Well my dg friends, I didn't know how to post a journal here until I just saw the thread on how to do it, thx dgadmin. I have posted blog's about me but not a journal and not too frequent. Well I saw Dean's infomercial about 3yrs ago, bought it & it sat on my bookshelf for 6 mo's, then I read them and didn't understand them.
I reread them several times & it was finally starting to sink in, then I went to an event, a 1 day, then I snuck in to a boots on the ground(it was/10k to go I think or something like that maybe 5k) & I signed up for the coaching w/really helped me, this was 2011, I then quit my job(I dont recommend that I suffered really greatly)then 6 mo's later got the rock bottom bluerprint.
It was great, I started to make offers, I had a realtor, and got over a span of 4 mo's about 10 props under contract, I had no buyers! I had to back out of the deals, I then got buyers & the market started turning, going up, this was 2012 Feb, well I gave up for a while, got back in to it in the Summer started making offers, put up 100 bandit signs, in san diego, the wrong way the first 50 of them, no calls, the next 50 the right way-no calls, boy this was tough wanted to give up.
MY wife went to mexico, ordered to by immigration or ICe, she came here illegaly, she is mexican, traumatic, numb and paralyzed for a few months after, then Feb of of this yr, as I am in mexico vivisiting my wife i get a lead from a loan officer i had met, sent my realtor to just put it under contract, when i got back i found out he had listed it! double crossed! the contract fell apart he had put it under contract for too much, then another wholesaler in So Cal, their buyer, bought that prop, & the realtor split his commission with me, $1,350! my first deal, he w/trying to redeem himself, but too late-the trust was gone.
Then I almost didn't go to the Edge(i had gotten IE & it included an Edge tix) unbelievable, it changed my life, seriously everyone should go to the Edge! period, it turbo charged my education & more importantly our networking, i partnered w/some people form KC Mo & since the edge I have done 2 wholesale deals! partnering is one of the best ways to get deals! Now on to deals' #4 & 5! Let's go to the top!
Go faster do more! GFDM!
I am so happy for you that things have stated taking off for you. The key thing here is that you didn't quit. You kept at it!
All the best to you and continued success!
warmest regards,
Lisa Richardson
Today having eye problems, blurriness and discomfort like I have something in my eye like dust or an eyelash. I was diagnosed as legally blind when I was 19, having less than 10% of my vision. I have central vision but the peripheral vision is absent in this type of eye disorder, so I use a white cane to help me get around, I can see the pc just fine, or have seen it fine. Last night it started before I went to bed and hasnt let up. I am concerned, it does make me more determined to make profits in real estate, to take of myself if God forbid something happens to me regarding my vision-and to take care of my wife(who is in Mexico because of not having a greencard, immigration ordered her to leave because she came here illegaly 8 yrs ago)
So, have had a lot of stress lately which I think is affecting my health so must de-stress, relax and concentrate on my health, my diet, get Dean's green drink he suggested (thx Dean:) & keep investing, cuz my why is to not go blind and be broke-and to help my wife get back here and support her-so with my real estate profits I will help my family and me by having reserves to live on and to donate to a cure for blindness, health is everything and thank you all for your help and insight and advice, thank you Dean for your generous help.
See you at the Edge!
Go faster do more! GFDM!
Dean teaches us to do the 7 levels deep to find our true WHY, which keeps us focused and determined to reach our goals... well, you most certainly know what your WHY is, and that will keep you crushing all the obstacles that get in your way of succeeding in re investing.
You are an inspiration to many people who come here, with excuses, or don't believe that it can be done... I truly admire your determination, and your spirit that you radiate all the time, while you keep moving forward one day at a time.
Keep going Tony, you are doing amazingly! Nothing will stop you!
“And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!” ― Dr. Seuss
"I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends; I am surrounded by angels, but I call them friends" - Unknown
My journal: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/59110/...
appreciate that, I hope to inspire people because if I can do it, a baboon with half a brain and one eye can do it
LOL, it is simple actually, just follow the steps, I veered off for a while but am back on. Tomorrow will make 15 offers and call my buyers to stay in touch and double check their criteria & also watch some Edge 13'. You are inspirational too Val and your constant sharing here on dg is so amazing and helpful so keep going too hermana(sister) and we will all be at the top!
