The world wants to see you fail. But, the world cant stop someone who won't be DENIED!!!

The world wants to see you fail. But, the world cant stop someone who won't be DENIED!!!

This is to all you people out there who have been knocked down and your just not sure if you want to get back up. Don't let the world get the best of you. I know it hurts, I've been knocked down before and questioned whether or not to get back up. But I got mad...and I decided that I wasn't going to let the world get the best of me. Have the attitude that you can't be denied!!!

Here is a secret that I have rarely told anyone on how I was able to get financially free so fast.

I did my first deal on 11/10/05 on on that day I set my goal that I was going to get free from my job within 3 years. I didn't think it was possible until I did my first deal, but after that I knew nobody could stop me and I couldn't be denied.

Notice the date? 11/10/05 I did my first deal at the peak of the market. Back then everybody thought the real estate market had no end in sight. Well fast forward 3 years later to when I wanted to be free. 11/10/08 Notice that date? The world was coming to an end, massive layoffs, stock market was crashing, and real estate was falling fast. But I set my goal to be free from my job! Not if everything worked out!!! Not if the real estate market kept going up!!! I was getting free NO MATTER WHAT!!!

Here is the secret:

I said I was going to be free on 11/10/08 and there were many days I got home from my job from 10 hours of work and I was tired. I didn't feel like doing my real estate stuff because I was worn out from a full day of work. There were days I just didn't feel like it. Then the self talk started. I said "Matt you don't have to do real estate today, you already worked a full day, you deserve to take today off, your already a hard worker. You can just make it up tomorrow or on the weekend." But then I realized that if I didn't do my real estate stuff for the day I was going to lose a day because there is no such thing as "making up for lost time". So I said "If I take today off from real estate then I need to go over to my goal sheet and cross of 11/10/2008 and write 11/11/2008. And I just couldn't do it. I wanted out of my freakin job so bad! I WAS NOT WILLING TO GO ONE EXTRA DAY. So I got to work on real estate even if though I was tired.

I finished early. My last day was 11/7/2008. All because I wasn't willing to take a single day off. I wasn't willing to go 1 extra day at my job. When you aren't willing to go one extra day at your job you can't possible be denied in life. The world won't be able to stop you. The world can't stop someone who won't be denied!


You've got to find your obstacles and call them out! Unsheath the sword, and do battle with whatever it is that holds you back!

Bumping again

Matt is so inspiring!

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Need to keeping this going


Good stuff Matt

Nice meeting you at the Edge again(the white cane guy w/made the $1.00 EMD offers on realtor properties haha you laughed!) funny I know I didnt know but now I do and am heading in the right direction, I wont be denied, no matter what, great inspiration, thx.



Go faster do more! GFDM!