free voicemail

free voicemail

Well I dont know who might be interested but i did a free voicemail search today because well im so broke that i cant affor a toll free number and im living with some one else so i dont want to have all my calls come into the house and i found a site
well you can set up your pre recorded message
and i thought that was great so i dont know if you all know about it but i thought id share what id found!!!
Now one thing is they only have 206 numbers available so any feedback would be great!!!!



That is what this DG Community is all about...sharing. Thanks so much for the info. I'm going to ck it out right now.

Oh 1 more thing. I recently posted a site where you could get a free business card template. Just type "free business card" in the DG search and it should lead you there. My post will walk you through the process.

Thanks again.

Jason King

Alternative to outside voicemail service or hi priced 2nd line

I am sure most of you have either seen a late night infomercial or display at your local store for "Magicjack". While I have not gotten one yet I can tell you that based on the experience of my Mother in law it is very worth the investment. For about $40 you can get the device, and one year of service with a free year of service. You get a personally assigned number and all calls route through your computer with a full voice mail system. Just a thought but it may be a low price option for you.



well I Love the feed back I have seen the infomercial for majic jack so ill look into it for sure!!!! and thanks Jason I am going to get on that right now let me know what you think about the voicemail service well you all thans again

Thanks Jasuia!

I've been trying to figure out how to get a voicemail service. All I have is a cell phone with limited minutes so I didn’t want to use them all on investing calls. Thanks a lot for this information! I set up two #'s. One for buyers and another for sellers! This is a great tool.

Low Cost Telephone Service

Vonnage provides unlimited calls worldwide for $25 per month. No installation, shipping, or equipment costs. With taxes my bill is $33. You can get additional lines for another $5 per month. I have an automatic switch to facilitate my fax machine without interfering with voice calls. It is by Command Communications and is called an ASAP104. It is not terribly expensive either. I believe they have Toll Free numbers also but I do not know what they cost. if you are interested &

If you have questions about this, I would be glad to help. I used to have an IT business selling Information Systems and telephone systems.


Keep on Keeping On !!! Expect it, God has already given it to you. You just need to get out there and grab it!
If you want to follow my journal:

Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10

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