Randy's Journal; 1st runner up in Deans send me away contest

Randy's Journal; 1st runner up in Deans send me away contest

I am playing catch up on this to get everybody up to date. When I started my quest in real estate, we were in a small town of 5000, where I had just sued a nursing home that was privately owned by the county with a million dollar bond that was supported by the wealthier people of the town, so I was known by everyone, but not in a good way. My suit and dealings with the state played a big part in them being bought out by a corporation. Just 2 years before this we were on top of the world, and having a great time. Then dealings from a bad venture with a fortune 50 company and me doing land home deals with them, I lost everything. (bankruptsy) For the first 6 months of my real estate adventure with the DG family, I never closed a deal. Road a bus back & forth from TN to MO trying to get started. I could'nt even afford gas at that time. In the first part of my catch up journal, I closed my first deal June 1st 2009 and had closed 10 deals by Nov. 2009. So here's my story......
The first thing I would like to do is to thank Matt Larson, Drew Moren and my wife Julie. I still can't believe I bought a book off of the TV. I thought it was stupid when my wife ordered things from a catalog. I probably watched Deans infomercial forty times before I ordered his book. The day I got the book, I read it front to back and the next day I read it again. Then I decided to make that crucial call. After talking to the personnel at PMI and filling out a questionnaire, I decided to spend all the money my wife & I had which was $20,000.00 to try to make a better future for us. The crazy part is we had just went though bankruptcy, I was out of a job in a small town where if you were making $10 an hour you were doing good. There were no jobs in our area, and a hundred miles from any city to try to find a job. Until now, I had never bought anything that I could not see or touch. I had really put everything on the line! Drew really kept me motivated the whole time. I did everything that was asked of me. I new deep down this was probably my last chance. I found a good attorney, a good realtor and a good accounting firm. That part took a little time, but it paid off. I had all this lined up when Matt Larson arrived for my three day on site training. From what I learned from Drew, I had a house lined up to look at, and a good realtor to introduce Matt to. The on site training was a God send. It really helped my wife not to be so afraid of what I was risking our money on. It proved to her that someone with no money of their own, can find a way to make this work. Matt was living proof. After a great weekend with Matt, I thought I was off and running. I shotgun 20-30 offers a week, I was finding deals 30-40 cents on the dollar, then I hit a stumbling block. I contacted every small bank in a 40 mile radius, they would only give me 80% of rehab. It took me several meetings with each bank to even get this worked out, due to the economy. Looking back, getting that worked out was pretty good since I had just went through bankruptcy, I had no money, no job and a wife who only made $8.00 an hour. My next move was to talk to the three people that owned 90% of the rental property in Bethany, No luck. So now my last chance was hard money lenders. I did find some who would work with me, but not in Bethany Missouri. It was just too far for them to travel. By now I had 3 months involved and numerous calls to Drew, so we decided to try assignment of contract. I still had all the paper work Matt had given me on assignments. A lady I used to work with, was looking for a house to use as a group home. I got with my realtor, which was 40 miles away, and we went to work. While I was working on this deal, I started travelling to TN. I would spend 5 to 10 days in Clarksville TN then come home for a few days and work on the assignment deal. I chose Clarksville because I new they had survived the recession as good as any where, due to the fact they are a military town. Julie and I went to the bank and borrowed all we could against my pickup truck and we went to work. We started sending out letters from the pre foreclosure list, about 400. The problem was they were $3000 to $10,000 behind in payments. Drew really kept me motivated during this time. While I was in TN, I was staying at my folks house out in the country. No internet, phones that worked half the time and a mother who told me this would never work, several times a day and Julie in MO trying to keep working so we would have some kind of income. Finally I found a deal for the group home in Albany, MO. In northern MO, real estate is a little different. You can have a reality sign, and a for sale by owner sign in the same yard at the same time. I guess it's may the best man win. The realtor that had the house listed didn't want my realtor to come with me to look at the house. Finally we got this hurdle resolved. I made my offer, as you will see in my first deal. Somehow the realtor found out I was doing an assignment of contract. He called my clients and told them that what I was doing was illegal. Finally got that problem resolved. Then I went to the title company with my client and the title company said what I was doing wasn't legal. Got that resolved, then the realtor that listed the house said that we couldn't pick the title company, that he would. Finally got that resolved too. This was a great lesson learned. With Drew's help everything worked just like the book said it would. After all this trouble, I ended up with $1000.00, a lot of knowledge and 3 more deals with the same clients after the first of the year with $5000.00 assignment fee each. Not bad for a country boy. Now I finally had my first deal done.I have been working on some really big deals in Clarksville,TN. Staying in touch with Drew on a regular basis, I feel like I know him personnally. Now I had to swallow my pride and borrow another $5000.00 from my folks, and as always my mother said this would never work. By this time I had spent close to $3000.00 in adds of several different types, with not much response except from investors who wanted to know if I would buy their houses. As always Drew is always there helping me stay motivated. During this time I was talking to raltors, contractors and developers in the Clarksville area trying to figure out the market here. I used to be an inspector for the city and used to know the market pretty well. After a lot of research, I knew I wanted to target the military with VA loans. I started putting out bandit signs, very cheapest way and very plain, saying "We buy houses" and my phone number. What a great response! I would get 20 to 25 calls a week from about 10 to 15 signs I put out. Most of the calls were from people in the military having to transfer. All they wanted was to get what they owed on their house. After doing some brainstorming with Drew, reading Dean's book over and over and reviewing my course work, I came up with "Subject to existing loan". Now I had to put a packet together to make this work, and find buyers for the homes. I needed to cut out all the extra costs that I could. I ran a dummy add in the newspaper reading "no bank qualifying for sale by owner". I got great response from people who had $3000 to $10,000 to put down. I knew the type of homes I wanted were homes bought 2 or 3 years ago and 4 to 10 years old. These houses sold well under market value due to Clarksville being full of new homes. Developers were discounting houses trying just to break even. All the military troops had been deployed. So then I got to working with Drew, realtors, attorneys, property management companies and other investors to come up with the best of everything I could find. For my buyers packet I have the following.. 1. Standard real estate purchase and sale agreement,"subject to existing loan" encumbering the property. 2.Letter to mortgage company telling them to send all information concerning the house to me. 3.Escrow agreement 4.Standard warranty deed. 5.Power of attorney for closing, insurance, mortgage payment and all matters pertaining to property. 6.Letter of agreement and addendum(cover your ass letter). This way the home owner never has to do anything with the house again. In my sellers packet I have a sellers agreement and a renters agreement. Once I got all this together, I was ready to make deals and make money. I have probably turned down some good deals, due to being a little more cautious than I should have. These are the type of deals that I am really targeting right now. I am giving 0 down, sometimes getting the home owner to make up to 3 months of payments. All my homes have at least $10,000.00 in equity and are in excellent shape. I have 8 homes like this. Combined worth in excess of 1 million dollars, with zero down and all of them were gotten in the last four months. When I sell these homes I do a sellers agreement and rental agreement. I have gotten as little as $3000.00 down and up to $8000.00 down. These are non refundable down payments, with over $100.00 a month in positive cash flow per house. All of the people I have bought houses from are very greateful for the service I am providing. All of them have said they can't afford to make 2 house payments, you can close in one day, and I don't charge them. They also say that realtors won't promise thatthey could sell the house. A couple of these houses were listed with realtors when the owner contacted me,but with a little work and no money, I got a release from them. Summary..Motivated seller, transfer and can't make 2 house payments, 0 down, I have deed, I have power of attorney, I have CYA letter, house financed 2 to 4 years ago, all are VA loans with locked interest, sell house $20 to$40,000.00 in profit, $5000.00 average down payment, over $100 positive cash fow per month per house. The clients I buy from are happy, the clients that move in are happy and I make money which makes me happy. I have one more deal I almost forgot about in North Carolina. My nephew is going to NASCAR school there. This is a town where housing is expensive and rent is even higher. I talked my sister, his mother into buying a house there for him to live in while in school and use it as an investment. There are a lot of houses on the market there for $300,000 to $500,000. We found the house that she bought on the pre foreclosure list, but it was already an REO, $158,000.00 was owed on it and we got it for $121,000.00. This deal took four months, even though it was a cash deal the bank kept taking other offers, but the financing would never go through. The bank finally excepted our offer and the deal has been closed. She is renting rooms out to other students and her son lives there free. Summery.. No house payment, free rent for son, and sell in 2 yrs for $40,000.00 profit. Thanks to Deans book and the PMI staff, the following is what I have accomplished in the last 6 months.. I have a knowledge that is priceless, I have closed deals in four states, When I paid the bank off in Bethany, they wanted to talk to me about my deals, Now that I had some under my belt, they wanted to work with me. I own 8 homes with 0 down. I have gotten more aggressive and am getting owners to pay 2 to 3 months of payments. Have clients ready to move in the day the owners move out, doubling profit for 2 to 3 months. Have local bank willing to work with me. I moved 600 miles. Wife owns first home. Everyone paid off. Have local investor to front money for homes and split profit. Proved everyone wrong who said this wouldn't work. Once again I would like to say thank you to Matt Larson. Your trip to Bethany,MO for 3 days really gave my wife the courage to stand behind me. I don't think I would have made it with her being negative about this venture. She was very scared. Matt helped to ease her mind and prove this could really work. Drew, your motivation and endless hours you have spent with me is priceless. I feel like I have a true friend that I have never met. Gross value $1,041,800.00 Net value $229,404.24 Down payments received on 7 homes $37,000.00 Positive monthly cash flow on 7 homes $1,091.99 We live in the 8th home.
Thanks, Randy (sorry this is sooo long!)




