Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #184 - Logical Decisions

Are you emotionally driven? Most people are. We let our emotions drive our actions. Your emotions can be powerful motivators or they can cause destructive lack of action.

This week, we talk about taking the emotion out of the decision process. It allows you to take ownership of your life and your actions, as well as gain the confidence you need in all areas. This can do everything from changing the way you feel about yourself to dramatically changing the economy in your house.

Watch it now and as a special surprise, you'll find out how anyone who leaves a comment on this blog this week can get a FREE digital copy of my bestselling book 'Totally Fulfilled.'

Always great

Davemchs's picture

Love all your weekly wisdoms...and everything else you say. I was at a free seminar 2 months ago and decided to become a student. I had a construction company with one business partner and 0 employees at the time.

Currently I'm halfway through completely rehabbing a four plex along with three other jobs with atleast 20 people working with me.

I have a meeting tomorrow to buy the best dance club in town...with none of my own money...I think I can get it for 50-100k and everything in it is brand new! Your weekly wisdom videos/classes/and everything on here gave me the confidence and negotiating techniques I never even thought of. SO SIMPLE when you say keep your mouth shut and ears open!!!

Because of you I've created so many new jobs and helped boost my local economy, all within 2 months. You, along with everyone I've met associated with you, I believe will boost are nations economy and help make this even a better country to live in.


Thanks Dean!

Thanks for the Weekly Wisdom you provide for us. It's definitely something we all need to stay motivated and keep things in perspective. I am still in search of my first deal.Im much closer now than ever before. I will get one soon!
By the way, I have not read "Totally Fulfilled" and would really like a copy.

Thoughts, Words, Actions

KANE Investments's picture

Dean, incredible, powerful video. Channel the emotions into positive energy and positive thoughts. Springboard the thoughts into words that dictate actions to succeed. Its the only way. Thank you DEAN!


randy428's picture

Another great blog, Thinks for putting the time for this each week.



randy428's picture

Another great blog, Thinks for putting the time for this each week.


I could use a copy of the book!

pinballdan's picture

It's one book I don't have so it would be great to get it online.Still trying to figure out how to get deal number 2!

Thanks a million, Dean!

Great blog - love following your updates.

Thank you Dean!


Love to kick off the week...with weekly wisdom.

Your 'Monday Mindset' carries me

placeholderprops's picture

Dear Dean,

Your passion reawakens and resonates with my own, allowing me to re-imagine my own, better life and how that will help make the world better. The DG Family exudes the freedom to be ourselves and shine that out in whatever form that might take, without judgment or fear. I feel more connection to you and more support from you than I do from the people I've worked for for 10 years. Imagine that.

Thanks for everything!

I'll bite!

Capesquad's picture

I'm in with both feet. Are we trending yet on twitter?

Thanks Dean!

Joining the DG Family

EstateLady01's picture

I recently went to your Event here in Frederick Md. after watching the infomercial over and over again. I am now Headed to your 3 day class in Washington D.C. and I am so excited. I believe that emotionally I jumped into the DG Family at first. Listening and GETTING INVOLVED and TAKING CHARGE of my own life and destination is really what I needed to hear. Your opportunity is the most Logical Opportunity I have seen and heard in many years. As you can see I have already joined your site hers viewed and read some books that came with the event. OVERWHELMED yes but I have the confidence and courage to go forth and not to mention teams that have been developed surrounding me,to give me that support I will need. Thanks Dean.

Great Weekly Video; I'll share it!

Ter Scott's picture

Dean; awesome as usual. You not only talk the talk, but you walk the walk; the “fruit is on the tree”. I know this is the right time in history to do real estate and to use it to help others in my immediate sphere of influence. I’ve met some of the people in the Boots on the Ground program and I believe in you and your programs because of what I’ve experienced in one word: “integrity”. Keep up the great work in taking action and teaching others to take action to fulfill their dreams and help this economy and country in the corner of the USA they live.
Ter Scott


Thank you Dean.

There you go...Over delivering again!


sakrificer's picture

Dean, I have been away for some time and was thinking about this site while omw to work this morning, just as I sit down at my desk I got a email... it was you... how awsome is that?!?