Go faster do more! GFDM!
There is definitely a lot going on in your life. I see that you are tackling each issue as it comes at you. I also know how hard it can be to stay up when all around you circumstances seem to be trying to keep you down. I am glad you are not letting it!
You should feel really good about yourself that you are staying at it and not letting outside circumstances get you down. You are an inspiration to me and I am sure to others as well.
I am always here if you need an ear and this site is a really great pick me up with all the positive energy given by the members.
Best of luck to you in all your endeavors!
warmest regards,
Lisa Richardson
Well today sent 3 listings to an agent to send me comps & awaiting them still not sure how this agent is she's got a weird saying on her email at the end "trick or treat smell my feet" silly really but well see how the comps come otherwise it's time for another agent, I'm good at finding them now since I have burned through so many
God forgive me, I have learned now what not to do.
So my eyes are better thank God and am preservering no matter what, I have to, don't want to go blind and have my wife uncared for. Have to make cash to donate towards the cure, we are close. I must confess that I am so off my game since I got back from Mexico such a momentum killer, like Dean & Matt say to be careful to not lose momentum since it is sooooooo hard to regain it. Boy aint that the truth, well have to suck it up and go forward because I feel so much more urgency now, this site is a Godsend and IE just watched the Edge 2013 the 1st video w/Dean and Dean you are sooo inspiring, you make us go on! Your words! keep going Dean we need you! And Matt! Alright so now I think I will watch Damages on netflix as a treat to myself although it has good acting.
Go faster do more! GFDM!
I have talked about you to a ton of students in deans program. Just knowing your dedication to success and also your giving heart you are just amazing.
I tell people all the time if calitony can do it you can. Because of the struggles you have with your vision and are still able to complete deals and make money your are right anybody can do this.
I love seeing your successes and it was great to talk with you on the phone the other day. I brag about you to other students because you are making it.
Dean is amazing and his words are inspirational. He has helped so many climb to new heights and you are one of his great successes.
Keep up the great work. I hope you are able to help your wife.
See you soon
I always say Keep Moving Forward! Never Give Up On Your Dreams!
As Matt Larsen says "Feed the Need" - Edge 2013
Follow my daily investing journal and read about the deals I've done and am working on at:
Just read your journal. Keep up the good work. I hope your eyes feels much better.
Best Of Luck
Miami Florida
"If you are not doing something that help the universe or God or your family, or YOU, is that something you should still be doing?"-Dean Graziosi
"Each day do one thing to get you closer to your dreams because if you do today what others are not willing to do, then tomorrow you can do those things that others are only dreaming about doing!"- Joe Jurek
Follow me on my road to being a BILLIONAIRE http://bit.ly/1q7aOFX
Go LIKE my official facebook page http://on.fb.me/1qQGO6i
Tcmiami & Mike appreciate it yea has been tough lately I'm not gonna lie but just yesterday I caught fire and a glimpse again of what my future could be IF I kept going so I went to my REIA meeting and it was awesome networked added 3 buyers to my list here in So Cal and handed out 15 cards and got taught something valuable.
Yesterday made 10 offers, filled out my purch agreement template although the realtor is a B player I want to the momentum to keep going and in the meantime I w/replace her but as Dean/Matt say dont let the momentum die because it is soooo hard to get it going again, just now I am getting it going again after 3 weeks of suffering of exhaustion from my trip to Mex City but now doing it, just now analyzed 2 deals one seems to work the other not so much and got a lead on a condo in san diego from handing out a bus card and will start calling people from a list of homeowners that are late on their mortgages here in san diego, and then working on my goals and then investigating which are the top ten cities that have had a reduction in unemployment and a growing economy to start investing in another city besides the one's I am in. Well Mike & TCMiami thx again for the kind words, yea if I can do it like I say a blind baboon with one eye can do it, well I guess it would be a half blind baboon LOL.
