Dean has some KILLER information to share with you this week! First off, find out who the lucky winner of the iPhone 6 is! You'll also find out how Dean is giving a hand UP to a few lucky military veterans.
Lastly Dean gives you a tool that can help get in a better state of mind, or get out of a funk, because let’s be honest, being in a funk sucks... So watch this week’s Weekly Wisdom, and start your week in the RIGHT state of mind.
You won’t regret it
Congratulations to Jay! You've been a great friend and a great inspiration for me and many others. I cannot think of anyone more deserving! Congratulations!!!
Dean, you're the man - thank you for all you do for your students and those in need! You're the Man!!!
Hey Dean!
Thanks for another great ww. Thanks to you and Tony I have used a couple power phrases or incantations before: "everyday in everyday I'm getting stronger and stronger" Also "moving forward I control my own destiny". I'll come up with some others for my family and our business. Thanks for all you do to help us!
Big congratulation to Jay! Thank you for all your help and advice on our REI journey! You FREAKING ROCK and I appreciate all you have done for me thanks for your endless giving!
Make it a great week!
Also Dean...
What you're doing for some of our vets is truly amazing and inspiring! You're the man and I'm glad to have an OUTSTANDING MENTOR who has inspired me to become a man for others being the best me I can be!
Thanks Dean
Congrats Jay
Thank You Dean. Great idea. As simple as it is, I never thought to create my own affirmations. Simple Genius.
Dean Those Incantations Work!!!!!!!
Dean, I've witnessed a change in you since you met Tony Robbins and it is Awesome. Your accountant taking money certainly gave you more drive to succeed because you control the way you feel.You never allowed that situation pull you down, you used it as a step to move up. I've had a similar situation occur and it is assuring to hear how you overcame that obsticle with greater passion for success. You never gave up, neither will I quit. Quitting is not an option for me.
I have been using Tony's "I Am the Voice Incantation" (YouTube) every day (Morning when I wake up and Evening before bed)and I have nearly eliminated every fear I have, still working on a couple. My state of mind is getting better and better each day. Success is mine to have because I choose to succeed.
It is encouraging to hear about your life story so you are seen as a real or typical person like the rest of us. Sometimes people only see your successful side and don't realize the struggles you had and have during your life, to finally achieve success. Thanks
Congrats Jay!!!!!!
Having a phrase to help you get psyched up or through situations is a great idea.
Thanks for what you are doing with our Vets!
Congrats to Jay.
weekly wisdom
Congrats Jay!
Great Weekly Wisdom!
First of all, congratulations to Jay! Second, thank you Dean for what you are doing to help a Veteran. I think it is something we should all do (maybe not what you are doing!), I mean by helping our Vets in any way we can. And finally, thanks for all of your good advice to help me get through some of the "funks" of my life!
God bless you and your family.
TY for sharing your ups and downs with us. You certainly was gifted with a big heart.
J~ CONGRATS! You do inspire us, hope to see your video soon
Positive outcome
Congrats Jay!!!
Dean, you are not missing a beat when you mention about the "phrase". I Urge everyone to try this. Not once but to affirm it many times over and over again. It works and works beyond comprehension. As human beings we have the ability to direct our energies in a positive way. Creating a key phrase that will pump you up every time you say it out loud will do just that.
Great Wisdom Dean!
My best,
Investment house for Vets
I am one of your elite members and I would like to have an opportunity to compete for one of the houses that you are offering veterans. Firstly, ten of us have formed an LLC and we are located in Fort Worth Texas so in keeping with your and your top students advise we must initially stay in our back yard; so that would be Tarrant County Texas. Members of our group include a licensed Contractor, an experienced handy man, a former property manager and then there are the rest of us that have a desire to become investors, BUT; we do not have any operating capital at this point. We are attempting to locate a couple of wholesale properties to build up cash reserve. If you do invest in a property in the Fort Worth area we would like to have an opportunity to compete for the property which we would rehab, retail and reimburse you, profit from said sale would give us some cash reserve. I must admit that it appears that I am the only vet in the group.
Dean Hi.I am always inspired by you and Mr.Robbins.Thanks for keeping it power real.
Very kind of you Dean
Dean your idea on giving a vet a chance to get into an lease option is very kind of you. Your very inspiring.
