I saw something unique today on CraigsList. Someone posted a job offer for a 'think outside of the box' realtor. They requested a resume and everything.
If you cannot find someone to work with you, try this and have the 'willing to try anything' people come to you!
Keep posting though, not everyone checks every website every day, you might just miss the one in a million person you are looking for.
Let me know how this works out for you!
On CraigsList (www.craigslist.org) go to the SERVICES section, not the housing section, and then click on the REAL ESTATE section. Those are the postings that you are looking for. I found a HML there the first time I looked.
Act fast though, the messages there expire after 7 days.
Thanks for that info. Angela I have the hardest time navigating that Site.
I am going on it now.
Lily from L.A.
I like it! Instead of spending a lot of time hounding realtors until you find one that want to make some money just post a job on Craigslist!.
There are lots of hungry realtors out there right now and this will have them coming to you.
What kind of resumes do realtors have??
What kind of resumes do realtors have??
I have no idea at all.
I would assume that it would involve years of service and successful sales in the last couple of years.
However, I will talk to the realtor who sends me the most creative response!
I am not looking for "business as usual" I am looking for "out of the box"
I have no idea what I will get, cannot wait though!
Hello Lily from LA,
Hope you had more luck on the CL site.
Let me know how it is going for you.
In your picture, (3 people) which one is you?)
This is my CL posting today.
I need a "hungry" realtor
I am a REI
I need a realtor to work with, someone I can count on, knowledgeable of this area and this market with a strong desire to succeed.
I am looking for someone aggressive and competent.
Send your resume to me, in the body of an email, not as an attachment.
I would respond.
Watch your thoughts; They become words,
Watch your words; They become actions,
Watch your actions; They become habits,
Watch your habits; They become character,
Watch your character, it becomes your destiny.
Frank Outlaw
I am new to Deans program and I am very excited to get started. I would apprciate any advice on where to begin. There is so much information out here I am really ready to explode.
You will get this response a hundred thousand times, over and over.
So. just pay attention to this message - read the book TWICE and then ask your questions.
Go to the forums on the left & read "Getting Started"...there is a ton of information there for you. Good Luck & happy reading!
Life's a Dance you learn as you go...GET HAPPY FEET!
"Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed no hope at all." ~Dale Carnegie
that is a GREAT ad! Can't wait to hear the response you get!
"Obstacles can slow you down, but they can only stop you with your permission." Dean Graziosi (BARM pg 101)
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
For a little about me, welcome to the site, and a few tips for new DG family members, click on this link: http://www.deangraziosi.com/user/3249
for your replies. I have not gotten my book yet, but looking forward to receiving it. I just thought I could start my own notebook of key items to really focus on prior to getting it. I have found a ton of information in these forums and pages so thanks again to everyone. I look forward to my successful future.

Hello Angela,
I am the one in the middle. That picture was taken in San Fransisco with my two closest cousins.
I have to tell you the experience you plugged me into girl...I didnt find the agent post yet. But I plugged into an investor here in Calif. that is wholesaling SFO from FSBO's he has a ton of free info. on Youtube and I have been nonstop on it since this morning. Like Bandit signs here in L.A. where to get them and how much not to overspend on them. I emailed to his blog and we just networked for like 1hr on cell. My mind is about to explode with the info. that he knows about my market. All thanks to your blog. Your the best.
Lily from L.A
Hello again Lily from LA

(I love your name)
I am so happy that you had a great day!
I just love productive days like that!
I can "hear you smiling" right through your post!
Your enthusiasm is infectious!
I posted a couple of things on Craig's List today, one of which was asking for a good REI club in my area. I have emailed 2 clubs I found online asking for information - no response at all!
I received an email from a very nice person who told me where there is a club locally and she offered to go with me! I made a new RE buddy without even trying! Love it!
I wish you were near me we can start are own REClub it would be called Lily from LA and AngelaK CLUB! Hey that rhymes.
I have to admit I have had bad attendance with my REIC. They are so many out here. I will attend mine on 15th its 2blocks away from my home @ Aculpuco Restaurant. The best REIC is in LAX area attendance over 200+ I was so scared when I got there I felt like a little worm in the ocean. I am so happy to hear that you made a new RE Buddy today. And very blessed I met you today.
Your pal,
Lily frm L.A
Lily from LA and AngelaK Club!

