Automated Foreclosure Finder vs. Foreclosure Alert (AFF vs FAL)

Automated Foreclosure Finder vs. Foreclosure Alert (AFF vs FAL)

What is the difference between the Foreclosure Alert Online System and the Automated Foreclosure Finder Suite??


Automated Foreclosure Finder

Automated Foreclosure Finder is a system designed to get people facing foreclosure to find you, instead of the other way around. The 4closure alert notifies you of new foreclosures.

Basically one is designed to help people with a looming foreclosure seek you out for help, the other is for you to get a listing of people going into foreclosure to seek them out to offer help.

They work best together, because with AFF you wait for the deals to come to you, which often means you have the first crack at them, but obviously not everyone will find or come to you in the country that is going into foreclosure. But with the 4closure alert you get to see all the deals so you have a lot to choose from to offer them a solution.

So about the money

Does anyone know how much both of these programs run?


I have just taken a look at the 4ClosureAlert website for the first time today. There are many listings, but only a handful or so have a date listed to let you know if it is recent. Is there any way to tell how recent the listings are? Is there any way to know if one will be wasting time gathering info about a property? Is it possible that properties that have already sold are still on the list? What is the difference between foreclosure and preforeclosure?

Any insight on how to use the website would be helpful!! Thanks.

=== Admin Edit
The program was completely revamped about a month so ago and it is very very slick, with high tech features and mapping. If you haven't tried the latest version, you are missing out.

4closure Alert

It provides the direction and list price and the lister. You have to call and check the present status. The forclosed properties are allready owned by the lender. they have cleared all liens and have clear title. They have done your title search for you. A preforclosure is another term for a short sale. Check my topic under short sales for more info.




How do these people find you if they are not a member or heard of this program?

AFF - vs 4Closure Alert

The AutomatedForeclosure Finder is a system designed to get people facing foreclosure to find you, instead of the other way around.
The 4closure alert notifies you of new foreclosures.
Basically,one is designed to help people with a looming foreclosure, seek you out for help, the other is for you to get a listing of people going into foreclosure toseek them out to offer help.
They work best together, because with AFF, you wait for the deals to come to you,which often means you have the first crack at them, but obviously not everyone will find or come to you in the country that is going into foreclosure. With the 4closure alert, you get to see allthe deals so you have a lot to choose from to offer them a solution. In the 4closurealert, you have to do some leg work, of course, and make calls to see if the properties are still available. The phone number of the listing agent/company is on the full description when you drill down into the system.
The AFF (I am not an authority on this since I don't currently subscribe), it would appear is somehow tied to banner advertising on the internet through the various DG enterprises. It would make sense that they would get placement on Google and other web search engines which people would use -- and/or they could possibly use good ole white mail or newspaper advertising. After all -- he recommends we use newspaper ads to pull people -- he probably has a tested method which is closely watched for profitability and response.

Texas Irish Lady

=== Admin Edit
It is not through banner ads. AFF members get a complete website, automated email responders, recorded messages, flyers, biz cards, automatic lead generators, etc... just super high end solution with a ton of flexibility to use it as little or as much as you want, online or offline. If you take the time to use it, it will be the most valuable tool in your arsenal.


Texas Irish Lady

This Is Powerful Medicine!

See this post for some detailed info...

getting aff

how does one go about getting aff?


Foreclosure Alert - has anyone used this service?


I recently subscribed to this service and was trying to use it.

I did a search. The system came back with a list of results (i.e., list of houses that are in pre or foreclosed conditions).

I used Quick View to view more details about the houses. I noticed that all houses have a value in Transfer Value and Transfer Date. This means that they have been recently SOLD!

Since I intend to use this service to find (unsold) foreclosure houses, this info is not useful to me at all.

Am I correct or am I missing something here?

If anyone has used this service, please kindly share your experience.



Foreclosers in Canada

Hi If anyone knows of some sites I can go to regarding foreclosers in Ontario, Canada would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Brenda

Online Lead Finder

I am looking for beta testers of my updates to my Online Lead Finder software.
Any help testing would be appreciated.

Duncan Wierman

Foreclosure Alert

I have been using the 4closure alert system since I started on 3-22-09. I was trying to figure out some of the same answers posted here and this is what I have found.
When you do a search in a specific area, it will give you the date listed on the right side of the screen. This date listed is referring to the date listed in 4closure Alert system.
It also show the default amount of the property. The way I understand it is, the default amount can be the default amount including penalties, fees and how much is left on the Mortgage. But, it can also be just the amount they are behind on their mortgage. This is how I was told by the guys in Utah. Now, if you go and look at the quick view of the property, it will give you more information. It shows you the Default amount, Original Loan amount, the Borrower Information (only name), then the Attorney Name and Telephone number, along with the date last sold and if you get lucky, the property description.
I have tried this myself. I did a search and found someone I know in there. i called him and asked if his property is in pre-foreclosure.
He had confirmed that he was in the pre-foreclosure status but it is because he was changing his mortgage company. He had also told me that it had only been two weeks and it should be off the list soon. Of course I explained what I could for him and what could happen if it goes any further and that he should straighten this out asap.
All in all, the program does provide useful information and could lead to good deals.
My thinking is, contact the owner over his Attorney or drive by the property and see how much he owes on the property. Maybe the owner wants to get rid of it and you might be able to pick up the property for what he/she owes as a default. If that being the case, check the papers to see if you possibly do a short sale on it and make sure it has enough equity for your profit and of course do your due diligence.

If anyone can add anything to this, it would be very appreciated.




There are only two kinds of people in this world, the realists and the dreamers. The realists know where they're going. The dreamers have already been there.
National Investments & Solutions Group

Does anyone know?

Can both programs be used with Proptrend?

AFF vs 4closure alert system

I ordered both programs and don't understand the difference. Are both programs a one time purchase or monthly subscription fees?

upside down owners

I am trying to purchase a commercial property from a guy who oues 84K on a property worth 44k Tops! He just cant imagine that he would be better off asking the people he bought the property from if they would let him out of the 84k balance he oues on the land contract to let me purchase it directly from the people he oues the 84k to on the land contract. I would offer the original sellers $44,000.00 cash. Anyone think they could offer me any more ideas of how to get these people to co-operate? Thanks, Rick


Yes, I am interested and would like to sign up.


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