Give me your story

Give me your story

Hey Guys

I have been so blessed to get hundreds of emails, letters and videos from students all over the country sharing your success. I have even been able to become friends with many of my students and that has been awesome.

Each of those stories inspire me to work harder and create tools to get you making money right now when you need it most. I consider my students as an extended family and when you do that, then YOUR best interest is always on my mind. And the truth is, I love it;-)

We have so many videos at - I have hundreds of emails and letters and please know I read every single one. But tomorrow I am doing a TV show and I want to mention a few of you and tell your quick story.

So even if you have sent me an email, a letter, a video or we are now friends I would love for you to tell your quick story and how real estate has changed your life. It will also be a great inspiration going in to a new week.

The DG family as you guys named it is an awesome place and it is an honor to have you all here;-)))

Now post your story.


P.S - I love hearing stories of a mind set change as well. All stories are good to me not just the people who made their first million. so please share how what we teach or this site has changed your life. You never know you can see me on TV sharing exactly what you say below.


If you would like the chance to work with me or one of my fellow real estate investor coaches and our advanced training programs, give us a call anytime to see if Dean's Real Estate Success Academy and our customized curriculum is a fit for you. Call us at 1-877-219-1474 ext. 125

Dont care if im another success story or not!

For i have succeed'd in more ways than one already and i have not closed on my first deal yet btw!
From when i first started watching and learning i began to realize that no one is going to give me a chance unless i get off my butt and do something!..Now being from a SMALL town of Marietta Ohio (Washington County Ohio) where the "Decent" jobs are next to nothing if anything at all is really hard to find some means of an income being most of the jobs you got to cross state lines to Parkersburg West Virginia where most of the good jobs are so i tried the first go around and nothing and yes my reason for failure is no offers were submitted for i couldnt get any sellers in my area to come to me and i know why to but its hard with where i live right now in a MF complex that has strict rules regarding your own finances being i have nothing right now...

So here i am about to get a deal done that will set me for life financially and maybe Physically make me feel better to? (Would be one hell of a bonus)

We'll see ya on the otherside of the mountain!



Learning to Do, Doing to Learn, Earning to Live, Living to Serve. FFA MOTTO

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My story

I kind of told my story when I made a post on this week’s Weekly Wisdom.  But there are other things that should be said, because this isn’t only my story.  It’s the story of a family - me, and my two thirty-something sons.  
A bit over two years ago I was working in an environment that was poisonous to people with a belief that much can be accomplished when we work together. I had worked there for 25 years but suddenly couldn't make myself get up and go to work. My health was being seriously affected, physically and mentally, but there was no way out. Single mom, no college degree, no money in the bank, too young to retire and make enough money to keep my house, and was no longer capable of doing my job. It had to be me failing....right? I had a friend who was considering an early retirement, and although we were both in education, I could see that she had options out there to supplement her reduced pension. Imagine my surprise when she said I had options too, that I just hadn't looked for them. Huh, what options?

I couldn't think of anything but retiring after she said that - whether I had everything figured out or not. I simply could not continue to try to control what I had no control over - my job environment. What I could control was myself. I would figure out something to bring in more money or I'd learn to live on what the pension was. My two kids supported my decision. So off to retirement I went!

Last October my youngest son came to his brother and me with a proposal to go to one of Dean's events and see what options we might all have to work together towards something that we couldn't even imagine was possible. It was our “why” – working together, after all we’d never failed at anything we took on together.  There is a time for all things, and for us it was then.  I was seriously looking at having to let my house go; Joe was easily working 60 hours a week to support his two children and two step-children; Josh had reached burn-out as a computer developer working 60 hours a week – a “perfect storm” of being at a crossroads.

Well, here we are. Our second deal closes the end of next week - just a few weeks after our first deal!  Took us a while to get started, but we’re on the way to more options than we have ever had before.  We’re going to have to imagine bigger!  Josh still has to work, but our plan is for him to be “unemployed and unemployable” by Christmas.  Joe is getting to be a stay-at-home dad to his little ones.  And me, I just look around in wonder. The more I look for my options, the more I believe in myself, the fewer limitations I see.
I thank God every day for blessing me with two amazing kids!  They are my heart.

