Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #23 - The Scoop On Last Week's Gain the E.D.G.E. Live Event

If you have spent any time on this site in the last week, you can’t miss posts about the event and how excited people were who attended.

In this video Dean gives you a sneak peak at what the live event looked like.

If you missed it, you did miss a great experience and with an abundance of information, but don't fret!

There's no reason you can't succeed with what you have.

To get an idea of what took place during the event watch this clip and listen to a BIG tip from one of Dean's star students, Matt Larson.

The main discussion about the event is taking place here:

Attendees are posting pics/albums of the event here:

Enjoy Clip, Too Short

Hi Dean, Thanks for that little clip, though too short however, one could understand. We should have been there, but next year. I must thank all the members of the DG family for sharing what little information for those who were unable to make it this year. I know next year I will be in a better position to attend.
God Bless.


Wow...I was on stage in the clip!!

All States Investments's picture

Hi My DG Friends,


I just wanted to tell you how excited we (Tom & Debby) were after this event. Debby hasn't taken the phone from her ear since we arrived back in Wisconsin. We are truly pumped!! We have 4-5 people on our buyers list already. We have several properties that we are going to put offers on sooooon. I still haven't even tried with the notes much yet....but I will.

Love to All,
Tom 4

Yes, the clip is too short, more please

Just want to understand what Matt said in the short clip about avoiding cheap properties with too much competition. I have the exact problem.
Pardon me that I am not the sharpest one here. Does he mean to go for properties that are not cheap in terms of asking price therefore very few people make offers on, and he goes ahead anyway put in offers with 30-50% off asking price , or does he mean the properties with fair asking price but still got very few offers, which usually means the property has too many problems or too much repair work needed? Please enlighten me.

Some Clarification

acinvestments's picture

What Matt was getting at is the homes listed at the lowest price is going to get the most offers. The homes that have been on the market for over 90 days, that may be over priced, but have dropped the price may be a better opportunity.

Get the Realtor on your power team to pull aged listings (90+ days on the market with 1 or 2 price reductions). As stated above these may not be the lowest priced homes, but they had drawn the least amount of attention.

If you make a low offer on one of these and they've had no other offers they may just take yours. Just a different approach to get homes without trying to be one in 100.

Additionally, if you combine this with a Cash offer (either your cash, a partner's cash or $ from a hard money lender) you will have an even greater chance of getting the offer accepted. They've had it listed for a long time and since you have cash and can close quickly they can move on quicker.

Wish I was there!

R.E.Budda's picture

I wished I was able to go to the conference! Sounds like everyone had a great time and got some great ideas as well.

Loved your "Profit from Real Estate Right Now" book Dean! I'm going to buy your other book and products as well. You give solid information that's easy to understand and its very motivational.

To Future Success!
Thanks! Smiling

Thank you Chip and Andrew!

Appreciated the info very much. That saves me tons of time. You guys are awesome!

Gain the EDGE pictures!

dgmod's picture

We compiled all of our pictures from the live event. To check them out, simply click on the link.

E.D.G.E. Pictures

Well our sincere thanks to be able to view all those pictures. They are well arrange and the prints are clean. Great job.


Great Weekly Blog and clip

Indiana-Joe's picture

I enjoy the weekly blog each week and this was no exception. It was nice to see a clip form the live event. I hope a DVD will be available. Thanks for providing such great information and giving us a chance to make some great memories. Believe and Achieve! Smiling


MyDestiny's picture

Thanks for the insight. Even though I wasn't there at the event, It's great to be able to have the opportunity to see and hear what took place. Today was a day that making a plan B was part of the forum that I took part in. This video talked about being able to take a new direction.Plan B. When diversity hits. Go a different root to be able to achieve your goals. Stop at nothing. Thanks for the confirmation. Continued success..............

Realtor on Power Team

Veronica's picture

What if you are just getting started an don't have a realtor. Do you contact a realtor and ask for the 90+ day listing?

Realtor on Power Team

Veronica's picture

What if you are just getting started an don't have a realtor. Do you contact a realtor and ask for the 90+ day listing?