Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #38 - Dean is Coming to You!

Last week Dean asked for your ideas about his next show. This week Dean reveals what he has planned for his next show, and he might be knocking on your door! Dean also had an extra copy of the EDGE program sitting on his desk and is giving it away to someone on the site. Watch this week's video to learn more about all of these developments!

Hi Dean!!

veryinterested's picture

The new commercial sounds awesome!!! And flying from state to state is a great idea!

My name is Bob Ross, I live in Santa Maria, Ca. I bought the EDGE program and although I have not bought any property I am sooooo freakin excited, as I reviewed the DVD'S and read the book it got me so pumped up I cant wait to start my REI club and use the EDGE program to gain many properties. I know with the EDGE program your planning on giving away, it will "spark a flame" with the person you give it too! After the person review's it, with all the hands on tools the book has to offer, will motivate the person to want to put there REI career in high gear. I am very excited for them, the idea of someone getting the EDGE program pump's me up even more.


Yeaaaaaaaa Dean

Dean you always come up with good ideas to keep us going.If it was`nt for this site and your blogs, I would have giving up long ago. So thanks to Dean, Rina, and all the rest !!!

Just Awesome

jkelly1's picture

Hey Dean,
My wife and I just checked out the blog for this week and found out that you are giving the edge home study course away. I would love the opportunity to receive a free copy. The truth is that I've done three deals in my investing career and currently we are in a bit of a slump. So with that being said, we may not need the program quite as much as some newbie's which don't know which way to turn. However, if we were given the chance, there's no doubt that we would make the absolute most of it. So if we aren't the ones that will receive it, then I hope and pray that the individuals that receive the copy make the absolute best of it. I think if they are successful, then we will all be happy for them. Either way, we think the coolest thing that people like yourself, that are well off can do, is give back to others. I know because of these types of good acts your business and life will continue to prosper.

Hi Dean

Im from Chespeake VA. My name is Luis but my friends call me Lou Smiling I was watching your TV show late night and You made me feel like i can become a real estate investor. Dean I will order your new book soon. I wish I can do it now! Anyways I wish you much success in your new book dean:) I hope it will make my dream come true! God bless you and your family:)


Thanks for not giving up on us

Hey Dean! Lee here from Southern Wisconsin. I just want to say thanks for keeping on us until we succeed, sometimes we second guess ourselves but you keep believing in us and sometimes that makes all the difference in the world. You've got great tools! right now I am getting my buyers list together along with my website and setting up the automated system. I working getting my team together. I am so excited to find that first KILLER DEAL!
Thanks again Dean and to everyone out there in the DG family!

It's Got To Be My Time

Hello, Dean this is Andrea Jenkins and I don't have a long drawn out story like the rest of the family but I bought the product read the book and the success stories saw another commercial where the latest book didn't come in my package and I couldn't afford to purchase a simple twenty dollar success book that might change my life because I'm a single parent working and going to school full time and now as i text I'm in a custody battle with my kids father so if anybody deserves this hopefully you would consider me so me and my children can be one of the new success stories because they are my team.

Im just getting started

But WOW as a disabled Vet I have seen how commitment and caring can change lives in tremendous ways and Deans program and message boards are some of the finest tools backed by people who trult care about the success of others. Thank You and Im on my way to seeing ALL my dreams come true.



Hi Dean,
We have just purchased your book and are brand new. We look forward to learning all you have to teach us and the success that will follow. We must admit to being a little sceptical, but we want you to prove us wrong and that your system does really work.
Hopefully we will win the Edge. Thanks for the opportunity.
Joe & Mary Ann

Winning Your Book

Hi Everybody!
I am looking forward to possibly winning a new book. I just received your 3 books in the mail and I am getting ready to read them.

In l989 I worked as a part-time real estate agent in Cleveland, OH. I now live in a DC suburb located in Northern VA. I am really looking forward to this new opportunity!

Great Website and People. Have a gr8 day everybody!

Hi Everyone

My name is Calvin Peoples and I've been investing for 7 years now and in the first 4 years I did great. I love investing in Real Estate. I'd like to learn more about short sales in order to gain equity in properties also do more deals. In the last 3 years my kidney's failed and put me out of the game for awhile anyway I'm feeling better and ready to get back in the business bigger and better. I'm working on a short sale now it's been on the market for 1 year now and in florida a new law states I need to hold on to the home for 90 days then I can sell it. Wow they are making invester's job tougher. Well thank you all for being great and insperational,It gives me ideas.


