Finally Taking Action

Finally Taking Action

A couple of months I sent to the to the city offices and started my business name. Even though my wife is not supportive of what I want to do, she needed surgery. For about six weeks I needed to care for her through January. I did keep on reading and studying as much as I could. However, from time to time, I knew what I wanted and need to do, but would get frustrated. I needed to keep taking steps. I started to judge myself.

I need to get this business off the ground so that I can stop working at my p/t job within three months. My original goal was the end of March, but I don't think that will happen. I must accept that. A buddy of mine is a realtor and I let him read parts of the book. He was intrigued and said he would like to help me with Assignments. There was a little negativity about our market and said this may work better in states where the industry is way down. Nevertheless, he wants to help.

We were going to meet, but the transmission in my 17 yr old van died. We spent a few weeks looking for reliable transportation with great gas mileage. My parents are helping with the finances. We got a 2010 Ford Fusion. However, that prevented me from taking care actions for a few weeks. Talked to the realtor today and he said we should meet next Tuesday. Plus, Dean is hosting a 3 hr seminar in my town on Friday, February 25th. We are going.

Next month, at my F/T job, we are hosting a 3-day workshop with a guy from Denver who is in the a/c business. He runs the business. He has never turned a screw driver. I heard him speak at our annual convention. He went from nothing in 2005 to having $20 million by 2009. He was prison for 21 yrs. He talks about how to change your life and become who you want. It's all about taking action. It's so basic, but it is true. Since I am coordinating the meetings, I get to attend. He told me what he has to say will help me in my goals.

Anyways, I needed to change my goals for my p/t job. I plan to quit by the end of June. I need to put the delays out of my mind and move forward.



good for you


that's great that you decided to take action; that's the first step to success!

If you can get your hands on DG's book Totally Fulfilled, I highly recommend it; I just read it recently and from the minute I opened it I couldn't put it down!

wishing you great success,




“And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!” ― Dr. Seuss

"I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends; I am surrounded by angels, but I call them friends" - Unknown

My journal:

Hi Valerie, I think at DGs

Hi Valerie,
I think at DGs workshop next week, we can get a free book. I have two right now, but if that one is available, I definetly will. I just need to learn and do my first deal.



In this business there will be a ton of ups and downs, I am sure you are aware of this by now. There is no magic key or formula to make this work, but the one thing I do know is that your determination plays a huge role in your success. You teamed up with an agent and this is your first step in the right direction. Ask tons of question and absorb everything he is saying, take notes if you have to but take action also. This business can beat you bloody if you let it, the key is to get back up and attack from a different angle. Read and read and study all that you can. Stay on this site and read the posts. You success is right in front of you, you just don't know it yet...Jan


Never look back on the past regrets or the past should haves, just focus on the now. Everyday we are faced with so many things that can change our mindset. Just know in your heart where you want to be and don't let all the other stuff get in your way.

Keep up the good work and keep reading and keep staying on this site. There are incredible people out here that have stories just like you. You have come to a great family.

Good luck and keep reaching for those goals.
Carpe Diem :0) Stacey


YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow Joe on his You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures

I must say something and I

I must say something and I don't want it to come across as bashing anyone. I sincerely believe in what DG has to offer.

About six months ago, I could not afford the Success Academy. They even offered me a special deal to get started. If I had that right now, I would jump on it. One of the reasons I got the books is due to the fact I don't have the kind of money needed to buy into any program.

My realtor friend and I went to the Insider's Edge Seminar held in the NTX area. I didn't realize they were going to be doing a hard sell to get us to go a 3-day workshop next weekend. $2k. If I had it, I would have done it. Again, I don't have that kind of money. Apparently, they have all kinds of resources to help me succeed. Most of the talk was not about how to find investors, but jumping on the opportunity. My realtor didn't disagree with anything they said about the market. He knows a few cash investors, but not what they know.

They are a different group than the Success Academy. I wish I had the money. A friend on this forum told me several months ago if I don't have money, he would help me along. It will take longer with the SA, but I can do it. I have tried to get in touch with him via email. He has his website. It is discouraging. If an investor doesn't have the time to look for homes, why would he go to Craig's list to seek people interested in assignment contracts.

I am not giving up. Just can't seem to get off the ground.

Small % only make it.

I know tons of Investors who didn't get off the ground for 2-3 yrs but they kept taking action, educating themselves, & failing along the way. Keep that in mind. The ones who keep going & have the mind set that they will keep taking action until, make it.
Wish you luck!


Jason S.
San Diego, CA.
**All CASH House Buyer!**
Refer Us To Neighbors, Friends & Family, Earn $1,000
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Joe, Don't let anything


Don't let anything bring you down! We've been going since August and have 2 deals, our third and fourth are looking promising right around the corner and my partner is attending the EDGE event. We've been through ups and downs, highs and lows, doubting ourself but we seem to keep making it happen. I don't mean to sound harsh but you WILL fail at some point at something in this journey, the important part is to keep your head up and move on to the next. It's always hard at first but once you see the light you'll be unstoppable! Hope all goes well with your journey and keep us updated!



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I agree

Failure is going to be a part of this at some point. I've personally had my share of failure! It is amazing how much you learn, and now I profit from my "experience", and my "wisdom" which are the new words my past failures represent.