And thanks Dean & Matt you guys are angels sent to help us, you are so inspirational and in the words of Michael Jordan, "I have failed over and over and over in my life and that is why I am successful!"
Go faster do more! GFDM!
Well its nice to see you have not lost your focus on what you need to do. Keep working on your daily goals and you will have all you want if you take action.
I see you have done a lot of the things i have done. I have started,stopped and started again. Over they years i have gotten the Rock Bottom Blue Print also and joined the Real Estate Success Team with Dean and stopped again. I have let so many things get in my way of my life, well no more i am no longer working so i can do this full time and i have a lot to do before I am where i want to be. Its nice to see some one who has gone through some of the same things i have.
See you at the top and see you at this years Edge event !!
I was working for them now i work for me !
If you always put limit on everything you do, physical or anything else. It will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them.” - Bruce Lee
You are awesome!
I wish for you that all your dreams will come true, Including at the top of your list, getting your beautiful wife back beside you.
Keep on keepin' on!
"You're never too old to be what you were meant to be!"
"Shining Like a Star & Dancing on Sunshine"
"Shoot for the moon! Even if you fall short, you'll still land among the stars!"
yea appreciate the warm comments yea cant wait to get her back been tough without her sometimes i go batty, but trying to stay focused. spellbound yea you know your burn the boat so you dont go back and it is scary but then there's no return so we have to go forward. right now struggling with focusing have all this static with my wife her being gone but have to suck it up and go on, making money will help pay for the lawyers right
OK so making more offers tomm & researching where else to wholesale, do you guys know the fastest way to find out the top ten US cities with unemployment rates decreasing more than 1%? I am trying on bls.gov bureau of labor stat's but boy it it is difficult. let me know if you do and onward and upward just writing this here gives me wings to carry on, so thank you guys you are awesome and I know I am not alone.
Go faster do more! GFDM!
have found place to invest in the US, a city where the unemployment rate is going down but not too large of a city that it will be so competitive that it will be difficult to wholesale. Now finding out what the average price of a 3bed homes are, actually found out in the one city and now looking in the other 2 surrounding cities, then finding out the taxes & ins costs & rents there. then start finding realtor & building buyers lists.
And listening to the Edge again today & tomorrow & making 25 offers today!
Go faster do more! GFDM!
Well today was just rest day really, went to church, although only stayed about 20 minutes had to go hm & prepare for my sis in law w/comes every sunday ususally and visits & we eat brkfst, it was awesome, then went to the bay and laid out on the rocks right by the water it was awesome, it's getting cool now in san diego, about 60 degrees ha, how about you folks in cold weather States huh.
Then came bck hm ate again w/sis in law & she left, i chilled out & watched damages finished the last season & then wrote out my 30 day goals which are to make 12k by dec 18th which is ambitious but i know i can do it & at least get as close as possible to 12k by making 25 offers a day which is 500 offers a mo, i think at least i can get 5 deals out of that or 3 for a total of 12k, especially in So Cal with the higher prop values. so now off to the hot tub & then read a book, prob 1984 and then bed, then tomm get up at 5am.
Go faster do more! GFDM!
Hi Tony,
I know exactly what you mean about losing momentum it happens so fast and almost without warning but you seem to combating it well.
good luck in researching your new areas. I just branched out into a new area as well on top of my original and it is working out okay. now if I could only get the IRS to be more helpful with my W-7 form...lol
Keep at it and remember all the things that you are doing to move your business forward are little successes you should acknowledge and celebrate.
warmest regards,
There is no way to happiness, happiness is the way.
yea the momentum is soo crucial, like matt said & appreciate your remarks they & others remarks help me go on when I feel down. Well today what I did was 1)made 6 offers. 2) Returned emails 3) Talked to a buyer-got criteria 4) Listened to the inner circle call on how to find buyers-it was encouraging 5) Researched the area I'm investing in w/my partner the average hm prices for 3 bed hm's as well as average rents & insurance costs
Whew that research took me a while I don't know I Googled it but geeze it was like pulling teeth for some reason I thought you could just Google something and you would get your answer, but no some things you really have to dig for and I did that.
