Your spouse doesn't support what you wanna do with real estate!! We have the ability to purchase the SFL system on monthly payments its not happening! So frustrating!!!
Your spouse doesn't support what you wanna do with real estate!! We have the ability to purchase the SFL system on monthly payments its not happening! So frustrating!!!
...anyway, behind her back.
She'll be glad that you did ;D
Follow my Journey:
N.Carolina Doorknocking:
"This is me taking back control of my life...what the xoxo have you done lately?" ~Wesley Gibson, Wanted
Many of us have them. I am sitting quietly letting my husband talk about it with out pressuring him. We are in the success academy and went to the edge 2010. We get some of this stuff already. But the buyers list makes my ears perk up.
do it behind her back....that is NOT what a marriage is about.
There are many other ways to do this program just from the books and this website alone....MANY people to help you and lots of good information already out there to help propel you to success.
Sure, if you want to take the chance of moving forward BY YOURSELF...go ahead...order it behind your life partners back and see how well that goes for you.
You CAN do this and you can do it even if you can't do the SFL program right now.
"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)" - Mike Spillman
"As long as there is breath there is hope!" - Mike Spillman
Making profits and using them to pay for a separation would be counter -productive. JSBLANTO...pray that your wife will come on board and support you as you work to support your family. Do not be dishonest. You will have more problems (distractions) if/when she finds out!
...supposed to be a joke, Mspillman. I think the OP is safe
Follow my Journey:
N.Carolina Doorknocking:
"This is me taking back control of my life...what the xoxo have you done lately?" ~Wesley Gibson, Wanted
I am a single mom and I could think of a million other things that this money could be spent on, but I am investing in my future and my son's future. You have to convince your spouse that this is the right investment for your future. Don't give up. Make it happen!!! Not by deceit, but through discussion and open/ calm conversation.
Has she read any of Dean's books? Maybe if she understood it a little more, she might be supportive. As soon as my hubby started reading the books, he was on board! No questions asked. It just made sense....
However, the SFL system is pricey, and you can do it without it. It just makes your life a lot easier!
"If God is for us, who can ever be against us?" Romans 8:31 NLT
I have been through the same situation and have made the wrong choice about going behind my husband back and bought a program then I could not live with it I told him what I did, he forgive me but took a while to get things back the way they were, before I get trusted with our family finances again. It is not worth the trouble.
Realtor / Investor
Matt. 6:33 "Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added to You." Matt. 16:26 "For what profit will it be for a man to gain the whole world, and lose his own soul." If the first two verses are true for you, Always remenber Phil. 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ who strenghtens me." Promise from God, Psalm. 60:12 "With God's help we will do mighty things."
Try to get her involved in looking at some actual properties. Drive around and hand her a tablet and pen and ask her if she would mind writing down the addresses of empty houses. Make her feel a part of it...if she rejects it then talk to her about how important it is to you. She has probably seen and heard of all these late night guru's who are a joke...then once in a life time the real thing (Dean) presents itself and the rest of those have her in a mindset of "they are all out for the money."
As for the SFL program...that is probably too much ($$$)for her to comprehend at this point when you are just now getting started. Let her see you make some cash from a deal or two and she will come around.
Let her read some of these posts about people doing their first deals with no money and how much they profit.
My husband is the same way. Very cautious with everything and VERY skeptical. Once you start doing deals, and you still can do them without this system, then she's going to see the results that you already believe in. You must believe in something for it to produce results. And she doesn't believe in it...
Like my husband...
But she will! Give it some time and go out and do a deal or two.
I appreciate the responses! Because I wouldn't want her to do something like that behind my back without running by me first it wouldn't be fair or right of me to do the same thing! Although, I could have easily gotten away with it b/c she NEVER looks at our bank account and has not clue how much goes in or comes out.
She's a great wife and loves me completely and wants me to be happy and if that means pursuing real estate then she thinks I should do it...she just doesn't want anything to do with it...YET:) I've been telling her that I was going to make us money in REI for about 3 months now and have to get a deal done so in her mind buying into some "system" thats suppose to set us up for life she thinks is unwise!
I guess I'll have to take sistreats advice since I can't get her to read Dean's books or anything about REI!! She doesn't have a business/moneymaking mindset so I'm gonna have to try and get her to ride me and we can spend some quality time while looking at property lol!
Keep pressing forward DGers!
I meant ride WITH me and we can spend some quality time while looking at property lol!!
I too have a very skeptical spouse who does not believe in what I am doing but he tolerates my hours on the computer because it "keeps me amused"! "as long as you're having fun"! Wait 'till I get my own car and I'm gone all day finding deals! If I had my own money stashed away I would not hesitate to buy the Set For Life course but alas he made me promise not to spend another penny unless I started MAKING money.
That's ok. WHEN I DO start making money it will be going into a business account in MY name ready to be invested in MY business. I just hope Dean will make it available to ALL of us later when we start making our fortunes.
Bahahahahahahhahahahahaha!!! SURRREEEE you meant WITH...... Its ok,.... really! You ARE married! But a little TMI! It DOES sound like a GREAT way to go look at property though!
I'm sure things might look a little... err. enh.. shall we say distorted, and you might miss a FEW teeny, tiny details though!
Thanks for the great laugh. I got tears in my eyes laughing so hard!

You deserve a badge for the funniest RE Freudian slip!
some EXCELLENT advice as did others that suggested that you let her be a part of things and that you let her see some $$ come in before she sees that BIG CHUNK going out.
Mindset changes later --- later on, that amt. of $$ won't be such a significant amount. BUT, you go with where you ARE right now -and it CAN be done!
Yeah, ride it, dude.
"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)" - Mike Spillman
"As long as there is breath there is hope!" - Mike Spillman
Maybe you can give something up that costs you around the same amount every month.
Have a yard sale with what ever it is that you dont need anymore and use the funds towards the purchase.
Just a few idea's.
That was too funny Tammy lmao!!
Don't doit behind her back relationships are fourth coming and she will find out.Ask her to read deans books maybe that will set her mind at ease or at least see what direction you want to go.and like Dean said all the info you really need to get started is in totalview i personally like things simplified so i purchased it on payments.and curently still have no info other then totalview and deans site wich is extremely helpfull.