Great book!

Dear Dean & Staff!
I am not the most active member on this great page, as I have so much to learn first. I just finished reading both your books, and love to get a hold on all the great information on this page.

I enjoy your videos and blogs!

Thank you for your great spirit and passion in this game.

Regards Stormy.

The EDGE giveaway!

Hello Dean,

I was unable to purchase the EDGE and I a happy that you are providing and opportunity for some of us to recieve it for free. I am taking class with an out placement service and this has become an interesting and challenging season. I heard a comment that I want to share with others
" It's a great day when your forced to work up to your potenial!"

Thank you for the opportunity.


Not a newbie but still trying to do the First Deal

They say that once you get the past the first one that they all become easier after that. I believe that which is why I continue to stay in the fight. I'm trying to look at everything that I can, retail, wholesale, rehab, and pre-foreclosure. I have started partnering up with other investors to help me gain the experience of being out there. I have been working at real estate for 4 years soon to be five. It was then that I took a look at where I was both financially and emotionally that I made the decision to get into real estate. I have regretted the decision but I'll admit there have been times that I wondered why its been so tough.
I hooked up with you and the people on the this forum during the Blitz and I check regularly to see what I can learn from the people who post here. Reading about regular people that have gotten their First deal motivates me to push more and work harder. Everyone that posts here please keep in that in mind that there are 1000's of us out here that look to you for our inspiration to pick up the phone and call the seller, look at a property, and try to put it all together. I can't wait to join the ranks of the First. Much success to you all.

thanks again Dean!

this is Joe from NY,
have had the book for couple months now, have been digesting all the info and sry to say have yet to get my first deal done, not by lack of info or teachings,i am in the academy right now!!!!! it's been really tough though since my girlfriend and i broke up i am homeless living in my tent and dont have that easy access to a computer(no excuse i know),but my mind set isn't as clear as it should be...but i'm working through this and am still excited about real estate!!!
anyways, thank you all for the support and info and wish everyone great success!!!!

I've never posted on a blog before

I'm new to all of this blogging -- not sure how to even post a comment -- but I am very excited to begin learning how to use all Dean's info! I am in the midst of programming a website (pages and pages) so won't be able to get started for another month or two, but would love to send my son The Edge to help him and his wife get started too. Thanks for all you do Dean.


Hi Dean, I kinda feel guilty posting right, but i guess I HAVE to try something. I've been watching you on TV for years, I bought your books, and I recieve your news letters. I do all this from sidelines. I want to make a change, and actually need to. My wife, Nancy, has developed some health problems that pevent her from working. therefore, dramatic drop in household income. Lack of funds prevented me from purchasing THE EDGE.I'm hoping this might be a way to obtain one.
I am a Licensed Land Surveyor in N.J. So I am involved with Real Estate all the time. Its time for me to take advantage of that. You (and all of your posters) are starting to inspire me.
Thank You, Rich

Staying Focused

Since I recieved your books in april it seems I have beened pulled all different directions. I am finally goint to launch the FFA system this week and praying for the best. You are always an inspiration on this site and keep that spark of hope glowing. I just have to stay focused and believe in my self. I'll let you know how it goes.

Thanks for all that you do and for all you provide.

God Bless
San Angelo, TX

Hold my hand

TTRON's picture

I am scared! lol
I watch you blogs and read the material but I still don't know where to start! I need that course!
I do IT installs and travel all over the country. It has been very slow this year and I am ready to put 100% into real estate. I want to be you next success story! I am sure I can do it, but I am the kind of Show Me person that needs to be shown it!
Congraqtulations all you Winners out there! Hopefully I will be one soon! Smiling

Dean - You are the best

culligan4's picture


My name is Joe Culligan. I have been following your career ever since my wife bought me your first book. I have always been skeptical of people in your business, with good reason. You, my friend, are the real deal and you have won me over. Unfortunately I was too late to get "The Edge" program when you first offered it but I am truly hoping you will offer it again. You are truly an inspiring person. Thanks for everything.

