Randy's Journal; 1st runner up in Deans send me away contest

Randy's Journal; 1st runner up in Deans send me away contest

I am playing catch up on this to get everybody up to date. When I started my quest in real estate, we were in a small town of 5000, where I had just sued a nursing home that was privately owned by the county with a million dollar bond that was supported by the wealthier people of the town, so I was known by everyone, but not in a good way. My suit and dealings with the state played a big part in them being bought out by a corporation. Just 2 years before this we were on top of the world, and having a great time. Then dealings from a bad venture with a fortune 50 company and me doing land home deals with them, I lost everything. (bankruptsy) For the first 6 months of my real estate adventure with the DG family, I never closed a deal. Road a bus back & forth from TN to MO trying to get started. I could'nt even afford gas at that time. In the first part of my catch up journal, I closed my first deal June 1st 2009 and had closed 10 deals by Nov. 2009. So here's my story......
The first thing I would like to do is to thank Matt Larson, Drew Moren and my wife Julie. I still can't believe I bought a book off of the TV. I thought it was stupid when my wife ordered things from a catalog. I probably watched Deans infomercial forty times before I ordered his book. The day I got the book, I read it front to back and the next day I read it again. Then I decided to make that crucial call. After talking to the personnel at PMI and filling out a questionnaire, I decided to spend all the money my wife & I had which was $20,000.00 to try to make a better future for us. The crazy part is we had just went though bankruptcy, I was out of a job in a small town where if you were making $10 an hour you were doing good. There were no jobs in our area, and a hundred miles from any city to try to find a job. Until now, I had never bought anything that I could not see or touch. I had really put everything on the line! Drew really kept me motivated the whole time. I did everything that was asked of me. I new deep down this was probably my last chance. I found a good attorney, a good realtor and a good accounting firm. That part took a little time, but it paid off. I had all this lined up when Matt Larson arrived for my three day on site training. From what I learned from Drew, I had a house lined up to look at, and a good realtor to introduce Matt to. The on site training was a God send. It really helped my wife not to be so afraid of what I was risking our money on. It proved to her that someone with no money of their own, can find a way to make this work. Matt was living proof. After a great weekend with Matt, I thought I was off and running. I shotgun 20-30 offers a week, I was finding deals 30-40 cents on the dollar, then I hit a stumbling block. I contacted every small bank in a 40 mile radius, they would only give me 80% of rehab. It took me several meetings with each bank to even get this worked out, due to the economy. Looking back, getting that worked out was pretty good since I had just went through bankruptcy, I had no money, no job and a wife who only made $8.00 an hour. My next move was to talk to the three people that owned 90% of the rental property in Bethany, No luck. So now my last chance was hard money lenders. I did find some who would work with me, but not in Bethany Missouri. It was just too far for them to travel. By now I had 3 months involved and numerous calls to Drew, so we decided to try assignment of contract. I still had all the paper work Matt had given me on assignments. A lady I used to work with, was looking for a house to use as a group home. I got with my realtor, which was 40 miles away, and we went to work. While I was working on this deal, I started travelling to TN. I would spend 5 to 10 days in Clarksville TN then come home for a few days and work on the assignment deal. I chose Clarksville because I new they had survived the recession as good as any where, due to the fact they are a military town. Julie and I went to the bank and borrowed all we could against my pickup truck and we went to work. We started sending out letters from the pre foreclosure list, about 400. The problem was they were $3000 to $10,000 behind in payments. Drew really kept me motivated during this time. While I was in TN, I was staying at my folks house out in the country. No internet, phones that worked half the time and a mother who told me this would never work, several times a day and Julie in MO trying to keep working so we would have some kind of income. Finally I found a deal for the group home in Albany, MO. In northern MO, real estate is a little different. You can have a reality sign, and a for sale by owner sign in the same yard at the same time. I guess it's may the best man win. The realtor that had the house listed didn't want my realtor to come with me to look at the house. Finally we got this hurdle resolved. I made my offer, as you will see in my first deal. Somehow the realtor found out I was doing an assignment of contract. He called my clients and told them that what I was doing was illegal. Finally got that problem resolved. Then I went to the title company with my client and the title company said what I was doing wasn't legal. Got that resolved, then the realtor that listed the house said that we couldn't pick the title company, that he would. Finally got that resolved too. This was a great lesson learned. With Drew's help everything worked just like the book said it would. After all this trouble, I ended up with $1000.00, a lot of knowledge and 3 more deals with the same clients after the first of the year with $5000.00 assignment fee each. Not bad for a country boy. Now I finally had my first deal done.I have been working on some really big deals in Clarksville,TN. Staying in touch with Drew on a regular basis, I feel like I know him personnally. Now I had to swallow my pride and borrow another $5000.00 from my folks, and as always my mother said this would never work. By this time I had spent close to $3000.00 in adds of several