Also fired my realtor in the midwest, am just going to make offers directly to listing agents for now to keep my offers going, 25 a day, I didn't make my goal today of 25 I slacked only made 6, boy I just break down in the middle of the day or mid morning by overloading myself have to schedule less, just 2-3 things so I don't get overwhelmed, make offers 25 a day the main priority, then call my buyers to firm up criteria and scour craiglist. Well and follow what my partner wants me to do in our next investing area. OK so now watching something on netflix, something encouraging, a comedy actually to laugh!
I love this community, it has been hard missing my wife but I have to focus on investing and stay busy no matter what.
Go faster do more! GFDM!
Oh boy, dealing with some suuuuper negative people in my life well namely one, a relative who says anyway she is cutting me out of her life, so I guess I wont have to deal with her, alcohol is involved with her so it's just so depressing, man I am really feeling down my dg family honestly.
I wish this wasn't happening and also my wife out of the country, but I am being transparant here with you, this past year one of the toughest in my life and I want it to stop! So I am going to go to a meetup group here in downtown san diego for business pro's, keep going to my REIA's meetings and keep living, and not let life pass me by, wich is how I have felt it has been for the past several years, but no more!
Sorrow may last for a night but joy comes in the morning they say, but In my case it should be years not days, but I am changing that. Enough of being depressed, more money in my acct will absolutely cheer me up, I can go see my wife more.
So today I called back some sellers from KC MO following up with them-analyzing their deals. 2) I called the coaching line for advice on Ali Safavi's techniques 3) and I talked to one of my buyers who happens to be a commercial broker about some apartments he has off market deals in Fresno that sound good and maybe I can wholesale them or even try to keep them with one of my friends w/seller financing-well see
4) and i talked to about 4-5 of my buyers for So Cal to follow up with them and get their criteria again
So I guess did a few things today, didn't make any offers and I am suppose to make 25 offers a day, tomm I will, just was feeling soooo blue today but I will suck it up tomm and offer away, just some days can be tough, but I guess that's why they say what doesn't kill us makes us stronger, boy that is true-good night dg fam.
PS Thanks Dean & Matt & other coaches for all your help & support & dg fam too
Go faster do more! GFDM!
Well Tony, it looks like you are pushing forward and keeping your head up and it is hard some times when you walk into a wall. If we lose focus on what are dreams are then we let them get away from us. It is hard at times but if we think about how good the times will be after we get through all the hard times it should be enough for us all.
I get over whelmed all the time myself and life does get in the way but we have to go around life and keep living for our dreams and the life we want.
If it was easy everyone would do it and the hard times are what separates the above average people from the average. If you look back at history some of the greatest men who lived you will find that they started out average and pushed to become some of the worlds most powerful men. Its all in your mind set !!
Keep it moving and before long you and your wife will be together again !!
I was working for them now i work for me !
If you always put limit on everything you do, physical or anything else. It will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them.” - Bruce Lee
I am sorry that today has been such a bad day. I am glad that you have us to fall back on.
Even though we know it will get better, it doesn't make it hurt any less when we are in the middle of it all.
Allow yourself to feel blue today. Sometimes we just have to give in to it. But then tomorrow, you make a new beginning. You are tough and you will win. You will not give in! You have your why.
Happy dreams tonight, my friend. Here's to sunshine tomorrow.
"You're never too old to be what you were meant to be!"
"Shining Like a Star & Dancing on Sunshine"
"Shoot for the moon! Even if you fall short, you'll still land among the stars!"
all the hard work is so worth it.
All your comments help thanks again, I will and am pushing forward yes, no matter what I must get rich
like Dean said because my wife will come back sooner Immigration says if you have 1million in the bank you get a greencard so working on that.
Yea boy this is making me tougher, today is better than yesterday but will stay strong. Today 1)made one offer 2) talked to one realtor who seems really good as a buyers agent for KC 3) Talked to one of my buyers got his criteria again and reconncected 4) talked to my partners in KC and reconnected and went over stratgegy-it had been a few weeks since we had really talked.
