I can’t help myself I am so excited and having so much fun learning, growing, networking, absorbing and achieving a little every day!
I have never kept a record of anything I have done in the past. (The local police department did such a great job ) Just seeing if you all were awake lol. I’m just kidding I can’t even remember the last time I was pulled over for a speeding ticket; hope I didn’t just jinks myself
I am looking forward to criticism, prodding, pushing, and I guess I might even be ok with a little positive feed back or cheering if so deserved. I do ask that you please go gentle on me with the positive stuff, I'm kind of delicate
I am a little behind, I received my books around 10/24 did not actually start reading them until 11/3 and then I got started. While reading them I came here to the site and started watching, reading, and exploring the site. I started looking at the site just about every day after 11/18. I had never posted on a site. This is my first time so I will back up to my first post.
This is my fist post, not even sure if this is where I start.
First off let me say Happy belated Birthday to Dean and his Daughter.
The success academy deal is pretty cool! Congratulations to the winner and runners up.
To the contributors, WOW! What a great thing to see as a new member to the DG family. It shows this group of people really does care for others. It’s not everyday you see people putting up there money to help others with no financial gain to come from it. I would have loved to apply as well but didn’t submit in time, maybe next time. If all goes well Ill be putting myself through the academy and then moving on to a contributor. My wife and I have always wanted to be in a position to be able to help others. From what I have seen so far, there are many ways we will be able to do this in the future.
As we all know this is the holiday season. Is this a harder time to buy and sale property over the next couple of months? I am excited to get started and I am now starting to follow the action steps. My personal goal is to have my first transaction done within 30 days and 5 within 6 months. If this is a little slower time I may raise my target dates a little higher to be more realistic. Any input in this would be great.
I received Dean’s books on around 10/24. I finished reading both of Dean’s latest books about 2 days ago. I am now on second read through at page 68 of Profit From Real Estate Right Now. It looks to me that all the information and answers you need to succeed are right here, in the books and the website. I hope to accomplish my first transaction and earn enough from it to enroll in the success academy. I’m sure there a lot of great minds there that I would like to pick.
What a great amount of usable information. WOW!
I have spent thousands of dollars on some of the so called Guru's in the past, over 20 years ago. Most all the info I received was outdated and useless or not even legal in the state I was in (Which was confusion most of the time :0) I was in CA at the time.
I hope everyone has a great holiday.
2nd post to site. 11/25/09
I am a newbie this is my 2nd post to the forums. I finished reading Deans last two books 2 days ago and I am now on my second read through, page 89 of "Profit From Real Estate Right Now".
I am starting from the front and following the "action steps". My personal goal is to have my first transaction in 30 to 45 days and 5 in 6 months.
I have spent quite a few hours watching videos, and blogs as well as reading over and exploring this site.
What a great community of like minded people! In my short time here I have seen a lot of people sharing there knowledge as well as there money to help others. The pay it forward program that you all started on behalf of Dean’s birthday yesterday 11/20 is awesome. I hope to be a contributor myself in the near future.
RINA 11/26/09
Rina, I would like to thank you very much for your response. I have seen and heard what you have done and I know you must keep a very busy schedule. I would also like to thank you for putting in place the resources and funds to help others.
I hope to achieve my goals in the time I have set.
I have been spending anywhere from 2 to 5 hours a day after my 8 hour day at my JOB "Just Over Broke" and up to 10 hours or more on my weekends. I have been reading exploring and absorbing the books, action steps, blogs, posts and any and everything else I can find.
I am looking at the phone system, I already have one in place that I have been using with another business however this is not a 1 800# so I am trying to decide whether to switch to a 1 800# or not.
I started a flyer work up, and will work on my business cards today as well. I have looked through creagslist.org and kijiji.com for the fist time the other night. I will soon be posting there for buyers, sellers and Realtors. I have also talked with many coworkers and let them know what I’m doing and asked for brokers and realtors they may know and like.
I’m really looking forward to getting the robotic system setup, and my team in place to get this thing rocking. I’m not sure what the cost on flyers will be but I will have a little hurdle getting started when it comes to the financial part, we are living paycheck to paycheck with no savings as many others are right now. Just a hurdle I will overcome.
THANKS DAVE 11/26/09
Are there issues I'm going to run into if I do go ahead and purchase a property before the end of December?
Am I going to run into possible problems with having to come up with money for taxes?
This is all new to me. Due to circumstances threw out the years we have never owned our own home. We have been throwing away money on rent for way to long.
I was planning to buy investments properties and raise our income then purchase a home for ourselves.
Am I going about this the wrong way maybe?
