Assigning legal

Assigning legal

So I just asked a realtor that I know if assigning was legal in our state. She had no idea what I was talking about; is this normal? Does anyone know how to look this up? Thanks, Tammy

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tammy its lgal they just

tammy its lgal they just think their commission is going to get affected or they were never trained on this or they are simply just intimidated cuzz u no more. ive run into this problem all the time. All u are doing is selling interest in a contract its been around for yrs. Just tell the relators u have or know buyers interested in purchasing a property. Dont even tell them u are making a profit. Hope this helps

call real estate lawers in

call real estate lawers in ur area also

Thank you

adam. I just got a text and she said she asked, and they said yes, but it has to be legal. Think that is trying to discourage not using them

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Can anyone tell me how to

Can anyone tell me how to look up the real estate laws? I forgot what you call that. Thanks! Tammy

__________________ website FREE SOFTWARE FOR WHOLESALERS, REHABBERS AND AGENTS! Present professional looking deals to buyers and lenders as well as run your numbers and get the ROI.


I did call an atty who does real estate and asked one of the 14 attorneys if it was legal in Wis when I first got started. This atty told me he never heard of it, and if I had an agent who said we could do it, to tell my agent to go back to school.
The atty who runs this office is on our talk radio twice a month. So I called in with that question, and he said of course it is legal and they are done all the time. Didn't tell him it was his office, but did tell him what the other atty said.
My first contract with REMAX, my agent didn't even know about assigning or how it is done. But at his office, his partner heard our conversation and showed my agent how to do it.
If an agent hesitates on it, move on to another one. As Dean has taught us, call the office ask for an agent who works with investors and they should know how to do assignments. You are in control of them, remember they need your business. If they can't do it, tell them you will look elsewhere.

Get their broker involved

As someone who had my real estate license, and used to train new real estate agents, I can tell you that most agents simply are never taught about them. Most agents would be happy to help you with it, because they are paid a commission either way, they just are not that common in an everyday transaction.
If you are having problems with find an agent who knows about them ask them to talk with their broker, I don't know a broker around who wants to lose a deal in this day and age.


I did one step more. I actually gave him my Emp Conversation from Bill O Rafferty and also sent him a copy of an assignment contract, plus the purchase agreement from DG. He was willing to find out, but didn't know how to add it to the contract on the home I put an offer on.
He did it with no problem. But I have called about a property and the agent really dragged their feet. So I moved on.
Calling the broker is a good idea.


I agree with Sandi. You want to work with professionals who are experienced with investor deals. If you find one who doesn't know, or one who says no, you think, "Next.", and move on. You will be glad you did.

As to how to look it up, I couldn't find the right Google keyword combination. My next step would be to call a librarian and ask how and where to look it up. He/She might be so happy you called that he offers to do it for you. : ) She will either know where to look or how to find out where to look. Libraries often have memberships legal research websites.

Good luck; and



Dana w/ Crossroads Solutions LLC
I am direct to the VP of a $100 million dollar open-ended debt and equity fund which actively writes checks to fund businesses with an EBITDA of at least $1 million a year. We fund also have access to up to $500,000,000 for the purchase of distressed real estate, specially commercial $7,500,000 and up.

Oh I agree with you both, I

Oh I agree with you both, I just asked a realtor that I happen to know on a personal level. Her office helped her, but I think she doesn't know enough to help me, so I am not wanting to "talk" about per say. Thank you so much Dana for pointing out something that should be obvious but I obviously overlooked, and that is to ask a librarian. I am on it! ;) Eye-wink Eye-wink

__________________ website FREE SOFTWARE FOR WHOLESALERS, REHABBERS AND AGENTS! Present professional looking deals to buyers and lenders as well as run your numbers and get the ROI.


I have met with SSSOOOOoooo many REAgents and ALOT of them are like car salesmen, except there trying to sell houses. They dont know whats going on except they're supposed to make a bunch of money selling houses, sometimes by telling lies. Clueless to REInvesting!

ALOT of the REagents dont even OWN a home, much less have any investment least most car salesmen own a car.

Don't even consider wasting YOUR time trying to educate them on HOW. Just ask for properties that need repairs and/or at least 30-40% below FMV.

They are good for expired listing and some will get you the 60-90 cash sales list. Dont discount them all, there a few good ones.


Mike Free tools

Thank you Mike

Thank you for the great advice. I think I will go call her up and see if she is willing to work with me. Thanks again, TAmmy

__________________ website FREE SOFTWARE FOR WHOLESALERS, REHABBERS AND AGENTS! Present professional looking deals to buyers and lenders as well as run your numbers and get the ROI.

good agent will know

Hi Tammy if you can find a good agent they will know because I have one an she is very good at what she does an she has been a investor an has worked with investors an thats is the real key, Jim




I have called Pretty Much every Office in the Orlando Area and had no luck.Im going to start calling the smaller Offices to see if they will be able to help me..Im not even working with any Realtor

Thank you James, and good

Thank you James, and good luck Thomas!!

__________________ website FREE SOFTWARE FOR WHOLESALERS, REHABBERS AND AGENTS! Present professional looking deals to buyers and lenders as well as run your numbers and get the ROI.

When I go to my local rei

When I go to my local rei club, they ask all the realtors who work with investors to stand up...saves me from having to make a lot of phone calls to reinvent the wheel.

REI Agents

I have been told by other investors in my area that have been doing this for 20 years or more. That most of the larger Realestate agents that work for larger companies wont work with investors. Smaller ones are willing to work with investors more often because it brings them more business.


" Not Having a goal is more feared than not reaching one"

Christa Niven

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