IE Webcast Sneak Preview Replay!

Today we had a training webcast on Insider Elite, and we wanted to give a sneak peek to by showing the first half of the webcast to everyone. By doing so, we hope we can compel those who are not members to give it a try on a trial basis and take advantage of all of the features and services to get the right mindset and take advantage of the unlimited access to the archive of products we have assembled. Please enjoy the first half, and we encourage you to try IE for 30 days and see if you agree that it can take your efforts to the next level. The IE portion of the replay will be posted on Insider Elite.

Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog

Thank you!

Wow this is great. I'm new to this site and I am glad I caught this. I have dabbled with real estate in the past but I never got very far listening to the people I was listening to and this is going to change now. The things I have seen so far on this site makes feel like I can do this again. Thank you all.

Great Stuff

David and Kerry's picture

Hey Dean,
First I loved the live cast, really great information. I am taking the 30 day trial and I have to say that although I love this site, I am so blown away with insider elite. I have three properties almost locked up, I'm meeting the lawyer this week. I have been going through the 30 day quick cash formula, and it's just great. I think my favorite part of IE are the daily wisdom videos. I have my first life coach session tomorrow so we'll see how that goes. Honestly when you first came out with this program I was a little depressed because I couldn't afford it. I always say that i'll close something and use the money to invest in myself. Instead I end up letting life suck me back into what I know best, work more hours and scrape by. I couldn't resist your offer, I spend 40 bucks on a Pizza night for the family, how could I not try it? The value is unbelievable and if nothing else I'm motivated to succeed so I wont have to give it up (that sounds bad). Anyone else reading this, if your not at least trying the trial offer...
1)you're missing out and
2)it's not because you can't afford it, your scared...but you don't have to be.
Dean...thank you, thank you, thank you!

Dean & Joe

Valiant's picture


You are such a dynamic duo. In fact you guys have inspired me so much that I have come up with the perfect Christmas Gift for you to give the DG family.

Please don't wait cause time is of the essence.



Valiant's picture

Please, please, please contact me.

I believe you can pass this info on to all the DG family and help them big time before CHristmas. This idea is just that good.

Please contact me.


Dean and Joe

I was at my computer at the appointed time and then was disappointed because the audio was so broken. I tried everything to make it happen. It occured to me that maybe I was not suppose to get in on the live call for whatever reason. I took it as a loss and went on with the day. Now this evening at 9:00 pm I decided to try for the replay and what do you know. It worked. I took lots of notes and look forward to getting some positive results. Unfortunately I can not take advantage of your Insiders Elite. Financially I am worse off this year than last and it saddens me to say so. The last thing I want is for anyone and especially you to look at me in a negative way. Anyway, I just wanted you to know I was there and I want to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I will attend Trinity Cathedral Christmas Eve services and work from home on business.