Joe Culligan

The Edge

Dean, I just wanted to say the you are a sincere man and what you say there are no smoke and mirrors. You are a man of integrity and I thank you for that.

When one gets involve with you, you do not spam like others who teach about real estate do. You really want to help others and not rob them. You continue to keep your students going by staying by the sides and keeping in contact with then, informing and coaching them not to give up. You want all your student to succeed.

When one buys your program not only do they get your program they also get all the help from your team and this website. Like I said you are truly a man of integrity.

And now your giving away The Edge to one person which could change their life. You truly want to help others.

Again I want to thank you and your team trying to help so many people to make a difference in their lives.

Kevin J. Farmer


I have been a student of yours for aproxamently three years now I have allways been in Realistate since I was 23 years old I am now 68 I have become a invester the last 3 years there are a loy of people that do more deals than I but I truly enjoy the chalenges that are involved.I mainley do lease options.I do them all over the country I enjoy moving to new places and meeting new people Your books and courses have given me this opertunity.
Thank You

New to this!

Dean I think it's great that you are coming out and visit with the regular people, the student of your great program so that Us beginers know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

Dean keep the blogs coming, and I can't wait to get the nerve to do my first deal.



Hello Dean, My name is Tanya and i just watched your blog and i want to say thank you for all you do. I truly belive you are send by God to help people better their lives and to reach there full potential. I currently have your book but i have not done any deals yet, but i do believe before the year is out i will. Thank you again for all you do.

Tanya Benjamin

A Great Opportunity

Hi Dean
I have listened to your videos and I want to be apart of a winning team. My desire to learn and grow a financial profolio is one of my goals. I would love to learn from someone as successful as you.


Hi Dean my name is Javier,

Hi Dean my name is Javier, I'm from Long Island, NY. I just i am also a student at your acadamy. I'ts been a little over six month since i started. Let me tell you i have follow every thing just as i was instructed, but been very unsussecful. I even form an LLC. I follow your bliz but was not able to get the edge. I am not giving up not yet i know i can do this. Once i get my first deal it would make everything else much better. In my area things are not that easy. Your blogs and the story from other people keeps me motivated.

Thanks Dean


This is an awesome site


Hello All,

I first want to thank you for allowing me to be a part of this wonderful empire we all have grown to love and appreciate; DG and

I have become familiar with DG and just like many others by watching the infomercials and I read the "Profit from Real Estate Now" book. I have not done any deals and the confidence, although high, is a bit low at this point. What do I mean? I KNOW, that I can be successful given the proper training and guidance and I know that once I do my first deal, sky's the limit. I want to join the Success Academy, but the finances are not aligned with the cost associated with the academy. This academy will work wonders for me. This is OUTSIDE of my own personal goals of wanting to live a better life. This is for my family! My mother who was forced into retirement and can no longer work; who has never had a good running car and has struggled most of her life. My neice and nephew who I don't want to live the same life that I lived. I'm not here to give you a sob story, but I'm telling you, once I get my first deal done, you will hear the name over and over again. With the guidance and direction from the man above, along with your successful track record, there is no reason why I cannot be a highly successful REI...

Thank you all for your time... I continue to read the posts' and blogs and ideas. Thank you all for offering your support and wisdom to one another. I am definitely looking forward to sharing in the same success that you have attained thus far.

Make it a great day!

Holy Smokes!

laurajohnson's picture

Look at what this weekly blog generated! Dean it never ceases to amaze me how you inspire people to dig deep and find the courage to believe in themselves and pursue their dreams - and on top of that provide the tools for them to do it with! So saying thank you to you for changing my life never gets old - THANK YOU Smiling And to whoever wins that copy of the will be on the edge of your seat just burning with desire to finish watching them and go out and take action! Best of luck to everyone!

Not exactly sure what I'm doing

Dan Wos's picture

But, I know I'm moving forward because sellers and renters are calling me. Thanks for all the inspiration. See you at the Million dollar line.


Thanks for the life changing potential!

I just recently received Dean's books(reading them now)and am already excited about the potential.I've also been getting Dean's encouraging Emails. That's how I found out about this site and his offer to win the FREE "Edge" program. After looking over the blogs, emails, etc. I can see there is already a built-in support system that I will definitely tap into an, hopefully, contribute to VERY SOON!
Thanks so much.

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