23K profit on last flip!!

Bought a REO for 67K in early January from Bank of America. It was a 3/2/2 split level in a great location.

We removed the overgrown landscaping and mulched the beds. Gutted one bath, ceramic around new tub, vanity, etc. Other bath kept shower but new everything else.
Kitchen removed partial wall for more open layout. Updated wiring in house, carpet, new hardwood main floor, refinished existing hardwood upstairs. Drywall repair, paint, doors, etc.

Listed house in early March with my realtor for $136,500. Had multiple offers on first day on market.
I was excited as all the other deals!! Accepted offer of $133K and we closed in 30 days.

Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #237 - Pause for Oklahoma Victims

Once again our nation has been rattled to the core by another destructive act of nature.

Oklahoma has been thrown into chaos over the massive tornado damage and precious lives have been lost. Dean shares the heartbreak of thousands who watch from afar as we can only imagine the pain and suffering being felt by the those at ground zero.

So once again we rally together as a family of "investors" and turn our eyes away from focusing on doing deals to band together to make an impact for the victims. Please watch and share the video to rally support. Every little bit counts. Alone, we can do a little, but together, we can make a tremendous difference. For easy ways to help please click here


Hello DG family,

Now there's the BIGGEST lie I've ever HEARD! YES, ITS WORK! BUT... The title of this message is NOT TRUE in the LEAST bit! TEAMWORK. Build your network. I always trained my intern, now assistant by the way, that your NETWORK = your NET WORTH. Well GUESS WHAT? I have now officially completed DEAL #4 of the year IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA where it supposedly CAN'T BE DONE! Sticking out tongue

This is a Must Read

Thanks Dean for taking the time to put this book out there!
I have just finished reading it and recommend everyone should. This should be required reading for high school students.

Don't wait to reach your destination to feel accomplished. Enjoy the journey, as some of lives best moments will be there.


Just closed another wholesale deal

This was the most recent deal I had posted in Indianapolis. I offered to pay a finder's/bird-dog fee of $2000 if anyone could bring me a buyer. I had many try, but ended up selling through another wholesaler here in Indianapolis. From start to finish it took 35 days and I netted $5,000. Not too shabby of a pay day. The owner lived in Florida and at one point, owned over 200 hundred homes here. This home was one of his last 2 to get rid of and he was very motivated to sell. Not only was I able to make this a win-win-win situation, but I met many contacts while working on this deal. On to the next! I long for the day in which I can write my 2 week notice and deliver it to my manager Smiling

If I can do this, so can you!

Wholesale NY – I had every excuse not to succeed.

Bankruptcy, lost my home, divorced, bad credit, unemployed, no money, small town and bad hair.

I just collected my first check. This one is for $10,000. Here’s how:

Imagine yourself stuck in the middle of NYC. Imagine also that you not familiar with NYC, you are from “the country” with no clue how to get around the big city. Now imagine that you’ve just been told that you won’t be able to rent the car you need to drive out of the city, to get to the country (approximately a 2 hour drive away). Also imagine that you have only $50 dollars in your pocket. Because it is Sunday, you cannot go to a bank or, have funds transferred to get more money for a car, but; everything is going to be OK – You’re closing on a wholesale deal tomorrow! If you start walking now…

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