I do know there are advantages for first time home buyers. I am a veteran and I have never used my VA loan. The $8000.00 first time buyers credit as well as by owning a home you gain certain write offs. I don’t have a down payment of any type and we can not afford a very large mortgage. I’m not sure if or how we might be able to get in a home. We have not used credit for anything in over 11 years so as far as I know we have no credit rating. The only proof of our credit worthiness would be from our rent (We have never been late) and I have worked for the same company for 12 years now. If I'm able to structure a "killer deal" and purchase a home with good positive equity should I be able to pull the equity out or use it as collateral to purchase more investment property right away?
Am I missing a big opportunity here? I know this may seem strange I am just now thinking of some of these ideas as I am writing this.
Should I be getting out there and talking to a broker and realtor about my situation or focus on investments first.
Thank you and have a great Thanksgiving
I’m just getting started, I think this is around my 4th post. I’m not really sure if this is the correct place to post this question, but here it goes anyway. Living dangerous!
Are there issues we are going to run into if we purchase a property before the end of December? Such as coming up with money for taxes? Does it make a difference if it is FSBO, MLS, short sale or a REO?
This is all new to me. Due to circumstances threw out the years we have never owned our own home. We have been throwing away money on rent for way to long.
I was planning to buy investments properties and raise our income then purchase a home for ourselves.
As I am writing this I got to thinking, am I going about this the wrong way?
I do know there are advantages for first time home buyers. I am a veteran and we have never used my VA loan. The $8000.00 first time buyers credit as well as by owning a home you gain certain write offs. We don’t have a down payment of any type and we can not afford a very large mortgage. I’m not sure if or how we might be able to get in a home. We have not used credit for anything in over 11 years, as far as I know we have no credit rating. The only proof of our credit worthiness would be from our rent (We have never been late) and I have worked for the same company for 12 years now. If I'm able to structure a "killer deal" and purchase a home with good positive equity should we be able to pull the equity out or use it as collateral to purchase more investment property right away?
Are we missing a big opportunity here? I know this may seem strange I am just now thinking of some of these ideas as I am writing this.
Should I be getting out there and talking to a broker and realtor about our situation or focus on investments first.
Thank you and have a great Thanksgiving
Mark & Julene
"To continue to do the same thing you have been doing and expect change is a sign of insanity"
I’m new to all this. I have seen the bandit signs in my community. I have seen them on telephone poles as well as in grassy areas. If you are going to put them in the grass, wouldn’t that be on private property most of the time? If yes do you ask permission?
As far as putting them on posts is that pretty much accepted in most areas?
From a newbie
Have a great one!
LA 11/28/09
Thank you for the response. I took a look at page 178 again. I guess the answer you had me seek, was one I just told a couple of my coworkers to pursue not more than a few hours ago lol .
The mortgage broker!
Each of my coworkers has a different situation, but both told me they have decent credit and they both had been turned down. I found that in both cases they had only spoken to there personal banks. They both assumed that if there bank they had been with for years would not finance them then it would not be possible to get a loan at all. I explained to them that I would have thought the same thing in the past. But now through my RI interest I have learned differently.
The home town good old boys type of banking is a thing of the past. Corporate banking could not care less about you! The fact that the bank president came to you for ideas on how to fix up his home, or even that your grandfather brought there daughter into the world does not work to your advantage anymore. Now days it is corporate and they have a set standard of guidelines they have to follow, with each bank or financial institution having there own set of rules.
The answer to there problem was go out there and talk to a mortgage broker. I told them how” with one credit application” (This was a concern for one of them, they didn’t want to hurt there credit with to many applications dinging there score.) the broker can actually search many banks and financial institutions to find a loan that may work for them.
Hopefully I may have made it possible through the knowledge I have gained, from the books and this great website for them to move forward in there dreams. One of them said he was going to try to get with his realtor (who he has known for a long time) and have him set him up with a mortgage broker on Monday. If he is not satisfied he will work on the mortgage broker himself. He did tell me also that his realtor friend had mentioned the broker in the past but he didn’t understand the possible benefit his friend either didn’t explain it or he was not listing and then he thanked me and asked why I don’t become a realtor.
I told him it took brains to become a realtor. But if you ask most people about investing, it won’t work, what I’m doing is a waste of time and I’m crazy! This is a much better fit for me Lol.
I gained something today as well! I added to my buyers list .
I asked the people I talked to, to keep me in mind if they decide to start looking for a home to purchase. With that, one of them started giving me details of what they want as far as bedrooms, baths, sq' garage, what they wanted to spend etc. In just talking with a few others about my REI interest, I also added one other persons information on what they are looking for and how much they are looking to spend, don't think they are real serious though.
EUGENEA 11/28/09
Hey there
I have been here a short time myself. WOW!
I have found a ton of info and a lot of help already. I have been blown away with all that this site and the great group of people here have to offer.