Things have calmed down in my life a bit and now I want to try this real estate investing again... but I need a partner, someone put me to work! Please help and change my life!!!

Kevin W.
Just msg me and we can exchange info...


It should be logical that this video becomes the most watched, it was great!!

Market coming back

Dean It seems the market is back on the upswing in my area like you said. I spoke with my mortgage broker and she said she is writing so many mortgages right now she can't hardly believe it. I am getting excited. Thanks for the messages every week.

5/21/2012 Wisdom Video

Thank you Dean for the encouragement! Anything that you write is very worth reading. As always, thank you for the oppotunities!

David P. Kushner, Tampa, Fl.

Thanks, Dean!

Hey Dean,
Another insightful blog. I think many people start with an emotional decision then second guess themselves with logic and reasoning. If the decision is solid, the logic and reasoning will support that emotional decision. I've found that 'go with your gut' is often the best way to go. Your own instincts are usually right!

Take care,

Action born of emotion can

Action born of emotion can be powerful while inaction born of emotion is paralysis. That's what I got from this. Action is taking logical steps toward making a difference in a way your heart is leading you to change the world. Failure to act is not logical or anti-emotional, it is letting fear overwhelm you.

This comes at a perfect moment

Dean, I just got back from the Edge Buying Summit this weekend--truly one of the most exciting, informative weekends of my life. I invested in my self-directed retirement account and am going to be making 1555.00 a month from a note and a rental property. This is money that had been stagnant and even losing value over the last few years. I will be making more money a month than I made last year in the account this replaced.

My daughter and my guy both think I was taken advantage of. And the idea that I could find and make deals on my own is ludicrous to them. At first I was so angry I could have just spit-- an expression my beloved grandmother used to use. Instead I am determined to push on and prove them wrong.

I will send this video to them because support instead of opposition would make my life easier. Thanks so much, Dean!


Looking forward to reading your new book.


I agree with you 1,000%. YOU ARE RIGHT ON !

Now is the time...and this is the place!!

Looking forward to reading my new book.

Thank you !!

Truth & Logic

I can not say anymore than what you constantly hammer home, giving us a wealth of "knowledge" a tried true and tested plan" inspiring us to take action, one has to remember that nothing from nothing leaves nothing, if you want a better life, to enjoy life, "then one must take action, test the waters, step in get your feet wet, leave all the negatives out, stop being critical of yourself, refocus, retool on the postive side, truly work hard at success!
Thanks Dean for this opportunity!

Truest statement ever.

Most people are scared of the unknown and it's always easier to do nothing and be afraid to branch out, because most people are taught to be safe and don't go against the grain. I am the type of person who likes shake things up and know that there is a better way. But sometimes even the most confident people will sucome to negativity from the ones we came about the most. I feel the key is sometimes you've got to walk alone despite what anyone says. My point is I agree with Dean. No matter what others say, always jump for the moon an atleast you'll catch a star.

Good Stuff Dean

Thank's Dean.

Even though I haven't yet tried Real Estate, your stuff is so interesting that I am considering to do so.

What's the first step for a total novice guy?

Thanks for your offer, also.

It'd be great to receive your book.


Charalampos, Greece

Thanks Dean

drewjk1's picture

Thanks for the interaction here - with 2 rehabs complete, I've been in a rut waiting for them to sell. Easy to get frustrated.

I agree

Of course the time to buy Real Estate is now. Many deals out there just need to pull the trigger.

great video

Another home run! But this one should be called Daily Wisdom. If you watch this video first thing every morning, with that first cup of coffee and it doesn't get you going, head directly to the emergency room, because something's definitely wrong with you!

fear of success and fear of failure


Making a plan and following the plan, setting up the business and staying on the system's track and taking that first step. Please pray for me to do the following so that I can proceed and start the engine of this machine. The deals are there just need to set up the system correctly, to minimize the profit leaks.

Thanks for your encouragement. Blessing to all.

Spreading the word!

I see a lot of improvement in my home town of Columbus Ga. in the real estate arena. I admit, I haven't tried doing a deal as of yet, but my son is truly inspiring to do so (his desire is great.

I do want to see the economy improve so I will definitely spread the word on this.