We all have options! It's just unfortunate that it may take someone else to see we have them, and fortunate that Dean can show us how to get there. Real estate investors? Us? Really? Yes!!! Always believe options are there and look for them!

I just joined Wise

I just joined Wise university in San diego and learning real estate business

Here's the beginning so far....

My story is simple:

I am a clerical worker and my husband is a valve tech. We both are in school: I a business major online and he attends day school Graphic Arts. We both have accomplished so much that we just are too elated with the blessings Jehovah gives us constantly! My hubby and I are both on this RE educational journey together as we are learning each other's career interests. Of course, I am mainly doing the research on this for now, since I have the highest interest and the free time to do so. So, as I'm researching ..I came across this site...and although I became frustrated at times, I have been blessed to meet a couple of great people on here. As a matter of fact, I may have possibly made two future friends here! Smiling Great thing about this opportunity is that we can learn if we choose to, and for those that work together, well, I'm sure it makes the experience more worth it! For this I'm thankful and grateful.

So, right now, I'm in the learning phase...but take notice to when I joined this this coming year, I plan to be working on something! And yes, as I learn I am sure I will be ready for hands on training! So I'm ready to ROCK AND ROLL!!!!!!! Smiling Then I will give you a couple of "success" stories....but I need to at least get the experience under my belt first and soon! Smiling

Take care all and be blessed!

Ps: Don't let anyone make you feel that this is IMPOSSIBLE...because in the words of Audrey Hepburn (paraphrasing): "NOTHING is impossible...because the word itself clearly states I'M POSSIBLE"...So even when it seems that it may not happen..just remember that hey even the impossible is letting you know that with Jehovah ALL things ARE POSSIBLE!!!!!!! Smiling Remember that and push forward! And I will try to live up to this myself for encouragement! Eye-wink


~Blessed beyond measure and enjoying life to its fullest!~

I just join this forum . i

I just join this forum . i faith in god that this is the door to a better future better life. am looking towards my financial future and is bright. hope to get to know alot of you folks along the way.
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Enough Already

You know this DG experience is like a bible story I remember. Some person living an OK life decides to tell his old man to fork over what he felt was due him so he can begin on that road to La Vida Loca. Pop pleads with the stiff neck to reconsider but the clown pretty much made up his mind to live his way. Well didn’t take long when he went broke, no money, no friends, no idea on how to feed the belly. Well as the story goes we find yours truly with nothing more than a fading memory of that last dollar killing himself just to eke out a living if you call eating pig slop a living. One comes to their senses when the harder you work for someone the less and less you get. So decision time; “can I dare to hope one more time?” one says. Knowing full well that road to recovery lines itself with all kinds of negative people; we all have them you know. Archeologist types who remember your pass better than you do. The failures we experience right down to the time and date. They can’t seem to recall what they had for breakfast but they remember your failures. The good book says only one remembered His hope for you, His very best for you; A constant watch for your decision to return; to be more than you could ever imagine you be. Who is ever so ready for your success sees you afar off and runs to you; takes you in His arms and loved on you; smoothers you with kisses…

So he got up and went to his father. “But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him.

….the father said to his servants, “Quick! Bring the best robe and put it on him. Put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. Bring the fattened calf and kill it. Let’s have a feast and celebrate. For the son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found. So they began to celebrate. (Luke 15)

As a new-bee to the DG family and real estate investment(s) coupled with this bible story I can’t help seeing a common theme. Like the kid who came home I like to tell you about that Robe of position, but I can’t just yet. I like to tell you about that Ring declaring my net worth, but I can’t just yet. I like to tell you about those Sandals which assures me of a solid confidence in my foundation, but I can’t just yet, or the smell of that great Barbecue feast in my honor surrounded by family, friends and those I’ve helped along the way because of the many investments, but I can’t…, well at least not just yet. And why not just yet you may ask... Cause Dad is not quite done with His kisses but hang on you New-Bee’s I’ll be there with you all Dean Matt and yes even you my friend. Coming?


