Happy Early 4th and Yes you can!!!!

Happy Early 4th and Yes you can!!!!

Hello all,

It's Friday morning at 5:52 AM and I am sitting looking out over the water from the vacation house we rented in California. I am doing my daily routine of getting caught up on business and writing emails before my family wakes up.

Dad makes breakfast every morning and I love the bonding time. Gotta get as much kid time in while they still think I am cool;-)

As I sit here, I do my very best to be grateful for all I have, for my kids, for all of you and everything in life. I still want you to know that obstacles and challenges will always pop up no matter what level of success you achieve.

And more and more in my life I realize that success is truly about your perception of situations. Challenges don't stop coming at you, you just get better at how you process and deal with them.

Winston Churchill's quote, "the definition of success is going from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm" could not be more in line with reality.

When you are young and you see someone successful or "rich" you tend to think they found an easier path, born under a lucky start or were handed the keys to easy street. At least I did.

Then the more success I gained and the more successful friends I made, I realized that 99.9% of the time that was not the case. Huge obstacles, monster challenges, getting through failures, personal problems, struggles and so much more was all part of the ingredients to their success.

I am not name dropping to sound cool, but I have met and/or am friends with successful people like Michael Jordan, Joel Osteen, Richard Branson, Bill Clinton, Hugh Downs and many others.

And let me tell you none of them, and I mean none of them were immune to struggle, worry, disappointment, feeling at times it could never work for them, being scared and all the feelings you may feel at one point in your life. Maybe all the time.

So back to the subject line and wishing you an early happy 4th of July. Why this email now. Well first of all, it is a wonderful holiday and I am proud to be an American and I truly believe with all the garbage and tough times we are experiencing, we still live in the greatest country in the world.

But this message was constructed because as I sit here I realize that the 4th is just about the half way point of the year. And with that I am not sure where you are half way through 2010.

If you are like so many of my students that are making money like Randy -- (you can check him out at http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/51115/... ) or so many others you may be celebrating the half way point of 2010.

On the other hand, you could be dealing with a pile of crap in your life- from personal, to business, finances and even feeling like this real estate gig just won't work for you.

I want the second group to listen up right here, right now. Life can be tough, I have had and still deal with my fair share. But more than me, so many, if not most of my countless list of successful students have been where you are, felt the way you feel. But they found the strength, realized they were the only ones who could do it for them and their family and pushed on.

The results were amazing for them. And no matter what you are thinking right now, those results can be amazing for you.

Over this holiday weekend do your best to focus on a bigger better future for yourself. The heck with doing your best, just do it. Trick yourself by imagining it is all going to work out as you hope. Let yourself dream and pretend it is not a dream, rather your reality that is just a hop, skip and a jump away.

Spend time here at www.deangraziosi.com - it has been life changing for so many, so why not YOU and why not start RIGHT NOW?!

I wish you a wonderful 4th of July and new mindset and new found success in the second half of this year.


P.S. Be on the lookout for something big, really big coming your way soon;-)


If you would like the chance to work with me or one of my fellow real estate investor coaches and our advanced training programs, give us a call anytime to see if Dean's Real Estate Success Academy and our customized curriculum is a fit for you. Call us at 1-877-219-1474 ext. 125

Happy 4th Everyone!

Hope everyone has a wonderful safe holiday weekend! Enjoy the fireworks and BBQ. Let's make this summer fun and filled with deals for us all!



This train, Dreams will not be thwarted
This train, Faith will be rewarded
Big wheel roll through fields where sunlight streams
Meet me in the Land Of Hope And Dreams

Bruce Springsteen

Happy 4th! 2010

although today is July 8th.

Thanks Dean for another great message. Love it. I really find your messages encouraging. They inspire me to keep going and keep progressing. Apparently more than any other guru. Wow!

Happy 4th of July and Thank You!

Hi Dean,
It's now the 15th of July and i just read your July 4th letter to us. I've been feeling discouraged lately and your letter really helped lift my spirits. Thank you so much and for taking the time to write the post. July 4th is my birthday and I'm planning on FINALLY turning things around for myself. Something has got to change and it has to start with me!
'Hope you and your family enjoyed your holiday! God bless you always.


Your Friend in Business,

Change is Action + State of Mind


I have not to long ago learned: Change is Action + State of Mind. This, will equal some results. Not always the results we are looking for. However, If you push against the envelope long enough it WILL tear. If you PERSIST, Persevere, and AIM to achieve your goals rather than WAIT for something or someone to change them for you, (kinda like I used to do) it WILL happen.

Great Success on Your Journey,

Always working hard! Thanx

Always working hard! Thanx for giving me the right tools to get my REI career jump started!!


Don't let something temporary, keep you out of the game permanent.

Spencer's Investing, LLC