As you begin your journey into the land of investing, you will come across a number of obstacles that will cause you to slip, trip and stop. Don’t let them. There is no crystal ball that will show you everything you will encounter with investing. You have to get out there and do it. Be an investor. Don’t play at it, and don’t let anyone scare you, or stop you from following your dreams and desires to be successful. YOU can do this…and YOU are the only one that can make or break you. YOU are an investor. Say it, believe it and most important mean it.
Your successes teach you nothing, mistakes are the teacher, and the path by which you become successful.
Be an investor
Posted on: Wed, 04/17/2013 - 20:56
Be an investor
- by clarsen
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Well Said Coach, and so true .......We always feel good about our success'.....
..... but we only truly learn when we make mistakes......
Life Hands You Lemons.......Make Lemonade......
It was once said, “religion is designed to comfort the afflicted and to afflict the comfortable.”
I can truly only learn by doing. I was hesitant to begin so as not to make any costly mistake, but some things can be done and learned as you go. I seem to be learning just by doing. website FREE SOFTWARE FOR WHOLESALERS, REHABBERS AND AGENTS! Present professional looking deals to buyers and lenders as well as run your numbers and get the ROI.
I thought about it for some time, but I'm glad I took a plunge into it. I love being an investor. Not where I'm at yet, but will eventually get there!
This is my incentive for potential buyers and sellers!
Great post Clarsen
Reynold Orozco