5) returned emails 6) Talked to actually a couple of agents-but one of them sounded really good 7) called several realtor offices for buyers agents in my other area I am wholesaling in(sorry cant say where, it is top secret
I guess I did do some things today, but I didn't make 25 offers I am disappointed in myself, I have to schedule better, realistic schedules of goals daily ones I can complete, and I will, I am getting better.
Talked to my wife today and I am going back to Mexico City area to spend Xmas with her and the kids and this time I am going with a positive mindset. It is a very humble and needy area, lot's of poverty, so going to an orphanage to donate $ and time as well as teach English perhaps a little bit, for free.
I talk to my wife every day throughout the day so she is helping me go through this stuff too thank God for her. Merry Xmas everyone and God bless.
Go faster do more! GFDM!
So honestly didn't do anything today took it off and yesterday to decompress sooooo much going on personally as you know but just spent time relaxing to regroup for tomorrow. Have 50 bandit signs going up this Wed night that my partner is putting up, I will answer the calls. Tomorrow will review 40 listings to put offers on and go over comps on 1 prop in KC and look for a realtor in my other top secret area I am co-wholesaling in.
Happy Monday.
Go faster do more! GFDM!
love this site!
Go faster do more! GFDM!
Ok so today, 1)Made 6 offers(short of my goal of 25 a day but getting better)
2) spoke to 4 realtors in new market I am in to wholesale(think I found a realtor to work with)
3) Returned emails
4) comped out a prop to make an offer on-it was fun
5) networked with another buyer/investor from Los Angeles
6) Went on inner circle teleconf call on finding agents-it was awesome & even got to share a little bit in the q & a time
And that's it so I had a productive day, & I did get up at 5am today like Dean & Matt-hey Dean what is that green thing you drink again? I have to find that in that weekly wisdom you did-or you can pm me the info
that would be nice. And then have to work out in the am like you guys too, then that would give me more energy! Happy Tue
Go faster do more! GFDM!
OK so laying down the gauntlet, tomorrow I will:
1)make 25 offers
2)Order business cards
3)Call all my buyers in KC & So Cal
4)Find buyers for Cleveland & top secret new location
5)Find Title co for top secret location
And then at 5pm go to happy hr and have 2 vodka/cranberries
Go faster do more! GFDM!
I have a suggestion.
Instead of having your goal to do 25 offers a day right now, why don't you make your goal 25 per week? That is a more realistic goal for you right now and will leave you feeling positive when you are able to achieve it. Then as you are able to make that for a few weeks, move it up to 30, etc.
Goals need to be realistic so that you can feel proud at the end of the week when you are able to achieve them. Not meaning get soft. Twenty five per week is not always easy either. You have a lot going on right now and you don't need to feel overwhelmed and like you are not measuring up.
You are doing an amazing job! Be proud of your accomplishments. I know that I am very, very proud of what you are doing.
Try this and let me know if it works better.
"You're never too old to be what you were meant to be!"
"Shining Like a Star & Dancing on Sunshine"
"Shoot for the moon! Even if you fall short, you'll still land among the stars!"
That might be a lot of pressure for me actually I think I am going to do that, because I do feel horrible for not meeting my goal ea day and I should for getting out 6 offers right.
OK 25 offers a week is 5 offers a day so OK I am going to take your advice and adjust it and I know I will feel better. Thanks Karen! Your awesome! You are an inspiration to me!
Go faster do more! GFDM!
You are welcome.
YOU are an inspiration to many of us!
"You're never too old to be what you were meant to be!"
"Shining Like a Star & Dancing on Sunshine"
"Shoot for the moon! Even if you fall short, you'll still land among the stars!"
the green powder that DG told us about is called Green Vibrance
Stay positive; it's very easy to get pulled down, so keep coming to this site whenever you feel that you need a dose of positiveness
“And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!” ― Dr. Seuss
"I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends; I am surrounded by angels, but I call them friends" - Unknown
My journal: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/59110/...
awesome I don't have to go back and watch it, it has been a pick me upper coming here, I was so inconsistent coming on here but it's like Dean says really the one's who are succesfull are the one's who are on dg all the time huh because of being uplifted by being on here. Thx again for your encouragement.
Go faster do more! GFDM!