WOW KOOL!! thanks everyone for your great comments !! This Dg family is amazing. Being around all of you that have the same goals as me- how can I not be a winner .)) thank you Dean for giving back to our veterans and sharing the power of what we tell ourselves and how you push us to the next level and sweeeet I will def make this iPhone 6 SMOKE with buyers and sellers calling it !! Appreciate all who share here. Love this Dg family !!
Isaiah 55:11
"so is my word that goes out from my mouth:
It will not return to me empty,
but will accomplish what I desire
and achieve the purpose for which I sent it."
Right on Dean. I use scriptures for my power phrases. Works every time.
Jay congrats man! thanks for all
Jay congrats and thank you for all your help on the live chat
iPhone 6 Winner Announced!
Hi Dean,
Another great motivational weekly wisdom.....
The decisions we make in life will determine the life we live....
Knowledge is Power.....
Thank You For All You Do......
Happening FOR you Not To You! :-)
Dean, I just wanted to tell you thank you for sharing and being transparent on your ‘growth’ period. So many times from the outside looking in the world sometimes only seeing the ‘bling’ and overlook the bruises. “If I can get through this, I can get through anything” – truer words were never spoken!
Isn’t it oddly alarming how even if only for a brief period of time; an uncontrolled, undisciplined, un-tended mind will allow “weeds” the opportunity to run rampant. What took years to cultivate if abandoned will become a cesspool of old stinkin thinking.
Over the past 6 months or so I have been obsessed with devouring and re-immersing in what got me out of the pit the 1st time. Bible, books, audio books, Tony’s Ultimate Edge Program, to name a few. I get up 3 hours earlier every morning growing me: spiritually, emotionally/mentally, and physically.
- 1 hour bible study, devotion and prayer (the first fruits of my day every day are the Lords)
- 1 hour (divided in 20 min timed portions allocated over reading 3 different books) success, business and personal development books.
- 45to60 minutes of cardio while listening to selected podcast, etc.
“What if problems were always gifts? What if every problem you ever had was life happening for you not to you?……..Even the pain. When you are in the darkest place, when you think there is no way to turn it around, remember this: Victory Is Near!” – Tony Robbins.
God revealed something to me a while back. It was during probably the darkest moments of my life. In a time could only seem to muster “why Lord?” There was a crystal clear word spoken quietly but sternly in my Spirit and He simply said: “You’ve asked me for a lot, do you want it or not?” In that moment I knew the answer to my own question of why? There was still a lot of ‘refining and impurities’ that needed to be removed. He needed to do in me to make me the type of person that could handle the responsibility of what I was asking and believing Him for. To become the type of person that truly CAN leave the world better than I found it. James 1: 2-4 says “My brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of any kind, consider it nothing but joy, because you know that the testing of your faith produces endurance; and let endurance have its full effect, so that you may be mature and complete, lacking in nothing.” and Gal. 6:9 “And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up” LOL How awesome and what a promise! As it is written “complete and lacking nothing” so be it DONE unto me!!!
(but we DO have to do our part also to receive it. involves faith, patience, steadfastness, sowing good seeds and don't give up ---- before the harvest is ripe!
He also led me to Deut. 1:6-8 "The Lord our God said to us in Horeb, "You have dwelt long enough on this mountain. Turn and take up your journey and go..........!"
paraphrasing: That it's time to break camp, pull up our tent pegs, turn and GO!!! Your promise land is waiting! But we must take possession of it instead of wondering relentlessly in the wilderness and around the same old mountains!
Thought that was just a bonus golden nugget wanted to share!
Big hugs and heart you big time!
I trust God and God is exceptional ALL the time!
Dear Dean, congratulations to Jay for a job well
done. Thanks again for all that you do.
Thank you Vets & Great Ideas on forward thinking
Thank you Dean for the reminder and acknowledgement for the veterans, (thank you Grandpa!)
Thank you for the inside peek and suggestion, will employ that in my life. Put the ick behind and not letting it burden you anymore.
"I've set that down, never to pick it back up."
Great one
Thanks again Dean. Never stop giving
Empowered phrase
That was what I needed!!!
Thank you!
Thank you
Hi Dean,
Thank you for sharing all of the real estate investing information with us. I haven't given up; just going through a very difficult period. I still read your Weekly Wisdom every week and hope to do more soon. God bless you, the DG team, your family and the DG family. (Happy belated birthday!)
Vet program
Hi Dean thanks for all you do!!!!!Also Id be interested in your Vet program in KS MO, Iowa, much success, sincerely, Jim