

Their has got to be someone out their that has tried what I am trying to do. I have been trying this on my own but don't seam to be getting anywhere. I want to get my bankruptcy removed from my credit report.It wasn't discharged until 08, But seance that time I have went back and took care of everything. I don't mind paying someone if they are legit. Any advice or experience with this would be appreciated.




Has anyone had any-luck getting a bankruptcy removed from their credit report by using a credit repair company. I have seen one on Deans web site, I think they were in Texas. I haven't called them yet. Just wondering if anybody tried them and what was the results'



Not going to happen

Not going to happen

Not giving up

Thanks for the feed back but I am not giving up Their is always the first time.




I went thru a chapter 7 in 1999. It took 10 years for it to be removed, but that is up here in NY state, could be diff where you are. funny thing is out of the 3 major reporters it still shows on one of them. I know it's a big pain trying to get it removed, but I don't know of any faster way unless you consult a lawyer. Sorry I didn't have better advice for you...Jan


I love trying to do the impossible Maybe if I get it worked out it will help someone else.



That's Why

That is why you and I are on this site. We help each other when and if we can....Jan

Randy, unfortunately if you

Randy, unfortunately if you file it is stuck with you for the immediate future.

There may be different states regulations but generally the format is universal because the amount of time its on your credit is the same all around

Don't mean to be the bearer of bad news


The reason I am trying this is that i did go back and pay my creditors off even though I didn't have to. I felt it was a moral obligation. It wasn't their fault or mine. I do know the odds are against me but i am going to keep trying. I do appreciate all the feed back.




Randy let us know because like you said, it will help someine else and I'm one of them. thank you


Geraldine Garcia


let me know what happens i am also trying to get one removed with no success. hope all goes well . Dale


Well i must admit HAVE LEARNED alot but not enough to succeed. But when I do I will let everyone know.



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