I have spent thousands on other so called guru’s courses in the past (one was in the thousands just to get started) that was a little over 20 years ago. The outdated information got me know where. There was no such thing as free information, materials or a community of like minded people to help you along the way. You paid for everything. They were great at there job! Calling, to sale you more, and more all the time making you feel like the answer to "making it big" was with the next purchase. As you worked through that information you would find again that it was also still outdated.
I was so disgusted with myself. Rather than returning it within the given time I kept trying to find someone (realtors, friends, brokers or just someone that would help me make it work. I blew it, I was young I kept trying; I thought I would hit that first deal and then I would be able to pay for what I had spent. I made offers, but I would get shot down, not legal, I won’t present that, you can’t do that, it won’t work! After that I said I would never get caught up in a TV real estate thing again.
Not the case here, I’m having so much fun, I can’t wait to get off work, crack the book, get on the site and just absorb the information, knowledge and positive feedback being shared here.
I hope you have as much fun as I am and good luck to you!
I know this made for a long first post to my journal. If you took the time to read them all thank you.
Some of the questions I have asked have not yet been answerd. I would love to recieve any feed back you may have.
I hope you all are having as much fun as I am and good luck!
Have a great day!
This is second entry today. I guess the first one was a long one!
What I did today:
Woke up this morning not feeling well at all, actually stayed home from my JOB (Just Over Broke)I was feeling so rough, I don't usually do that. I'm feeling much better tonight
Set up my journal today
Read another 20 pages on my second read through of PFRERN.
Read a few forum topics
Tried to help another newbie
Took some notes
Kicked the cat
just kidding! She actually tripped me, crazy kid. She does not know she is a cat. I think that part of the time she thinks she is an ear cleaning machine at least with me. Not sure what’s up with that! She does not do this to my wife’s ears. She nibbles on my ear lobe almost like she is flirting with me. I keep telling her to be careful that mom might get jealous, she does it any way
! She really is confused she thinks she is a kid, every time Julene & I start to talk she thinks she has to talk even louder. When I come home from work she thinks she has to have a hug. Most of the time she is waiting at the door for me and will just keep talking away until I pick her up. Got to love those who love you back I guess
That did not do much for my REI progression but thought I would share anyway. Living Dangerous
I hope you all are having as much fun as I am and good luck!
Have a great day!
Hi Mark
Love your ambition and drive you're bringing to Dg.com.. It's always refreshing when a new excited member has joined.
Here's my best advice...
1) pick A plan of action (only pick one like it says in Deans Book so you can focus and give your %100 attention to that plan, and once you've mastered that begin to explore other strategies that interest you)
2)Take Action.. Take step by step actions like building a buyers list, setting up bandit sings, start interviewing realtors... Write your action plan in a specific order so it isn't overwhelming
3)MOST IMPORTANTLY-Remember that some steps will be more challenging than the others and may take more time.. but DON'T LET THAT DISCOURAGE YOU from plowing through that tough step and moving onto the next one. That is where most DG members give up..
Just Today I got turned down by a phone on a deal that I though was going to go through... I was so discouraged bcuz I was 100% expecting it to go through. So much for that. But I'm gonna wake up tmrw and make the next phone call until I hear what I do want to hear...
Best of look and look forward to hearing about your success
"You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you stop and look fear in the face. Do the things you think you cannot do. Tough times never last, but tough people do"
hello mark
Sounds as if you are following the plan much success to you
Keep us all posted
Later Fred
I enjoyed reading your journal. Your sense of humor comes through in your journal too.
To answer your question about whether it is easier or harder to buy real estate during the holidays, it is easier from what others have said on this website. Apparently investors take time off to enjoy the season and in the northern/colder climate people don't like going out to look at property. So there are even more opportunities this time of year.
I laughed about your cat. I think our pets make our house a home.
Best of luck to you in REI and all that you do.
SPR Property Solutions, LLC
Welcome to the DG website it is packed with an abudnace of information and inspiration. Congratulations for starting your real estate journal. Your journal is a great idea to hold you accountable, track your progress and share some of your new found knowledge and experience with other DG Members. It sounds like you have had a busy few days. Each day can be a new day to learn a little more information and move you closer to your goals. Good luck with real estate investing and with all your future deals. Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow me on my You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
TWITTER - Follow me on Twitter at Joe Jurek CPA
Joe Jurek CPA
Thank you for your suggestions and encouragement. Sorry to hear that your deal fell through. I’m sure if you didn't get it, there must have been a reason why. Maybe there was going to be unforeseen trouble and someone is looking out for you
Thanks I hope to have more to add very soon.
Thank you as well. I am going to try not to put anyone to sleep while they are reading what I post. The cat just fell asleep in front of my monitor so I'm a little worried
Thank you for taking the time to respond to so many of the posts that I have going in the forums so far. I have also read a lot of what you have posted to other members questions and I look forward to more of you knowledge.