different types, with not much response except from investors who wanted to know if I would buy their houses. As always Drew is always there helping me stay motivated. During this time I was talking to raltors, contractors and developers in the Clarksville area trying to figure out the market here. I used to be an inspector for the city and used to know the market pretty well. After a lot of research, I knew I wanted to target the military with VA loans. I started putting out bandit signs, very cheapest way and very plain, saying "We buy houses" and my phone number. What a great response! I would get 20 to 25 calls a week from about 10 to 15 signs I put out. Most of the calls were from people in the military having to transfer. All they wanted was to get what they owed on their house. After doing some brainstorming with Drew, reading Dean's book over and over and reviewing my course work, I came up with "Subject to existing loan". Now I had to put a packet together to make this work, and find buyers for the homes. I needed to cut out all the extra costs that I could. I ran a dummy add in the newspaper reading "no bank qualifying for sale by owner". I got great response from people who had $3000 to $10,000 to put down. I knew the type of homes I wanted were homes bought 2 or 3 years ago and 4 to 10 years old. These houses sold well under market value due to Clarksville being full of new homes. Developers were discounting houses trying just to break even. All the military troops had been deployed. So then I got to working with Drew, realtors, attorneys, property management companies and other investors to come up with the best of everything I could find. For my buyers packet I have the following.. 1. Standard real estate purchase and sale agreement,"subject to existing loan" encumbering the property. 2.Letter to mortgage company telling them to send all information concerning the house to me. 3.Escrow agreement 4.Standard warranty deed. 5.Power of attorney for closing, insurance, mortgage payment and all matters pertaining to property. 6.Letter of agreement and addendum(cover your ass letter). This way the home owner never has to do anything with the house again. In my sellers packet I have a sellers agreement and a renters agreement. Once I got all this together, I was ready to make deals and make money. I have probably turned down some good deals, due to being a little more cautious than I should have. These are the type of deals that I am really targeting right now. I am giving 0 down, sometimes getting the home owner to make up to 3 months of payments. All my homes have at least $10,000.00 in equity and are in excellent shape. I have 8 homes like this. Combined worth in excess of 1 million dollars, with zero down and all of them were gotten in the last four months. When I sell these homes I do a sellers agreement and rental agreement. I have gotten as little as $3000.00 down and up to $8000.00 down. These are non refundable down payments, with over $100.00 a month in positive cash flow per house. All of the people I have bought houses from are very greateful for the service I am providing. All of them have said they can't afford to make 2 house payments, you can close in one day, and I don't charge them. They also say that realtors won't promise thatthey could sell the house. A couple of these houses were listed with realtors when the owner contacted me,but with a little work and no money, I got a release from them. Summary..Motivated seller, transfer and can't make 2 house payments, 0 down, I have deed, I have power of attorney, I have CYA letter, house financed 2 to 4 years ago, all are VA loans with locked interest, sell house $20 to$40,000.00 in profit, $5000.00 average down payment, over $100 positive cash fow per month per house. The clients I buy from are happy, the clients that move in are happy and I make money which makes me happy. I have one more deal I almost forgot about in North Carolina. My nephew is going to NASCAR school there. This is a town where housing is expensive and rent is even higher. I talked my sister, his mother into buying a house there for him to live in while in school and use it as an investment. There are a lot of houses on the market there for $300,000 to $500,000. We found the house that she bought on the pre foreclosure list, but it was already an REO, $158,000.00 was owed on it and we got it for $121,000.00. This deal took four months, even though it was a cash deal the bank kept taking other offers, but the financing would never go through. The bank finally excepted our offer and the deal has been closed. She is renting rooms out to other students and her son lives there free. Summery.. No house payment, free rent for son, and sell in 2 yrs for $40,000.00 profit. Thanks to Deans book and the PMI staff, the following is what I have accomplished in the last 6 months.. I have a knowledge that is priceless, I have closed deals in four states, When I paid the bank off in Bethany, they wanted to talk to me about my deals, Now that I had some under my belt, they wanted to work with me. I own 8 homes with 0 down. I have gotten more aggressive and am getting owners to pay 2 to 3 months of payments. Have clients ready to move in the day the owners move out, doubling profit for 2 to 3 months. Have local bank willing to work with me. I moved 600 miles. Wife owns first home. Everyone paid off. Have local investor to front money for homes and split profit. Proved everyone wrong who said this wouldn't work. Once again I would like to say thank you to Matt Larson. Your trip to Bethany,MO for 3 days really gave my wife the courage to stand behind me. I don't think I would have made it with her being negative about this venture. She was very scared. Matt helped to ease her mind and prove this could really work. Drew, your motivation and endless hours you have spent with me is priceless. I feel like I have a true friend that I have never met. Gross value $1,041,800.00 Net value $229,404.24 Down payments received on 7 homes $37,000.00 Positive monthly cash flow on 7 homes $1,091.99 We live in the 8th home.
Thanks, Randy (sorry this is sooo long!)




