubt a strong and encouraging blog to say the least! As for an idea to name the weekly blogs? How about...."Dean's Outreach" since every week when theres something new, you are ALWAYS reaching out to the new investors as well as the long time veterans of the DG family and bringing something to the table for everyone!

And connecting for a profit or "networking with like-minded individuals" and staying in a positive atmosphere is definitely the way to go! Im currently working on a marketing approach with my SoCal buddy and fellow DGer Bryan Imm and we are basically working on a powerful approach to target buyers and sellers through the usage of Bandit Signs...ITS GONNA BE AWESOME!! Smiling Thanks again Dean for another great weekly blog or "outreach" Eye-wink and I look forward to hearing from you soon!



Dean,Can't agree with you more about teaming up with a partner.It can be a positive thing when both parties are a good match.
I always look forward to Mondays to view your blog,because of not only the information shared but to get a shot of your energy,because let's face it you are the Mad Hatter of RS,and I mean that in a good way.So, in light of that I think Monday Madness would be spot on.Keep the rev going

You are a staple in motivation!

Zion Properties's picture

Every week I look forward to your messages; therefore, I think Monday motivator is the perfect name for it. Laughing out loud Thanks Dean. I'm moving mountains right now! Sticking out tongue


jctmi421's picture

I just wanted to say that the Rock Bottom Blueprint is the best thing you have ever done. Not only that but I am still listening to the live events that you did. I can fall asleep listening it and just keeping my mindset right.

I have a request though, can you offer the replay as a download so that we can listen to it and start it from where we left off or skip to the part we want to listen to again. There is so much great wisdom in those two days.


Name for Vblog

Hey Dean call it "Dean's Reach Out For Help" Smiling and i have the energy and enthusiasm and i really wanted to win the Ipad and House and I watched closely, but since i didn't get to win, please pick my name for the Vblogs and choose me as a partner and student that you can invest in to make money so i can set myself free from poverty and everyday financial struggles. Reach Out and Help and as soon as i make some deals i will pay you back the money you invested in me Smiling hope you read this Dean have a nice and SUPER DAY! Smiling


Hi Wending,
i would love to partner with you. I would like to take the opportunity since the real estate market is at the real bottom to invest in undervalued under the bottom properties, can you help me find cheap deals. I would have the ideal buyers. let me know what you think.


Weekly Blog - A New Name

How about the name: "Real Estate Wisdom".



dtupak's picture

That is true, the energy that you put out there is the energy other people receive, it's all vibrations. Thats why by seeing Dean talking, you already want to jump into game.

I'd name a Blog "Striving Mondays"

Thanks y'all


Weekly Blog

Someone above posted "Weekly Wisdom" and that's the best one I think also. No matter what you call it it is my cup of java, my energy, my something to look forward to because you are my only yaysayer besides my husband! Thank you Dean, you're truly the best!
Carolyn Naegele

Thank you, Dean

Your blogs are always so full of energy and keep me on track. We are not new to RE but we haven't been very good at it! Soaking up your resources and at times get pretty overwelmed. So these blogs give me permission to take it one day at a time, one page at a time in the RBBP, one step at a time, and 1 small attainable goal at a time. Soon, I will be up,running and unstoppable!

Blog title

kitkat's picture

Hi Dean, here are a few names that might float your boat.

"Monday Masters"

"Monday Movers & Shakers"

"Abundant Life Monday Blog"

Looking forward to making it happen in real estate investing. Would like to find a partner in the NH area.


Your Weekly Dose of Insipration


I completely agree with the mentor idea. I have been trying to do this on your site for almost a year now. I am very driven and determined to make this work. If anyone out there would like to mentor me in MD, please send me a PM. Have a great day everyone!

partner on high end house's

eashmt's picture

we are in an area where
>high end houses are being foreclosed on
>retirees come here a lot
>also seeing a few houses that cash flow
>probates of course
---- needing someone to partner with ----
>let me know what could work for you

Loving Real Estate ,


john.hervan's picture

Either Monday Motivation, or MOnday Media.

Rebranding - New identity for "weekly video blog"

a little brainstormin':

- Momentum Monday
- Money Monday
- DG (Doing Great) Money Moments
- Your "Money" Moment (money: cash, wisdom, skills, capabilities, etc.)
- "On the Money"
- Passionate Profits
- Cash Flow Wisdom
- Cash Flow Arts
- Money Mastery
- Momentum Mastery
- DG (Deals Galore)
- Deals Gone Wild
- Cash Gone Wild
- Growing Now
- Real Estate Reality

Actually, I believe using "monday" is a limited approach. I would drop it. And definitely stay away from "motivation," so overdone, that it's become poisonous. The theme must be about having fun making money in real estate deal making in today's market.

The Process toward Progress

Life's a process that always has something to value. Progress is one of the values of mistakes,misfortunes, and rewards. How we perceive people , things, or situations has a direct effect on the now. Persistance has value in all things if it's what you have a passion for.



No Boundaries's picture


new blog#144

notsoaveragejoe's picture

Got no Idea about a name but I like all of the suggestions.
I just want to keep listening to the blogs and I am going to amp up my business persona (as it were) and see if that turns the thing around
As always, thanks for the forward push and congratulations on all the new deals.

Blog 144 Naming the Blog

Dean, I think "Dean's Diary" is a good fit for your weekly blogs.

Dale Smeal
Frisco, TX 75035
Insiders Edge Summit
Las Vegas, 2011

new title

Dean, all your blogs are very inspirational, motivating and simply helping to move forward. I would call the blog " Inspirational Mondays with Dean" Thanks a lot for what you doing. Halina

"The REal Deal"

I think it should be called "The REal Deal" with Dean Grazioso

Or how about

"Streetsmart Strategies"
or "The Monday Mindshift"


"Deans Deals, Dreams and Schemes"

DG's (Real Estate) TNT

AzDego's picture

Hey Deano,

How about that one? TNT = Tips and Tactics.

Blog Names

usproperty's picture


St Petersburg, FL

Renaming your weekly blogs

Brainstorming with Dean!!!

New Blog Name

Dean, your blog is great no matter what it's called, but here are a couple suggestions.

NaySlayer Monday!

Money Makin' Movies!

I also really like what you said on the jacket of your new book - Zero to 'Dinero'. That's it that's all I got.

Dean, God Bless you, I know you will continue to empower, encourage and inspire us all. Everyone enjoy the rest of your week.

I'd love to have a teammate!

theprofessional's picture

I'm 20 years young, hungry to succeed, and am currently in college. Would apprectiate some help and am eager to go ahead with my purchased program!

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