Standing Tall In A World Of Chaos

Everyday it seems that the news in this contry is getting worse and worse. But there is a bit of sunlight at the end - you just have to stay focused and keep your eye on it. Never let it falter and you will prosper.

I am sure that we all know how the real estate market is these days but have you ever stopped to think about the other people on the other side of those foreclosures and short sales that we see as "great deals".

I do not mean, its our fault that we are buying their homes. What I mean is, that is quite a few lives being affected these days and sometimes when approching thses owners we should exercise more consideration. I have posted on this subject more than once, but it still needs saying.

Treat people like you would like to be treated.

I just sat in a meeting with a neighbor and a prospective buyer and I watched this guy downgrade their home, tell them they need to mae improvements, not repairs but improvements, they should pay his closing cost and not only that but they sould take 30K less than what they are asking (which was already 67% of FMV) because if they did not sell to him, they would probably not find a buyer would end up in bankruptcy and foreclosure.

WOW!!.... that was all I could say. I had never in my life seen someone, even other investors, speaks to someone so crudely. You see, they were already going to pay 300.00 towards closing, they were going to even offer to finance 40% of the deal - there house was paid off 100% they just want to move, they are retiring in January from Northropgrumman.

He NEVER asked them anything, he never spoke to them like peole and he never showed on bit of respect - so they promptly SHOWED HIM the door.

I guess I am saying what I always say, just be respectful and considerte when deal with these home owners and always ask pertinent questions and access the situation before you g spouting off and cutting off your own foot. Just stand TALL and keep your head above the rest and you will stand out. Not only to the prospective sellers but to other investors and even those around you.

Thats all


Rina's picture

I can sure appreciate those words. No matter what position you are in or how much "upper hand" you have, it never gives a person the right to treat others disrespectfully. There's no dignity in "shaming" someone into a deal, and even a seller in a bad situation should be able to walk away feeling good as a person. It's hard enough to be losing out on a lot of what they have worked hard for.

Thanks again.


P.S. Glad to see you back. Smiling

Thank You Rina

Anitarny's picture

I am glad to know that. I guess I just vent because I see so much of this kind of disrespect going on from these so called professional investors that it just sickens me.

I always think about the other side myself

lmartin4's picture

I know im responding like a month later but i just joined about a week or so ago. lol. But I just wanted to say that You are right. We should be considerate of others and look at things in their perspective because we all know someone who is going through some troubles. Like you said, that investor was very UNPROFESSIONAL. I don't wish bad things on people, but I do believe "what goes around comes around".


Who ever this person was is just completely out there in pure greed. Never should anyone treat a person like that. We were all created equal. So how you treat and what u think of a person can only reflect on yourself. In a situation like this maybe to pay them 50% of FVM would have made him look like a hero instead of a zero. I really feel sorry for people who think they are better than or more educated than other people. Greed will bring out the worst in all people. Just my thought!!


annettebates's picture

I agree with what everyone said above. I believe "DO UNTO OTHERS AS YOU WOULD HAVE OTHERS DO UNTO YOU". I just can't stand RUDE people.

Annette B


TRSD's picture

They have an expression on wall street....Bulls and Bears make money, Pigs get slaughtered. Obviously, the win-win deal is an unknown concept to this guy.

You can get everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want.
Zig Ziglar, "Secrets of Closing the Sale", 1984


reinvestor42's picture

I wrote 'Don't Be Ruthless and Greedy' about a week or so ago. I have seen/met some of the most ruthless and greedy 'investors' out there and I REFUSE to associate or do business with them PERIOD. Their lack of respect and morals beat all I ever seen. Don't just take their home so you can make ALL the money you can, HELP them and put a couple grand or more in their pocket. It's a shame.