Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #316 - Stop lying to yourself!

In this week’s Weekly Wisdom, Dean wants to discuss why he thinks it is TRULY time to stop lying to ourselves.
Yep, you heard that right… lying to ourselves.
And look, it’s something everyone does… many people unknowingly.
But it’s something we need to seriously work on, something we need to cut from our daily habits immediately…
So watch this week’s Weekly Wisdom and hear what Dean has to say about “Lying to ourselves"

Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #315: Dean’s 30-day challenge for YOU!

Who doesn’t LOVE a good challenge?! Smiling
Watch this week’s Weekly Wisdom and find out what Dean’s personal 30-day challenge to you is!
Let’s see how many people are brave enough to accept it!
Be brave… be courageous… accept the challenge… and don’t look back Smiling

Student Weekly Wisdom #22: Following Up with John Wakefield

Being prepared for the follow up call from your Bandit Signs is crucial. You want to keep those leads fresh, and follow through to your end goal. There are many ways to use the networking that comes from these signs, and today John and Julie Wakefield are going to show you how!
So watch today’s video and learn the art of the "bandit sign follow through..."

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Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #314 - iPhone 6 Winner Announced!

Dean has some KILLER information to share with you this week! First off, find out who the lucky winner of the iPhone 6 is! You'll also find out how Dean is giving a hand UP to a few lucky military veterans.

Lastly Dean gives you a tool that can help get in a better state of mind, or get out of a funk, because let’s be honest, being in a funk sucks... So watch this week’s Weekly Wisdom, and start your week in the RIGHT state of mind.

You won’t regret it Smiling

Student Weekly Wisdom #21: How to Problem Solve with Keith Boley

Rehabs come in many shapes and sizes... And this week Keith incorporates this rehab and his problem solving skill to turn a negative into a positive. And he wants to share with you how to do the same.

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Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #313: What Is Your PERSONAL Mission Statement?

In this week’s Weekly Wisdom Dean discusses the importance of finding our own personal mission statement.

Because when we have the ability to find our own mission statement we then have our directions… we get our map to that dream person we want to be... our destination.

And when you hear what Dean has to say in this week’s Weekly Wisdom you will realize that there is a life out there that you are destined to live... a life intended for you specifically, and you don’t have to be pigeon toed or stuck in a life that feels just a little off or that you don’t love every second of.

If you want it... if you want that dream life... it is attainable, and in this week’s video Dean will share with you how.

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