Been meeting with people all day trying to get all my homes full. Actually had a guy to call from North Carolina To get me hook up with his sister from California That is wanting to move to Clarksville TN. Met her at the hotel and showed her around. she is supposes to let me know which house she wants in the morning, Guess I have to wait and see.





Well just jump on here to say at least one more house gone. I just never realize how busy it would get after the edge. But It's all good wish everyone the best of luck.




keep knocking them down

keep knocking them down Randy! Before you know it you will be creeping up on Matt Smiling

Thanks for all the posts you have put up, It really helps everyone to read them.

best of luck going forward


All ways great to here from you. Hope your day at the beach was good. Hope you found you a southern their that you could follower around and help you with your speech. You can always add work and play together if you work it right.




Hey Randy

Great news on filling another home! It will be great when they are all filled, and you get yourself and Julie settled! Add all that to long distance investing in KC and I'm tired just thinking about it haha.
Maybe in your free time you need to come to Wisconsin and do a BBQ open house for us here at the farm Smiling

IT can be done.

But if I did I would have a wild game cookout. In your situation I would be targeting HUNTERS. Need to get you a couple of food plots out and a few deer stands. Need Add on Craigslist. Hunting lodge with land, Possible hunting on some neighbours land if your the right group. Great place for a lake with a little work.




Oh boy, look out Laura!!

Oh boy, look out Laura!! keep your cats inside while davey crocket is roaming Smiling lol. Randy you are too much! But I know there is a method to your madness Eye-wink
Let me know how you guys make out on the KC deals. I am hoping it all goes according to plan for you guys.
Randy, when is a good time to call you and shoot the breeze about your system? I am serious when I said Im curious to see if it works here. I just would like to hear the steps needed and your package set up.

Talk to ya soon, and Hello JULIE Smiling







Hello SuperStar

Hi Randy, I just wanted to say thanks for stopping by my page and giving encouragement. I need it sometimes. Probably need more a swift kick in the ---well you know. Maybe like B of A.


"Don't tell me I can't, Tell me how I can."


It is kinda like you said, the big key is to keep taking action. Without it Bet no check will show in the mailbox. If it does let me know, I want some of that action. Wish you the best of luck.




4 flips

well my plate is really full, But I like it that way, I am really getting close on all of these. Have got a full weekend in store. REI. Maybe here before winter I will take a couple of days off and cut my phone off. It all sounds good but it will probably not happen, Can't make no money with my phone off.





Well I got another house filled yesterday. I am really trying to get a lot of things cleaned up so i can move on to bigger and better things. A lot of days I just wish I had a few more hours.




Hey Friend

I'm stalking you lol. Just posted in the thread you are closing up....and then came here. Glad you have filled another house! Man its going to feel good to tie up current deals and move on to KC. Very exciting! Wish I could be there this week to see progress for myself - but I'll settle for pics. Put one of your famous home-made signs in the yard and lets get that baby filled and flipped Smiling Hope your family and Julies family are all doing well.

Hey Randy, I see your still

Hey Randy, I see your still mowing them down. Glad to hear you filled another home. Keep it up and soon you will be building that round table to hold court every day with your crew to decide on what house you want to sell that day.
I have to say I am happy I met you and Julie and to be able to add you guys to the awsome friends I have made from this site. For a southerner your ok Eye-wink lol.
good luck on your KC deals.



I had to go back 10 pages to find my journal, I have got so much going on I would have to set down and write a book to catch up. But i guess I will set down and try to catch my journal up.We did get moved but I think I have slept in my bed 3 times. But the hotel's love me in KC. Headed back home tomorrow. Hope all is going well.




Vacation Queen

I am always wondering if you will ever get tried of vacation's. If I went as much as you did I would have to go to work just to rest. lol. Hope all is going well.




lol, I thought Laura was the

lol, I thought Laura was the one moving to KC Eye-wink
I will tell you one thing, I admire your dedication and work ethic. Thats what it takes to make it! This is not a lazy persons field, you always have to be working to get things done.
I will catch up with you a little later, I will call you when your setttled in for a while.
good luck with those deals and fill those homes fast, I like big christmas presents Eye-wink
Say hello to Julie and well talk soon.



Just met a lady that weighs 427, Will that work. And yes I will not QUITE until I here dean say this is my most successful student. That's when I will take my vacation on my island and say yes I did it. But that week all my true found friends from this site will be invited. but you have to leave your Christmas present at home. its going to be a small island. LOL




MR VAUGHN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Randy post #259 is so funny. congratulations on your success.

KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


You are inspiring

Hi Randy and everyone on this DG site. This is my first post and I felt it fitting after reading all of these comments. Randy you are so inspiring to me. I am in a trying situation at home here in NY. I desperately need this to work for me. I have 2 little boys and a husband who works very hard but is such a pesimist. We are in so much debt, creditors calling all day every day. I have to do this!!! Anyway I just wanted you to know that reading your story is helping me stay focused. I need that now. I've been reading Dean's books when I can (usually at 3 am when the boys are sleeping), I ordered the SFL system, and I'm getting together an LLC. There's so much work to get this started, but I know I can do this! So many people here are "against all odds" too. I know I fit in here. It's so nice to feel that way. So thank you! Thank you for going through what you have and sharing it with us. Thank you for being successful! And thank you for inspiring me!


Life is full of choices, and these choices become your reality... YOU are in control of your future! YOU decide the direction your life will take. YOU have to make things happen, no one will do it for you!

When opportunity knocks, will you answer?

I haven;t forgotten

I Have not forgot about this site. But i do have to get caught up. Just need a few more hours in the day. I wish all the new names on here the best of of luck. And it will work if you choose to put in the time.




What is going on with you

What is going on with you Randy? In NY you would have time for us because there is 36hrs in a day. everything is done at double time from 7-7 thus the extra 12 hrs Eye-wink hahaha
IM gonna have to speak to Julie and ask her to light a fire under your butt.
Hey, I hear you guys are ready to roll in KC, I am assuming Rina is on teh same schedule as you since I dont hear from her either lately lol.
See Laura is from over here so she has time to call and keep in touch, I will have her teach you NY time so you can function better.
Ok seriously, I see you are really rocking the boat, I am amazed at all you do have going on and jealous too. Keep up the work ethic that you have,it will take you to a place we all want to go.
Best of luck an all you have going my friend.


The reason Laura has so much time she is always on vacation. lol. Maybe someday I will get their. But at this time still have to much going on. But that's OK. The reason New York has more hours in a day is ti takes 20 hours just to get started. lol Hope all is going well for you.




Exciting and inspirational

I just wanted to say thanks. I was surfing through the journals, since I am new to this, trying to get any info that can help me. I am very excited and glad I took the time to read your entry. It shows me that with a focused, positive attitude and tenacity, anything can be achieved! I really dream of being where you are someday very soon! I know I have a lot to learn, but I feel like a sponge ready to soak it all in. Thanks for sharing, this is extremely inspirational to me as I am sure it is to others reading it! Also congrats and keep on winning, the sky is just the beginning...



"I now realize there are millions of self-made millionaires who started with nothing. They dug inside themselves to find the answers and they succeeded. There is nothing anyone else can do that I can't do."
~ Dean Graziosi


The hardest thing for most people to do when they start is dealing with fear. And the best way to get past all that IS TAKING ACTION EACH AND EVERY DAY, AND YES BABY STEPS ARE OK GOOD LUCK.




still working to get to 10 deals a month

Its really taking a lot of work getting all my teams togather. I hope the month 0f OCT I do a minimum of 10 deals in OCT. I should have at least 5 this month. Still have a long ways to go to catch Matt. But each and every day as I put everything in place it seems even more possible. Thinks to everyone for all your help,And foremost the success acamandy and all my great DG family.




Great Journal Randy!


This is a great journal! I am actually a KY girl, born and bred, so you are doing great things up in my neck of the woods!

I have a brother over toward Danville, KY that I think would do very well at this. I am going to have to tell him about you!

I'm going to have to check out how far I am from the military bases here in CA. Do hey have a base paper that you place ads in?

Karen Griffin


"You're never too old to be what you were meant to be!"


"Shining Like a Star & Dancing on Sunshine"

"Shoot for the moon! Even if you fall short, you'll still land among the stars!"

Just checking in.

I just stopped by to see what the latest update was and wow to think of doing 5 deals in one month! I'm obviously new here, but keep the inspiration coming! I love hearing it because it gives me something to believe in. I still haven't done my first deal. It's been over a month since I got the SFL system, but I'm working forward. And Richie must be in his own little NY because I wish I could find those extra 12 hours here!

Until next time.


Life is full of choices, and these choices become your reality... YOU are in control of your future! YOU decide the direction your life will take. YOU have to make things happen, no one will do it for you!

When opportunity knocks, will you answer?

Thank you

I love reading your journal! Great job!!!!!
You give me motivation, and make me feel determined all over again.

Thank you and God Bless!





Yes they do have one, But i get most of my results from Bandit signs. Wish you the best of luck.


