For the people interested in Forclosures I have stumble accross a very god piece of information about the subject. It is a PDF mini book
Let me know if you are interested I can email it to you.. the intro says something like this....
Whether you are a seasoned investor or a first time buyer, this will give you valuable information
that will help you avoid costly mistakes when purchasing foreclosure properties.
Alex Rubio from Houston
Greetings Alex Rubio:
I will be interested in that booklet if it is free. I hope you are also one of the lucky few who have this Dean Graziosi course. Everything is brand new to me and my wife so good luck and thank you for sharing information.
my E-mail is ramses22119@**** Ilive in Florida, and hope to mix up a storm with Dean's course.
Hi my name is Candelario Gomez from San Diego Calif......I am trying to help a friend making an offer to the lender as a SHORT SALE He owes more that the house is worth.....I can use some help. p l e a s e.
I was looking at this trend today and I'm pretty sure that I read something about short sales there.... take a look at it and if you don't find what you need let me know..... also PM me your email so I can forward the forclosure information to you.
Alex Rubio from Houston
The book is free indeed..... I beleive most of the information in this website is...
the only problem is that you have to Private Message me with your email because as you can see the comment box will not show the full email address.
I will be looking forward to getting back to you with the book.
Take care
Alex Rubio from Houston
Email has been sent...
Hope you find the info helpfull....
Alex Rubio from Houston
Email is sent...
Good luck!!
Alex Rubio from Houston
hi! please send me a copy
Send me a PM with your email address I will forward that to you... dont post your email here because the comment box will hide de host...
Alex Rubio from Houston
Greetings Alex.
You are the first real person whom I have had any real contact with in the last 30 days. It seems to me the amount of information on most of these web sites is so big that you kind of get lost on a lot of them.
My E-mail is ramses22119@****
Are you also involved with Dean's Real Estate course?
There is also so many do-not-do requirements good communicating with you.
I am glad you feel like you reached a real person.... I'm just another guy trying to succed in life. Tired of that trap called 8 - 5 J.O.B.
Don't try to go over the entire site in one day..... go step by step.... tell me do you have Deans New book? do you know what Investment strategy you want to pressue?
What I did was just to jump in the water with little knoledge of RE but it looks like the more you do the more you want to do more so my suggestion is like Dean says "just take action"
As far as your email, you have to send me a private message with yor email because here the comment box wont show the host (after @ sign)
I don't know what you mean when you ask if I am involved with Dean's RE course...
Also what you mean with the do-not-do requirements?
Take care Antonio.....
Look forward to see you getting involved in the website more often....
Alex Rubio from Houston
>>>>>>>Real Estate Foreclosure Investing<<<<<<<
So you've taken the plunge and have either been trying to make foreclosure investing work for you or you’re still on the fence and wading in the pool trying to "get a feel for the waters" as it were.
You don't feel overwhelmed by the seemingly endless supply of strategies and terminology involved in foreclosure investing and in real estate in general.
One of the primary factors in determining your success in foreclosures and in business in general is in the market research. Let me put it this way: you have to be able to spot and analyze whether a deal is a deal or not. Now, I can probably ramble for hours on all the different nuances strategies, opinions, schools of thought, gurus, books, etc.
But ultimately market research is something that is highly tied into your own experience. Try to get some good books on the real estate market, research it as much as possible to a point (without overanalyzing) to get a handle on it so that you may get involved and practice, learn, and eventually you will become a master deal analyzer. It's like riding a bike.
So that was one component of the foreclosure investment process. Now second big aspect of it is in how to finance the deal in question. Are you going to pay for it out of your own pocket or are you going to try to find wealthy investors and work out a deal with them involving co-ownership, etc.?
This is a huge topic in itself which is sometimes labeled as “creative financing.” Alternately the money has to come from somewhere, either from yourself or from others.
And finally putting the circle in full-bloom, you'll need to figure out your exit strategy. In other words, how are you going to profit from this property now that you have the rights to it?
Of course it's impossible to teach you everything about foreclosure or investments in this one brief article but if you were to study three major components: market research, creative financing, and exit strategy…. then you will be well on your way to at least having a guideline to learn and study from and build upon as you increase your real estate knowledge.
There's no one right way to do things, just get a good system in place and begin applying it. Within a few months or a years time (depending on your determination), you will probably surprise even yourself with how masterful you've become.
Attract Private Investors to fund your deals so you can do more deals while using Other People's Money (OPM). For more info go to:
John <>< Future DG & DL REI Billionaire
Thank you for your imput...
I thought about Forclosures in a way but not like the way you put it in your comment... that info is really great!
Thanks a lot!
Alex Rubio from Houston
Hello Alex could you send me the info on foreclosures, Jim20748@****
yahoo dot com
The email it's on its way!!
Hope you can use the info in future deals!!
Good Luck
Alex Rubio from Houston
The email is sent...
Hope you find the info usefull.. also take a look at post #11 by Sirjohn...
it is a very good tip for Forclosures!!
Alex Rubio from Houston
I would love to see the eBook on Foreclosures... I have been doing SHORT SALES for a year and am looking to move into foreclosures. It is a very competitive market here in California, so any help I can get would be great.
Hello,please send me the info on foreclosures,inadvance thank you
Email sent....
Hope it works for you!!
Take care
Alex Rubio from Houston
Email sent
Let me know how works out for you!!
Take care
Alex Rubio from Houston
Thanks Alex
Did you read the info yet?
Alex Rubio from Houston
I want a copy of your booklet.
Here's my email karldw42@****.
Alex please email me a copy of the book at
I will be glad to share the info with you but I need your full email address or
Shoot me an email at
alex.rubio@ultimateres dot net
Alex Rubio from Houston
find41@****--If anyone need corps or LLC done for free! contact me.