Sammy C

Now post your story.

Now post your story.


P.S - I love hearing stories of a mind set change as well. All stories are good to me not just the people who made their first million. so please share how what we teach or this site has changed your life. You never know you can see me on TV sharing exactly what you say below. [/quote]

My name is DJ Ganoe. I'm just getting into the real estate business. Just went to the seminar and going to the 3 day workshop tomorrow. I have believed in real estate as the best investment and residual income that exists. Real Estate is awesome! So I'm very excited, I'm 57 yrs young and ready to change my financial life. I want to be financially independent and I want to feel successful, I want to be happy with myself, confident and satisfied. I've really only been aware of Dean Graziosi for about a month, but I already believe in Dean and the DG family. Every fiber of my soul tells me this is the one. This is for real. If you like real estate then this is your foundation to start building your real estate financial home on....and turn that home into an empire, or whatever you desire it to be! DJ Ganoe



Remember these days?

Looking at where you are now and seeing where you were just a few years ago. You really are an inspiration, Keep it up!


Real estate works...

Achievement forum

My wife attended Dean’s one day live event on August 26, 2013 in St Paul, Minnesota whiles I had traveled outside the country. When I came back, she explained everything about the success in real estate. We had fears about the trends in real estate market, but watching Dean’s blog has helped us to overcome our fears and doubts, and currently on our day 3 for the 30 days formula course. So far, we have started to identify our goals, action steps, potential problems and how to overcome the problems.


Charles K S Anku

just getting started

I managed to purchase my first property by land contract and paid it off in three years my purchase price was 22,500 and in my area, like properties range from 30-50 thousand, I am going to start looking for others in the area, any suggestions would be appreciated. I have read your book and am going to start looking for forclosures, using my property as collateral.



It's about time!

I've been a member for a number of years but think I've only posted once or twice before now. I'm a 20 year owner of a residential & commercial construction company based in Fairfield County, CT and have successfully started, developed & sold several other real estate & construction related companies in that time. My focus has been on new homes mainly, some spec but mostly custom with some renovation & restoration work mixed in. I've been lucky enough to stay busy over the past few years, have an excellent portfolio of past work, am well respected by the building officials in the towns I work in and have an A+ rating from the BBB.

I've got two kids, one in college & the other a little less than 2 years away, two dogs and a rather sizable collection of muscle cars that I'm adding to and selling from on a regular basis. As I know Deans early years included a period of flipping cars - I've used many of the same techniques we learn here to build a collection of some of the rarest & most desirable Pontiacs including several GTO's, Judges and 455HO Convertibles.

I recently turned 50 and realizing I don't want to swing a hammer for the rest of my life & that Social Security will likely not exist in it's current form by the time I'm looking to get it, I realized I needed to transition my business into another direction. I decided I needed to do with houses what I've been doing with cars for the last 30+ years! Naturally I turned here first.

I've started watching more of the weekly wisdom segments and the other video postings, have secured a local realtor who's expertise I trust and have already identified 5 distressed/challenged properties locally that are available well below their assessed & market values. Because of my skill set & experience, challenging projects are not a turnoff since I have all of the necessary resources already in place. I'm currently working on setting up private financing alliances and hope to begin closing on some of these very shortly.

I'll keep you posted on my successes - and thanks Dean for all of your support.



JOEL AND I have an amazing partnership. Our personalities make for a perfect balance. However, I went through a real down day after listening to one realtor after the next shoot me down for one reason or another. JOEL gave me a terrific pep talk and I snapped out of it. The very next day, a close friend stepped up to the plate and gave me a list of properties that haven`t been disclosed yet, Joel found an excellent source of properties and we already have our cash buyers!! Tomorrow, we are out for the day, looking at properties...and will be running numbers and comps. We are working extremely hard. I work a very physical job and JOEL`s is exhausting and neither one of us gets much sleep....but, It`s all going to be worth it in the end! We will not stop!