Weekly Wisdom #337- Weekly Wisdoms Are Back!!! (The Art of Persuasion)

I know it's been awhile since my last Weekly Wisdom, but the good news is that THEY ARE BACK!!! For those of you new to the DG Family, this week's video explains EXACTLY what my Weekly Wisdoms are all about!

And the actual topic of this week's Weekly Wisdom is persuasion... So many of you have asked me how to better market yourself and better persuade people to listen and agree with you, so I just had to share some of my personal tips. Watch now!

Power of Persuasion

KaylaSluka517's picture

Awesome video Dean! This is really great info and I know that I need it. Many times we find ourselves self-conscious about our perceived shortcomings that we totally forget about the other party. Good stuff.


CaliTony's picture

great stuff Dean, i got your course and cant wait to start it!


CaliTony's picture

great stuff Dean, i got your course and cant wait to start it!

How timely....

AndyS's picture

This week's "wisdom" has come at such a great time for me. I am in a situation right now with the roommate where I need to persuade her to move forward and not harp on the past. She's trying to start a new life, a better life than one she had been living but is so focused on the grades and not the information in her classes that I fear she will once again be a professional student and not an income earning individual ( which is what she is trying to be.)
As I'm typing this, I may have got my answer..... 7 levels deep! Now, to persuade her to do it.

I'm also in the new class Laughing out loud, can't wait to get started. I thought I read that someone already had the program but I haven't yet received my login info. Hopefully it comes this week.

Thanks once again for such great wisdom. Smiling

Andy Sager
DG's AndyS
CFIC & IE member
2013, 14 & 15 EDGE alumni Laughing out loud

Weekly Wisdom #337- (The Art of Persuasion )

SKL Properties's picture

Hi Dean,

To your Weekly Wisdom " Welcome Back "

Persuasion is a very strong, and powerful tool.....Smiling

Thank you for sharing.....xo


Dean you good!

Dean, You are an amazing guy. Your site provides Positive energy with positive results in life and in real estate. If I ever meet you I will have to squeeze the suffins all out of you for helping thousands of people that of course includes me.

Thank you! much!


Hi Dean i am really looking forward to your teaching on Persuasion in a great way.Thanks Dean.


You were right on. Most people don't think of the other person. It is all about getting their say and not really knowing the other person. I will use what you have said to really listen to people and then learn about them.

30 days to real estate cash.

I got your book last year but was in school finishing my masters degree and had other issues going on. But I'm ready to put all things aside and start making my life better. I am looking forward to learning and doing better for myself and to help other people.

Great Message

Thanks again your right you have to be engaged with the other person, you can't learn if your always talking.

Thanks Ray

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