I just love it!
I think I will have business cards made up for us!
I am not kidding
Maybe it could be a virtual club seeing that we live on the coasts, you on the West, me on the East!
Whole new concept here!
Think about it!
Good luck finding good contacts at your next REI meeting, you are certainly no little worm in the ocean honey, people there will be lucky to meet you.
I think I have found a good realtor in the L.A. area. I found a property listed for 65 million. She responded to my email. She told me the owner wants 55 million for it, but it is in bankruptcy, so offer 40. My rich buyer associate, said that was still too much of a risk to buy and resell, and thought 20 million was a better offer. I was disappointed, and told this agent. She came back with "Offer 20 mil and see what the court says." Well, I am in the process of letting my buyer know. My hope has revived. Pas. Greg
This is exciting stuff!
Keep us posted!
Good Luck!
Hang on to that realtor, good ones are hard to find. sounds like a keeper to me.
There are many many real estate brokers who are also investors out there and I generally work with folks who are most candid about what they want. Sometimes folks are afraid to tell a realtor they want to find deals and submit low offers.
There are so many properties out there no one realtor can tell you who is motivated and how motivated they are...furthermore, one day they may not be motivated and the next they are super motivated.
I have found equity partners, private money, clients and much more by offering my investment services. I've almost missed out on working with a few because they didn't want to reveal they have gone to seminars, read books, etc. When I tell them it's great and I can help implement some of these deals we start building our investment relationship.
Some realtors are afraid of what they don't know...aka creative deals. In fact, in Woodstock and the surrounding area we have a team of people who look for non-MLS properties using the tools we have collectively. Plus we don't have the added competition factor. Note we also use MLS heavily as well.
If you seek it...you will receive! You may have to kiss a lot of frog realtors before you get the right one.
Peace, Love and Real Estate Investing!
The Machree Group, LLC
845.679.1237 Woodstock
917.691.9788 NYC
I posted on craiglist last night:
I'm looking for a Realtor that's not afraid of putting in low offers on mostly reo properties.My focus is properties that have been on the market 100+ days and needs rehab work.We will be submitting 10 to 15 offers per week,so an aggressive agent is required.If you feel that your ready to step outside the norm and make some money,Please email me with a little info about yourself.
I got 2 responses already.
So Bring the agents to you.
Jason S.
San Diego, CA.
**All CASH House Buyer!**
Refer Us To Neighbors, Friends & Family, Earn $1,000
LIKE my FB page http://www.facebook.com/JandBHouseSolutions
That's seems fairly easy, hope to find a good realtor to work with. Thanks!!!
Fake it 'til ya make it!
do go on cl and post up propertys or what how does this go cause iam very lost right now
Go Craig's list for your state, then you can (at the top of the page) click on a specific county in your area.
A variety of sections to chooses from are shown from local events, jobs, for sale, resumes, services and so on.
Clink on the real estate section and read through the ads that are there. People are looking for places to rent, buy, sell ...
There is another section on CL headed Services, click on the the real estate section there and see what is being offered in your area.
If you want to post something yourself, go to the top of the left hand panel and click on "my account" and follow the directions to set up your own account and from there you can post what you want in the section that you choose! (It's free to do this)
I think this is what you were asking for. Check it out!
This is a big topic that can be approached in a wide variety of approaches. I've never tried the Craig's List approach because it seems to be scattered statewide, less specific to investing (lots of other agents replying) and seldom visited... Good idea though.
My favorite approach is asking people that are in a similar state/area for a referral. Investment clubs, for instance, have other investors who know a realtor.
In this market there are lots of hungry agents. The trick and benefit is finding resourceful agent who knows the areas and is good at researching stats for days on markets and areas that are selling... if not only writing offers.