REAL Buyers List

REAL Buyers List

By following what Dean teaches and what I've learned through the my years in REI...I created alot of REO's

Building your buyers list.

I went to the foreclosure auctions over and over and over and TOOK AWAY most all the CASH BUYERS bidding on properties within 3-4 counties, thus causing the properties to go back to the lenders!!= REO's

TOO BAD for the greedy banks!!

I NEVER understood WHY anyone would buy at the auction. The same group of bidders always attended, bid against each other, driving the prices UP and cutting into their profits.

REASON is they did NOT know how to buy any other way and they could flex alittle at the other bidders and smile when they 'won' the bid.

I changed that for them- NOW they buy all MY deals and make MORE money.

It was SO easy- once you talk to one of them and get their info, the rest just join in because they don't want "Bill" to be getting all the deals- they want them too.

IF you are going to auctions and bidding, perhaps you need to learn a better way of buying too, so you can make more money.


Mike Free tools


Now thats what I call smart networking and building a solid buyers list. Way to go Mike!! Ill remember that one.....



Good info Mike!

That's so true! I also never understood auctions, a lot of people bid based on their emotions and NOT based on business. I've attended couple auctions, met great people but never bought anything there. All the properties that I was interested in bidding, people just drove prices way way to the sky. I am not sure if you've seen a show on Spike TV, The Flip Men. They buy properties at auctions in UT, make some money when flip the properties but lose in others. You can see where they make their mistakes.


Tom and Jeri

I don't

Know if any of y'all have ever seen a tv show called storage wars, I think? I saw it once and it was hilarious! If you ever want to know why we as investors don't BID on properties, go watch that show. That is a prime example of losing control of your emotions with a most often bad result.

Mike, that is the way to do business! You made yourself a trusted authority and made yourself NEEDED. I'm pretty sure that most of the investors you work with think, "What would we ever do without Mike!", lol.



"Remember, success is a journey, not a destination.
Have faith in your ability."
Bruce Lee

I've only bought 1 on auction

I've only bought 1 on auction and it was just 2 of us bidding on 3 properties. He got the 2 he wanted, we got the 1 we wanted. We both got them for the opening bid as neither of us bid against the other.

Since they're not all that way, we haven't won one since. Auctions drive up your emotions as well as the prices. You didn't drive all of the way there to go home empty handed did you?

Mike, you are doing a great job driving the bankers crazy and keeping your buyers wanting more. Way to go!



"If God is for us, who can ever be against us?" Romans 8:31 NLT

Get Buyers

rresnick2112 wrote:
Now thats what I call smart networking and building a solid buyers list. Way to go Mike!! Ill remember that one.....



Mike Free tools


lots of sense to me! I'm gonna attend more auctions.

Thanks for this info Mike!



"; not greedy for money....but eager to serve"
1 Peter 5:2

Yes Mike,

I really need to head out to the auctions now and talk to some real buyers!

__________________ website FREE SOFTWARE FOR WHOLESALERS, REHABBERS AND AGENTS! Present professional looking deals to buyers and lenders as well as run your numbers and get the ROI.

way to go Mike

Hi Mike, now thats another way we call creative Realestate Investing and you filling three needs, the seller, buyer, and your yours the in between investor, win-win for every one, greed solves nothing but Banks havent learned that yet, way to go Mike were proud of you, much appreciated, Jim



Dont Overthink everything

alot of it is common sense


Mike Free tools

>>>> Buyers List <<<< Serious Buyers <<<< Free Report >>>>>

Serious Wholesalers and Buyers please visit my website to join my buyers list!! Just for visiting my website you'll receive Free Valuable Information. I have created a quick report revealing how we go about getting these wholesale houses that absolutely no one else will ever know about, and how you can get your hands on them before anyone else. Additionally, once you receive your "Free Report" with no obligation, you'll become one of my VIP buyers, which will enable you to be amongst the first to receive my deeply discounted properties available nationwide!!


If you are on Linkedin, lets get connected there as well!! You can just follow my link below!! Thanks,

Buyers are Liars...

Be sure to "qualify" buyers to get real buyers

REAL BUYERS are ones that have bought and are buying properties, NOT just blowing smoke and TALKING about it


Mike Free tools

IF you plan on...

buying at an auction, go on a rainy day, you'll usually have less competition and can buy at a lower price, BUT remember you'll have to have cash


Mike Free tools

qualifying buyers

What questions do you ask to qualify buyers? Thanks for all your input!


College Station, TX
"Declare that you will prosper despite every difficulty that may come your way. Don't just survive; thrive!"
-Joel Osteen


TeresaJo wrote:
What questions do you ask to qualify buyers? Thanks for all your input!

link to investor profile form

PLUS ask these:

What types of properties are you interested in purchasing? ____________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________
What areas are you interested in? _________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________
What price range? _____________________________________________________________________
Experience level? ______________________________________________________________________
How do you plan on financing deals we sell to you? ___________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________
How quickly can you close? ______________________________________________________________
What constitutes a good deal for you? (% of value, minimum profit, min. cash flow) _________________ _____________________________________________________________________________
What level of repairs are you comfortable with? _____________________________________________
Tell me about your last deal or the one you're working on now or your best and worst deal

When you go to assign a deal to your "buyer" you can separate the real ones by using the non-refundable assignment fee. If they have NO problem with it, they'll close the deal

Notes: _______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________


Mike Free tools

Thanks Mike

This is some good info . Thanks for sharing


Right--I have the buyer profile form, but these extra questions you also ask of a potential buyer are great.
Thanks again.

reinvestor42 wrote:
TeresaJo wrote:
What questions do you ask to qualify buyers? Thanks for all your input!

link to investor profile form

PLUS ask these:

What types of properties are you interested in purchasing? ____________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________
What areas are you interested in? _________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________
What price range? _____________________________________________________________________
Experience level? ______________________________________________________________________
How do you plan on financing deals we sell to you? ___________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________
How quickly can you close? ______________________________________________________________
What constitutes a good deal for you? (% of value, minimum profit, min. cash flow) _________________ _____________________________________________________________________________
What level of repairs are you comfortable with? _____________________________________________
Tell me about your last deal or the one you're working on now or your best and worst deal

When you go to assign a deal to your "buyer" you can separate the real ones by using the non-refundable assignment fee. If they have NO problem with it, they'll close the deal

Notes: _______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________


College Station, TX
"Declare that you will prosper despite every difficulty that may come your way. Don't just survive; thrive!"
-Joel Osteen

Awesome Win - Win

for you and your new buyers! Thanks for sharing.

Thanks Mike

Good for you...Thanks Mike for the info...I will find when there is an auction and attend. Thanks again.

Excellent advice...

Regarding questions to qualify buyers you noted when you assign a deal to your buyer use the non-refund assignment fee. Knowledge goes a long way....
Thank you for your wisdom!

been to auction yet??

femailceo wrote:
I really need to head out to the auctions now and talk to some real buyers!


Mike Free tools