I have looked at many of your journals. It is awesome to see where you started and all that you have achieved. Many of you have overcome many obstacles and some of you are still fighting your way through but you are still here.
Gratz to all! Whether you are taking baby steps or giant leaps you are taking control of your life and doing something. You should feel really good about your selves, you are far ahead of those who just set and dream.
Don’t get me wrong dreams are great but when you are done sleeping its time to get reaping!
I hope you all are having as much fun as I am and good luck!
Have a great day!
I'm not excited at all today, I cant do anything, I'm to tired, I'm to poor, matter of fact I’m so poor I cant even pay attention
Worried you all didn't I
What is wrong with you people on this site? I have not seen anyone using any of these excuses yet. I know this can not be the real deal; you all are just way too positive. I'm going to have to go and do some more research into this site. I will get back to you soon.
Ok, I'm back and I think I figured it out. BRAIN WASHING!!! That has to be the answer.
I can not tell you all how many hours I have spent on this site over the last week or two. What I can say is I have read many journals and posts. It is great to see how people are helping and encouraging others. I have learned a ton of information and even had a chance to help out a few others with what I have learned so far.
I want to thank all of you who have looked at and or responded to my posts.
Ok here is a little of what I have done the last couple of days.
• Read, highlighted, tagged pages, and took notes from PFRERN. I’m not really sure how many pages I have read over the last few days but I am on page 181 on my second read through.
• Drove around a neighborhood and looked at for rent and for sale signs. I didn’t have a whole lot of time. I did get a feel for the area but not sure if I would want to purchase here. There are a lot of duplexes which could be a good thing but the neighborhood was a little rough. Cars on blocks, junk in yards etc. It was not all bad, there were some pretty nice places as well but not the majority.
• Went online and looked at couple of these properties with Total view.
• Looked at adds in the paper, and on line.
• Finished a couple of flyer ideas.
• Still playing with business card ideas.
• Called and spoke with start up specialist. I told him I really want to make this venture a no money down deal. I’m going to get this thing rocking without the success academy at this time. If the information in the books is what they say it is. I should have what I need to get this thing rolling. I plan to use the strategies and techniques I have learned in the books as well as the knowledge, resources and help I have gained through the website.
• It is my goal to have my first closing on an IEE, Assignment or Double closing within 30 days (assuming at least one if not all of these are legal in Oregon). I am going to shoot for $10.000 and if achieved I will then sing up for the success academy.
• Played with some of the different calculators. Some cool stuff there.
• Started looking up Realtors in the area and plan on calling a few but will use automated system for most of that.
• I also did get some names of realtors from co-workers which I will call before the week is out.
• Added some people to my buyer list who I work with. (note: I may have already mentioned the last two items don’t remember)
• Looked in the forums and found some listings for hard money lenders.
• Started looking at some listings for mortgage brokers as well.
Think that was about it for the last couple of days.
Wow I can’t wait to get started! I feel like I’m procrastinating a little after reading some of your journals.
I hope you all are having as much fun as I am and good luck!
Have a great day!
Loved your journal entries. You seem to be on a roll here, you have what it take to do this business. The reality of this site is, if you do not have something positive to say, say nothing. Criticism for learning purposes are appreciated, and you will realize that we appreciate someone correcting us and making suggestion on the best action(s) to take or not take. Remember scams may be found on this site as well as internet wide. The site management try their best to weed out the good from the bad. We are happy to have you on board, welcome to your new family and real estate investing. I cannot wait to hear "offer submitted," and "offer accepted." God Bless.
"You can never get to the top, if you are not willing to climb. Do not look at the difficulty of the climb, only anticipate the view from the top."
"Can't even walk without you holding my hand." (Song)
"Is anything too hard for the Lord ..." Genesis 19:14
"In all things, wait on the Lord."
"Think not of your own deliverance, but trust in God who will give in abundance."
"When you are down to nothing, God is up to something." Unknown
"Our lives begin to end, the day we become silent about those things that really matters." Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
And I thought I was wierd....JK!
Mark, Welcome aboard (though I think you signed up before me).
Looking forward to reading about your successes. Keep up the good work.
..."Oh that you would bless me and enlarge my border, and that your hand might be with me, and that you would keep me from hurt and harm"
1 Chronicles 4.10
My Success Journal:
I've enjoyed reading through your journal! Thanks for your humor and your "positivity".
That helps a person focus on the good things, I think. And keeps you from being sucked back into the everyday "rat race".
Congrats on all your action steps so far! Can't wait to read of the exciting things soon to come!
God bless,
"Obstacles can slow you down, but they can only stop you with your permission." Dean Graziosi (BARM pg 101)
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
For a little about me, welcome to the site, and a few tips for new DG family members, click on this link: http://www.deangraziosi.com/user/3249