
All About Awaterloo

Awaterloo's picture
Alex Waterloo
About Me: 


I'm 26 years old and am working very hard to achieve my goal to be a millionaire by the age of 30! I am a Real Estate Investor / Realtor and Airline Pilot. I cannot wait to be $$$ Free. I have never felt so confident in my life before about it, but I know its going to happen. I cannot wait to quit my airline job, buy an airplane and fly to your town and invest with you!!!

Topics I've Participated In

30 Days Quick Cash Formula michellecaseyks18758 years 46 weeks ago
Looking For Partners In Chicagoland & South Suburbs djdeals512 years 28 weeks ago
Craigslist Ghost Ad BrentInBama2613 years 24 weeks ago
Girl24??? mike913 years 31 weeks ago
BLUEPRINT Jay Sthilaire2513 years 32 weeks ago

Basic Info

Airline Pilot / Real Estate Investor / Real Estate Agent
No Children
Completed College

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


Priceless Insight!

michellecaseyks's picture

Just wanted to thank you so much for the info you are divulging! Your expertise is helping me out tremendously and just wanted you to know that you are appreciated! Congrats on finding the AWESOME RE agent! Hope to find mine very soon as well!

Thank you!!

Awaterloo's picture

Not a problem, I am so happy to help! I am in the same boat as you and everybody else. I truly believe that if we help each other we will succeed! Thanks for all the incredibly nice words and for setting up probably one of the best threads on this entire website! WE WILL DO THIS!!!

Welcome to DG

I just wanted to stop by and say welcome to DG. If you are ever interested in partnering, drop me a line.

Hi Alex

Valuni's picture

I've been reading some of your posts, and just wanted to sign in your guestbook and wish you great success on your rei journey! Sounds like you have some great whys you want to be free!
You are doing great, as well as inspiring many others!


Hi Alex

LadyHarris8's picture

I am a newbie, so I just stop by to sign your guest book. You have some really great post and sound like you have great energy, aswell.

I wish you all the best!!


Indiana-Joe's picture

Good luck with the offer on the REO. The key is find the decision maker and give them options. You can always pay a higher price if they offer great terms. Good luck. I look forward to reading about your future real estate deals. Believe and Achieve! Smiling - Joe


Thanks again for your contributions here. You and Michelle really got me moving.

I have used Facebook groups on other ventures and found it to be a great way to share relevant information within a private group. Clearly I am a newbie here, but I am thinking about creating a FB group where some of us RBBP'ers can accelerate our exchanges. I will contact Dean, the mentors, and a few others to see if they think it's a good idea.

Let me know if you would be interested and I will keep you posted. Thanks again.


Welcome to the team. Keep doing what you are doing and you will succeed for sure!! Thanks for your contribution and helpig others.
Good Luck

Hey Alex

xtreme100's picture

Hey my friend, love what you are doing in the posts. I have a small issue and just wanted to see if you could help.

I had an issue trying to find REA and when I talked them it seemed that they wanted to see what I was doing and talk face to face before they did anything.

any suggestions or is this enough info to go on for you to help.


Just starting...

murdocksusan's picture

Hi Alex, I am reading around on posts here and thought I'd throw out a few lines to people to make connections. I just bought the RBBP and my hubby and I are starting on the 30 days to quick cash. We are in Oklahoma. I wish you luck and I hope to hear of you quitting your airline job within the next year or sooner.

You are great!

Hi,my name is Alla,i just registered today on this wonderfull site,so many good stuff here and so many good people and ofcause the owner of this site is the best.I was reading lots of your comments, Awaterloo ,and i can tell that you are amaizing and very frendly,i think that you will be very successful this time and soon you will be a great mentor too. I will be here for a looong time,i think forever and i will always read your comments and advices, thank you young men!

Pressing On

I have been reading ya'lls post and find it encouraging to keep on keeping on.With each call to agents I find it a lesson in itself but still pressing on.I am glad you found yours as mine still waits and I keep calling.

Flying High

jade_east's picture

Hi, Alex ~~~
Have been following the thread which Michelle started and to which you have been contributing so generously. My father was an AF pilot, so I grew up with that background and I do think it gives you a valuable perspective. It's really easy for those of us on the ground or trying to dig out of a particular rut to think every obstacle is huge, but as an old airline friend of mine used to say, "From 3,000 feet up, nothing looks that big." Thanks for all your input.

Welcome Alex

Just wanted to stop in and sign your guest book. Sounds like I need to go find your other posts.

You should start a blog or journal too. I like the facebook or group idea for sharing that someone else had on your blog.


Thanks Alex and Michelle

Hi, I just want to think you guys and gals for the positive Insight...
"Show You Right"


Natosha22's picture

Hi Alex I too am from Illinois! I have a house under contract and could use a realtor's help to get it sold. PM me if interested! Love your positive attitude by the way!!!!

Great Insights

dtupak's picture

Wow, man, you are a great help out here. Keep working it and I wish you the best of luck in RE.



evolkers's picture

Keep up the great work it is great to see the process of how we are starting out and how are results are different but also some similar. Looking for deals in other states as well as California. Awesome Awaterloo

cash list

Does the cash list that i am asking for includ all cash sales for that agent or all cash offers from that reality firm

Thank You Alex

jlemon's picture

I just wanted to take a minute Alex to thank you for your ghost ad post. When I did my first post I did not get any responses. The after looking over your forum post about examples of ghost ads I made changes to mine and bingo! I got cash money buyers sending me emails. I made contact with the first responder to my ad and he is from a different state but is coming in mid next week so we can close a deal on a property or two.

So thank you again for without your help and everyone who is a part of this site and sharing their knowledge and experiences I would not be able to succeed as I hope to do in this industry.

Thank you for all your help,


Hi Alex, fist of all I want

Veta's picture

Hi Alex, fist of all I want to say how amazed I am about how you're helping people. God bless you and good luck! I'm sure you'll meet your RE goals pretty soon. Unfortunately I didn't have a chance to buy a Rock Bottom Blueprint (I was out of country for seven months) but I have Dean's books and DVDs, and I'm ready to start, I kinda found a RE agent but he is not really the one who I'm looking for, he told me that to get a cash buyers list is illegal and some other things that I don't like. I read a lot of very helpful information oht DG site. But could you please tell me how to start looking for REA. Should I call all RE offices, and what should I say? Thank you.


Butt3rfly6's picture

About a couple of hours ago I set up my profile in to find an agent to get started building up my team. Here are the responses I have gotten so far:

Hi Michelle ;

Contact me at your earliest convenience so we can get started !


Are you willing to sign an Exclusive Buyer Agency Agreement with me? If so, let's talk!

Michael Bray

Howdy Michelle

so you are an investor. I like investors! Lets talk about your needs and how we can work together.



Please help me! I am new to this arena. How should I respond back without sounding like a newbee?

Thank you and hope I get a response as soon as possible. I would really appreciate it.

My First Deal

ken51679's picture

Hi how are you? My name is Ken. Im want to do my first whole sale deal in 30 days. Im really confused on were to start. I know I have to call an invester friendly agent but im stumped on the 25 to 1 thing and the rest. Do you know about this? Is it make 25 offers to get 1 deal? Thankyou.

real estate agents

danette derose's picture

hi awaterloo seen your comment about having trouble finding a realestate agent pm me plz so we can talk thanks so much


Hello, I am looking for your videos on you tube and can not fund them. Could you send me a link when you have a chance. Real helpful and interesting posts. Thank You