bulk REO pools available

bulk REO pools available

Are you looking to purchase bulk properties at 30% or more, lower than market value?
My team and I can help you out. We can get you properties in bulk at auction prices, with no minimum or limit on how many. Unlike our competitors, we will even give you the ability to customize your pool of properties. Our supply is endless due to our direct relationship with the bank and the properties they want to get rid of. To good to be true? Shoot me an email and I will be happy to answer any questions you have.

Zach Castro


Bulk REO

Hey Zach,

I have a need for SFR California - Are these ARV or 30 LTV?

I would further like to know if the State of California Marin and Sonoma are included?

Rico Camacho


Rico Camacho

bulk REO

Hi Zach
I have a need for SFR, 2 & 3 bd in the Bridgeton, Millville, Vineland area of Southern, NJ. What are your requirements? Does sound too good to be true when even the agents can't even achieve this goal. Interested to hear how this works and where.

Bulk packages in CA, FL, AZ, TX

Please let me know what you have in the above mentioned states. We are principle buyers. If you are truly direct to the lender and if the pricing expectations are 30% of the ARV then please PM me. Your email is not all there.




Assigning Bulk REOs

I was just looking up bulk REOs today and haven't had much luck. I know there are a few companies that have huge lists of bulk REOs that wholesalers can get under contract to assign. I talked with one wholesaler a few months ago who was trying to assign one of his in my area. It was dirt cheap and he sent me his list, and they were all about 1/3 of the ARV. Does anyone know of any nationwide companies that do this? Maybe this is similar to what Dean is working on. I'm not sure though.



"If God is for us, who can ever be against us?" Romans 8:31 NLT

Bulk REO for NY


Do you have access to Bulk Reo in the State of New York?


Bulk Reo New York

Let me know what you have in New york
PM me


Hi Zach-

Just starting out...sounds too good to be true...but what can you find in the DC Metro Area?



Hi, Please let me know ASAP if you are direct to the lender we are buyers.
We would like to know what you have in TX,CA,FL,AZ.




Has anybody purchased bulk REO'S? My wife and I would like to know if anyone out there have done this successfully if so we are looking for properties in the states of CA, AZ, and TX 200k-1mil per property No MLS listings or properties pulled from MLS listing. If so pls PM us we need help and or info.


Shelly & Lonnie Miles


Please pm me.. Looking to buy in MA.. Single or 2-4 muli fam!


"FAITH is being Sure of what we hope for and Certain of what we do not see." -Hebrews 11:1


Will these need to be purchased via Quit Claim with not guarentee - will we need to do full due dillagence? Just hoping to learn more prior to making any offers.


Chip & Andrea Weule
AC Investment Group, Inc.


Well, we have buyers and we have a seller. Let's see if anyone can close the elusive bulk reo deal.

What's the deal?

What happened here? Was anyone able to reach him? I'm currently looking for bulk REO packages.


If only I could remember I put a post up on the forums.


He doesn't even have a complete email address posted.

If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck...You get the idea!




Word of Advice...

When these 'investors' brag and promote these bulk REO packages that no one has and that before anything you have to sign an NCND and you have to be responsible for their fee, 99.9999999% of the time, they are full of it.

They are normally long on the internet daisy chains and they couldn't tell you which ones were bought or still available on the spot. If after 5 homes you ask, and if after every one they say, "let me find out" or "let me get back to you", they have no control over it.

Request to know property address; if they have control like they claim, it shouldn't be an issue and make sure to ask why you are responsible for their fee; arent they getting paid by the bank if they are marketing them??? And if not, why not???

The truth tends to come out after the third question;

"Um,......its not really mine, mine..."

"Its this guy I know list. he said I can get whatever I can off of it"

"I'm not sure what bank these are from"

Be careful and not fall for the okey doke

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