Does my agent know what he's doing?

Does my agent know what he's doing?

Hello all,
I have a question. After watching the 2011 Edge videos and speaking with some coaches at the Academy I was excited and eager to begin working with the RE agent I've hooked up with. He's worked with other investors before (so he says) and is willing to do what I ask so far BUT I'm not sure now if he really knows how to work with me. Part of the problem is that I don't know what kind of information he should have access to...

Let me explain. I sent him an email with the zip codes I want to look into and asked him to:
1) Pull listings that are 90 days DOM and have had at least one price reduction.
2) Identify the listings that had motivated seller terms such as "must sell", "investor special", "as is"
3) Identify properties with lower than usual property taxes

Problems came at step one! My agent says he can't look up properties that have had a price reduction! Is he correct or does he just not know how to look it up? Does anyone know what I should tell him to do?

Any advice would be appreciated! Thank You!


Life is full of choices, and these choices become your reality... YOU are in control of your future! YOU decide the direction your life will take. YOU have to make things happen, no one will do it for you!

When opportunity knocks, will you answer?

He might be right....

I hardly EVER use MLS, but I don't think unless you have a tracker on a particular property, you won't know what properties have dropped from when or what time period.

Hello Allison

I have been through three just to get listings too. I started looking myself and I came up with the same they got and more.

Don't give up, I thought it was strange that they didn't want to work but wanted to get paid. Go figure.



Are you from Maine???

More importantly, are you a Black Bear???


I have been thru 3 Agent and they all say they cant just look for As iS Price Reduction..All they can do is put a list together and you have to look thru them yourself..I did that and out of the whole list I might have gotten 3 properties to look thru.


I am going to stick with him for the moment for 2 reasons:
1) I don't have anyone else to work with right now and he is very good at keeping contact with me to see if I have questions. Seriously it only takes him avg. 5 min. to respond when I text or email him. And he has given me access to his MLS listingbook service.
2) I do have an offer out there through him and I need to see what happens with that anyway.

And guess what. I reworded what I was asking him to do and by laying out the steps for him and he took it much better. Now I have to see what info he comes back with b/c yes a lot of the listings he's come up with I have already found myself. I just don't want to spend my time doing that work.

Anyone else have similar experiences?


Life is full of choices, and these choices become your reality... YOU are in control of your future! YOU decide the direction your life will take. YOU have to make things happen, no one will do it for you!

When opportunity knocks, will you answer?

How have you been Allison? I

How have you been Allison? I just thought I would stop and check in on you it's been awhile.

I'll touch base with you later I have to get going to do some work.

I have found that

rather than stop your relationship with him, find out how to do the search that you want and tell him what to do. I have found that just because they all use basically the same program doesn't mean they all know how to do the same searches. If you have a good relationship then work together to get what you are looking for. Remember you were just starting yourself at one point and didn't know all the things that other seasoned investors knew. Good Luck and Keep the Faith.


"Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude."

Shaun Omar
DSD Investor Group Inc

How did the story end?


I am curious. How did the story end? I am a tech savvy agent and even I was somewhat stumped when you asked your agent to search for homes with price reductions after 90 DOM. Searching for listings with specific agent remarks is easy in my MLS. But, let's not forget most MLSs have a help feature and in most cases a dedicated staff that can assist setting up a specific search with the parameters your specified. Hopefully he was able to get you what you wanted.


If it will work in your zipcode it has a option for listings with price reductions.I love this site the way it maps them out & has more info about each listings than most sites.I found my "dream home" on it & bought it Smiling

Feed back

I am an agent and most of what you asked for is possible on the MLS in my area. Having said that, I work almost exclusively with investors and I invest myself and I've found it is easier to determine what price range and types of properties you are looking for and go from there. If you want to rehab a house and want the rehabbed price to be below $150k, I start with prices below $80k and see if the numbers make sense. You really don't need to be as specific as you are asking the agent to be to find what you are looking for.
I talk to many other agents who say they would love to flip houses or work with buyers that flip, or by rentals, but say they can never find good deals. If you know what to look for they are there. I find more than I can sell or do myself. So it is just a matter of training the agent what to look for or having the agent figure out how to use the tools that are available.
If you want seller financed rentals, many times they won't put that on the listing, but you can have the agent call the listing agent and ask if they will. I have good success with that.

I am a Maniac!

Yes, I think I am the only investor from Maine! Well, let me take that back I am awaiting a response from here in my state.

And where are you from?

I am not a Black Bear, but I was a Maniac before they dismantled the team!

Peace and Success,

Miss Julie

MissJulie wrote:
Yes, I think I am the only investor from Maine! Well, let me take that back I am awaiting a response from here in my state.

And where are you from?

I am not a Black Bear, but I was a Maniac before they dismantled the team!

Peace and Success,

No i'm from Brooklyn but I went to the University of Maine

Thanks everyone!

So I'm not sure if this relationship will work out or not. He is trying and we do have a good relationship. So I am taking it as it comes for now, just a bit more involved than I want to be right now. But eventually we should be able to work this out. I think.

But I also just started working with another investor (buyer/ rehabber) who is also a realtor, and he said he'd help me out if this guy doesn't get what I need. So we'll see...


Life is full of choices, and these choices become your reality... YOU are in control of your future! YOU decide the direction your life will take. YOU have to make things happen, no one will do it for you!

When opportunity knocks, will you answer?

Does my agent know what he is doing?

More importantly did you know what you were doing when you picked that agent? I talk to a lot of investors everyday that have basically "settled" for an agent. It is easy to be talked into using a an agent that is new and full of enthusiasm and says they are willing to do the work.

Well, my question is do they even know what the work is? Probably not! We are not in the field of investing to train an agent on investing. Either they know it or we must move on. Lots of agents out there but not to many that understand double closings or are willing to do 25-50 offers a month and only offering 30% of list.

They are out there and are definitely worth the time you put in to find one or two. I talked to a student the other day that I had previously set up to go to an investor club meeting. She went and not only found her an agent but a number of buyers and an attorney as well.

So, this does happen! If you are up front with most agents and explain what you need them to do you will find one that will work for you!

Good luck and remember to have fun,

Randy Bailiff

Ask him if he can use the

Ask him if he can use the MLS support. Somewhere I read the agents can pull up buyers for the last 90 days, and if they didn't know how they could call the MLS support. Maybe MLS support can also help him with this question. Worth a try.

__________________ website FREE SOFTWARE FOR WHOLESALERS, REHABBERS AND AGENTS! Present professional looking deals to buyers and lenders as well as run your numbers and get the ROI.

Somewhere there is a thread...

about How to Train your Realtor Smiling Look for it in REal Estate Forums. Can't remember exactly when or who addressed it but there is lots of info on this subject. Maybe, someone else will read and advise.

My Realtor has supplied me with comps and there are specifics he has to customize his search for. Such as last sold in past 3mons, 1/4 mile away from the address etc...


"Cut not the wings of your dreams,
for they are the heartbeat and the freedom of your soul." ~ Flavia

Kathy Wholesales TX
KM WholeSale Properties LLC

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