Weekly Wisdom #359 - A Lesson From Thomas Jefferson?

You've probably heard me say time and time again that success principals and success habits haven't changed over time. The same mindset that made someone successful 100 years ago can still be applied to today's generation!

And today I want to share an incredibly powerful success habit from Thomas Jefferson. Such a brilliant man, and when I was reading through his biography I knew I had to share this with my DG Family!

Watch now!

And also, as I mentioned in this week’s Weekly Wisdom, to get two of my best-selling books for free, go to http://www.deansfreebook.com.

Weekly Wisdom #358- Special Weekly Wisdom!!

In this week's special Weekly Wisdom I want to share some incredible tips I learned this past week at my "Genius Network" meeting. I was able to take away some amazing tidbits from the likes of Joe Polish, Tony Robbins, Peter Diamandis and John Paul Dejoria (the founder of Paul Mitchell). And I want to share some of them with you this morning!

And also, as I mentioned in this week’s Weekly Wisdom, to get two of my best-selling books for free, go to http://www.deansfreebook.com.

Deal #16 closed, $10,000 assignment fee!

Hello DG family,
I wanted to say Hi and post my latest deal for everyone and so the newbies who haven't done a deal yet can see that this works!
I just closed my biggest assignment deal 2 days ago. I walked out of the title company with a check for $10,000!!! And it was a FREE lead that I got form CRAIGSLIST!

Weekly Wisdom #357- What Are You Thinking!?

In this Week's Weekly Wisdom I have a very powerful message about what you believe and the effect it has on the outcome of your life... Do you believe that you can do whatever you want in life? Do you believe in yourself? Because if you don't... then this Weekly Wisdom is something you MUST see!

Watch now!

And also, as I mentioned in this week’s Weekly Wisdom, to get two of my best-selling books for free, go to http://www.deansfreebook.com.

Weekly Wisdom #356 - Is Talent Overrated?

What if I told you talent is completely overrated? What if I told you that your success depends on something COMPLETELY different than how much talent you were born with? Would you believe me?

Well watch this week's Weekly Wisdom and let me tell you what thing is WAY more important to your success than talent!

And also, as I mentioned in this week’s Weekly Wisdom, if you are interested in a $1 trial as an Insider Elite member then simply go to http://www.deansinsider.com.

Weekly Wisdom #355 - Your Life Depends On It...

In this week's Weekly Wisdom I want to discuss a powerful message I pulled from a book I am currently reading. And with that message comes a question...

How amazing, abundant, joyous and full of success would your life be, if you treated those areas as-if "your life depended on it"?

Well at the end of the day... doesn't your life depend on it? Watch this powerful message and let me tell you why treating these areas of your life like "your life depends on it" is an essential part of experiencing the life you've always dreamed of! Watch now!

And remember, to get two of my best-selling books for free, go to http://www.deansfreebook.com.

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