As we approach the end of 2012, many of us will spend some time reflecting on the failures, successes and challenges we have faced over the past year. As we do this a reminder is in order.
Success is not measured by how far a head, or behind others we are. True success is measured by the distance covered and the lessons learned. We should not see our success by looking at the success of others. That normally serves to be detrimental for the psyche and for our continued success. Think of your success in what you have learned, the mistakes you have made that you won’t make again, and how far you have come.
As 2012 ends, remember that tomorrow is a new day, with new opportunities to grow and learn. Every step forward is a success.
Good luck.
Year's End
Posted on: Fri, 12/14/2012 - 17:19
Year's End
- by clarsen
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That was very well said.It's good to be reminded of this from time to time.What I was once told I have learned to be true...that I learn as much if not more from my failures as I do from my successes.
I tend to see myself as moving forward. Sometimes I get nervous and wonder if I will make it, but I usually focus on how far I have come. If I measure myself by some others on here I could say I am a huge failure, but If I measure how far I've come in a year I tend to see a huge amount of growth. website FREE SOFTWARE FOR WHOLESALERS, REHABBERS AND AGENTS! Present professional looking deals to buyers and lenders as well as run your numbers and get the ROI.
Thank you Corey! As we think about lessons learned and moving forward this is the time to set your real estate goals for 2013. The market is changing and without a plan you might get left behind!
Plan your work and work your plan! 2013 will be a great year!
"If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse."
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I am just making my plan for 2013 and I am super excited by all that is coming! Thanks for your warm reminders to look forward with anticipation not back with regret!
During this Holiday Season.....we will take the time to reflect on this past year.....what we have accomplished, and what we wanted to accomplish.....and start making new plans for the coming year....
The beauty of a new year is.....We get to start all over again.....Wipe the slate clean......and start fresh in 2013......
Happy Holidays to the DG Family and Staff.....
Life Hands You Lemons.......Make Lemonade......
It was once said, “religion is designed to comfort the afflicted and to afflict the comfortable.”
is to end this year with a Bang! There's still plenty of time to get a deal done before 2012 is over!
End this year on a great note and that will be how you start the next year!!!!
“And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!” ― Dr. Seuss
"I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends; I am surrounded by angels, but I call them friends" - Unknown
My journal:
It may be the end of the year for me and the rest of the population, but it is a new beginning for me. It is a little over 3 years ago i got the books from DG and over 10 tears ago from anouther infermertail (sp) sorry. But anyways, this (real estate) has been stuck in my craw for a long time and got the house I am in threw creative means so I know this works,It's just makeinging myself work for me. I have given every, and I mean everyone I have ever worked for my life,litererally. Iwas almost killed in two diffent accidents numerous body parts ripped up and now as i age and the muscle lessens i find myself still behind the 8 ball and want a better life. I do know that this is the avenue to my success, if I could just rap my head around working for me their would be nothing stopping me.
I was once told that the life I knew, the jobs I had been doing my whole life to that point and even the abuility to work may not even be possible, but I took what the doctors said and did just the oppisite and made itwent back to work a year sooner and did everything the doc. said I would never do again and to this day can still do them,I didn't let them stop me so dose anyone know why we let ourselves get in the way of our own success. Just wandering and rammbleing I know sorry .WELL ANY WAYS I'M BACK AND GIVEING ANOUTHER SHOT HOPEING THIS TIME I DON'T GET IN MY WAY.
Rodney A. Sussek