
All About tony187240

tony187240's picture
Clifton Burse

Topics I've Participated In

CONTRACTS - Editable Anitarny737 years 49 weeks ago
Short Sales Ali3059 years 35 weeks ago
Presenting Offers on REOs - Property Listing Agent vs. Buyer's Agent Indiana-Joe24710 years 22 weeks ago
Finding a Mentor jlandreneau14411 years 46 weeks ago
free absentee owners list 25 people:-Update Sac-townsFinest5511 years 47 weeks ago

Basic Info

No info provided.

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


New to all

Hi my name is Tiffany Am new to this and am ask you how did you start me I have no money no criedt nothing but everday i walk by house broad up noone live there where do i start HELP SOMEONE HELP


tony187240's picture

The best thing to do is read the blogs on this site and ask alot of question because the people on here are very helpful..