Are You or Are You Not

Are You or Are You Not

Hi DG Peeps:
Pauly Here, writing you from the ocean in beautiful Florida.

I just got back from Dallas, TX where I got to see some of the worlds most successful entrepreneurs, public figures, pro athletes. I paid $19.00 to hear Zig Zigler, Emmett Smith, Troy Aikman, and others speak. I have been on a high ever since.

I came back and decided to spend a day or two just reading through posts from those who are new as well as others to see if I could help in some way. I would do that whether I spent time in Dallas or not.

The one thing that really bothers me is when I see things written here such as this: I bought Deans books and have been on the community awhile and since I am a newbie, please tell me how to.

Or I have been here 8 months, I have purchased all Deans books, I have done all my reserach and since I am a newbie, no one is going to take me serious, my job laid me off 12 months ago, I don't own business attire, I have no money for gas for the car that looks like it is going to just die in the next two minutes.

Now these weren't all written but you get the vibe of where I was going with all that.

First, stop with this I'm a newbie crap already. You are a real estate investor!!! you became a real estate investor the day you decided to do it.

While this is a business of buying and selling property, it is also a business of mindsets. Let me tell you what factors make for a successful deal.

You need a deal where you can buy low enough to resell and make a profit. I did not say a killing, that too must stop, if your doing that. A profit is better than a killing, because there are far more deals available where you'll make a profit and only a small handful of deals available at any one time where you'll make a killing.

You need a seller who is cooperative. If you spend the days and nights chasing after desperate sellers, you'll pass right by the sellers who are cooperative.

Here is what I have learned about desperate sellers. They are desperate for a reason and often times, they are desperate to sell a property that is not a good deal. Desperate to sell because they are going through divorce, someone died and left them with a home, they lost their job, they want to sell to save their credit.

The very same guys and gals who years ago packed seminar rooms telling you to go out and find a desperate seller are still selling books and courses telling you the same thing. Go out and find a desperate seller and you'll get rich. You couldn't get rich with that then and you won't now.

Newsflash...There are actually sellers who in spite of the economy and their financial issues and woes are never going to be desperate enough to give you or sell you the farm.

A cooperative seller is where some of the best deals are with. A cooperative seller will look at your offer and be open minded enough to seriously entertain your offer and work with you. They will listen to you, they will be open with you and tell you what is needed to get the deal done. These are the folks who would do a no money down deal or reduce the price or even add in a term or two to the deal to make it work.

Ok Pauly, where do I find them? everywhere, and why your not finding them is because your too busy running past them.

You need to be focused on quality deals and not quantity.

You need to also have a realistic exit strategy. You need to know who your going to sell it to when you make your offer, in other words, have it pre-sold.

This is why I wholesale and nothing else. This is the only way I know of to really make money in this business on what I call the residual deal flow system. No it really is not a system, it is just a name I gave it.

I never make an offer on a property unless I have it sold already. I never allow a buyer to look at a property without me being there. I buy from the same realtors, so if it is a listed property and they show it to my buyer, I know that I won't lose a deal because someone tried to go around me. The realtor won't allow it and I deal with professionals only who would never risk future business to steal a deal today.

If you want someone to take you serious, you need to have confidence. Instead of telling someone I'm a newbie or I am new, now start saying I am a real estate professional.


Let Me Clarify This

Sometimes I am not able to be present when a buyer of mine needs to see the property. I have a pretty big team, so there is always going to be someone available if I am not.

This the real meat of the wholesaling deal

Thanks for this information. Although I have not done my first deal yet, this information gives me the confidence to move ahead knowing what is supposed to be done to help keep your deals - your deal.

This kind of information you are sharing is the "real meat" of the wholesaling business.


Susan Roberts
"We can make a living or we can design a life." Jim Rohn

Are You Or Are You Not

Great Job Pauly

I think that is what a lot of people on this site need to here. Your post are always very informative.

Jim Kendrick

I've said this before

But it wasn't so eloquent

I think a lot of people don't really understand whats involved..

They just need to focus on something and follow through...Exit strategy is a must if you do not want to buy and hold. It all starts with a buyer's list. Take action and success will follow. I agree with Pauly, you must exude some confidence. Fake it till you make, read, read, until you know what the heck you are talking about so you can sound intelligent on the subject. I like Deans saying "You can make money or you can make excuses."

I just thought this should

I just thought this should be brought back up for some of the new investors to read that may not have seen it. I thought it was great when it was posted, and still do.

Jim Kendrick

I agree

I'm glad you bumped it back up, Jim. It is very good.

I also bookmarked it before so I can read it every so often.



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I Lke it I like it,plain and simple,thankyou for a much needed post.


Silverhound(WHAT BOX?)


I agree with Karen. As a new investor; I appreciate it and am soaking it all in. Great info!!!




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