Advanced Training/Mentorship Program.... Coaches on the DG Site!

Although I didn’t say HALF of what I meant to on the call with Dean Tuesday night (because I was so doggone nervous! ), I realized I could add to it here. Smiling
There have been a lot of questions this week about Dean’s Success Academy/Mentorship Program, both in the forums and PMs. Thought I'd post a little about it.

I joined in April, 2008 after some quick but thorough research on it, and I would do it again in a heartbeat! I am going through the program (although I wish I could just know it ALL at once!), and it is catapulting my REI so fast I can’t keep up with it! It takes everything in me to keep it at a pace that is manageable, because I just want to implement each new thing I learn in the course. There are just so many strategies that a person can use to make money it’s unbelievable! They are pretty much all in the book (BARM) and in the TALD course, but the coaching curriculum goes into every detail and gives you additional resources. And to have someone you can call almost any hour of the day with a question (oftentimes I’ll call from my cell phone outside the courthouse or right before I meet with the realtor or homeowner) is invaluable!
I just wanted to point out that several of those same coaches are here on the site to share and answer questions! eroberts (Eric), nstreet (Nate), Drew, & rhuges (Ryan), just to name a few. We should not take that for granted! Listen closely to anything these guys have to say. Keep in mind these are EXPERIENCED investors who have been extremely successful and are willing to share with US what they have learned from Dean and from their own experience. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. And certainly we should remember to thank them for being here! As far as I know, it is not a part of their regular jobs, they just come to help because they love doing it.
Even Dean himself reads through the forum posts. He wants every one of his students (that's YOU!!) to succeed!

So, I just wanted to say:
Anyone wondering if the program is legit, I can tell you 100% IT IS!
Anyone wondering if it is worth it, again, 100% IT IS!
If you are willing to put in your time and effort and are willing to learn, there is no way you CAN’T make money! And like Dean said Tuesday night, there is no other opportunity available that can make you the amount of money REI can with the amount of time/effort that it takes to do it.

I wish success to each of you out there that is making the choice to take the plunge and turn your life around! And remember, we are here as your DG family to do what we can to encourage and support you in your decision!

God bless,



dmoney_david's picture

Pssh you weren't nervous at all girl! Spoke like a pro! Laughing out loud

Awesome info and blog here. Pretty soon i will definitely be joining Dean's Success Academy/Coaching Program.... It sounds even more incredible and will be a great tool to use everyday on my REI journey!

Thanks for the great post Rina! You rock!

God Bless,


Rina's picture

David, I wish you all the best in your REI! I like how you put it. Dean's programs and systems are all TOOLS to help us make our REI successful. WE are still the implementers. Without dedication and commitment, and using those tools in the correct way, no program in the world will work for us.

Use it all and you'll go beyond your expectations! Smiling


Hi! to Everyone

Kanbee's picture

My name is Aniekan, A US Navy Veteran from San Diego, here in Southern California. If you have been following the housing trends lately, you will understand that San Diego has been one of the bigger Californian cities hit the hardest in the housing crisis. I just finished reading Dean's book and just couldn't sit here and let this great opportunity slip through my fingers. I have been on this site for days now trying to find out if this would be a great fit for me, I finally made up my mind that this is home.Do we have any San diegans here in the house? If we do,I send my shout-outs to y'll. I really appreciate all the contributions put together here on this site, and you guys will be seeing me here more often. Kudos to everyone out there in the DG Family, and I can't wait to share wits with you guys.
Thanks Guys.

Hi Aniekan.

Rina's picture

It's really great to have you join us!
This is a great place to call home! Honestly, I can't imagine a more supportive environment to learn and grow in REI. And, yes, you will find a good number of people here in your area.

We look forward to hearing more from you and sharing in the excitement of your successes!

Stick around. You'll love it!

God bless,


Hi Aniekan

Elena M's picture

Welcome to the DG family/forum as I refer to it, I'm your welcome hostess, HA HA! Rina calls me that, but seriously we're glad you've made the decision to go for it and join us here. We're looking forward to you jumpin in and sharing your wits anytime. Start your own journal as well and enjoy the ride! Eye-wink
God bless you,


Hi! Elina

Kanbee's picture

How are you doin' you must be waking up, while we here in the west coast are getting ready to go to bed. What State are you in....its midnight over here. Thanks for your response Elina.

My regards!


Hello! Rina

Kanbee's picture

Thanks for the warm welcome. I am already fired up, to find out there is help ahead from a friend in Texas to help us with our deals, I would like to learn more about that too, because I would like to hit the ball out the park earlier than I thought, I think that message was posted initially by Sistreat right?

My regards


Hey, Aniekan.

Rina's picture

Check this thread
I think that's the one you're talking about. Smiling

Well, it's 2am here. Got to sign off. But I'm very glad I got to meet you. Can't wait to hear about your first "home run". Smiling

God bless,


Hey Aniekan!

Elena M's picture

I'm also on the west coast in AZ, it's midnight here too... LOL! What state are you in?
Yeah, I'm going to bed here in a few, but we're glad you're here so make yourself at home and feel free to start your own journal as well ok? We'll talk to you soon!
God bless you,
ELENA Laughing out loud

HI Aniekan

jmarie's picture

I to am a wave USN east coast
Now i'm trying to learn about makin the money
from jmarie in texas

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