

Using licensed or unlicensed labor - pros/cons, thoughts?


My thoughts

If your just hiring someone to do a little handy work with the house then you might not need them to be licensed but If your hiring labors to do major work on a house like roof, siding, electrical then yes you would need them to be licensed. In many states I heard of the city/town having city workers driving by houses that have a team set up doing work and stoping by and asking everyone for their licenses. Also you you would want anyone doing work with you to be licensed because of insurance reasons.


Reynold Orozco

Reynold is right on. If you

Reynold is right on. If you are doing major work like electrical get a licenses contractor because if somethnig goes wrong later you have little recoarse. Also if they are doing a major job make sure the get a permit for it! We once lost a sale because our licenses contractor did not get the roof replaceemnt permitted!


"Don't tell me I can't, Tell me how I can."

So Donna

So Donna

The work permit is on the contractor not the owner (even if we are flipping/ buy and hold)

Donna Doo wrote:
Reynold is right on. If you are doing major work like electrical get a licenses contractor because if somethnig goes wrong later you have little recoarse. Also if they are doing a major job make sure the get a permit for it! We once lost a sale because our licenses contractor did not get the roof replaceemnt permitted!


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Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.

Our Heart's Desire must be nurtured by our mind,to give birth to common sense, that will enable us to seek out the path less traveled, with the greatest Personal Growth. -J.R.-


Usually, if you hire a GC, they will take care of all that for you. But if it is your prop, you are the one who will be in a conundrum if it wasn't done. So always stay on top of everything.



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IF you use unlicensed labor be sure to get a signed "Liabilty Release form".

IF someone gets hurt or creates damage to property, YOU are liable IF you dont get the signed form.= lawsuit.

IF hiring licensed contractors, Always get copy of license and Insurance!


Mike Free tools

What I see is it boils down

What I see is it boils down to a question of liability and protection. Having a license is no guarantee of good workmanship as I have had to fire licensed contractors and replace them with unlicensed personnel who I knew did quality work to begin with. It might be better in the long run to carry your own workmen's comp and use unlicensed personnel in some cases.

Good comments here. Over

Good comments here. Over the years I have used both. My own personal opinion is that due to liability concerns I only use licensed contractors carrying their own insurance. It certainly costs more but my experience is that the job quality (most times) and peace of mind is worth the extra costs. This also helps with the contractor vs. employee issue. I just buy a bit deeper to cover the costs.

Cover your AZZ

Don't take short cuts, it might work one time and then POW you are screwed...

Just do the job right the first time...



I vote licensed Smiling



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