Glad to see you stoped in. Just keep taking action and you will soon start seeing results.





Glad to see you stoped by. And staying motivated and taking action is what this is all about if you want to succeed. Hope thighs are are going well and good luck.





I know you are a busy man, and barely have time to update you journal, but would love to read about some of the deals you are working on. I like the mini stories.:)-



Cathy B

Follow my progress at:


Glad to here from you, I know I have to get caught up, I really feel bad that I haven't. I guess I am just going to have to cut my phone off and get it done. Things have change so much for me since the Edge its unbeleavable, But all good. Have really been spending a lot of time IN KC getting my team into place. I really can't believe my Realtor is jumping of the bridge with me to get to the next level. She already has her broker lic. Are looking for a office and getting all the details worked out. she is going to work with me full time. So here I go again making myself more accountable. But in the real world this part is fun. Still have a long ways to go but getting closer each and every day. Hope all is going well for toy.






You're the man! I bought the books in March. I was ready to roll, especially when Mark called me from the success academy.

We lived in a tiny apartment at the time, my husband Warren, my three year old daughter Katya and I.

The day after the books arrived in the mail, I saw a for sale sign and decided it was time to take action, so I called the number on the sign and asked questions that I learned from the book. We moved into our first home in June.

I am anxious to start the success academy, but my husband thinks it' s a scam and won't let me.

So I have to make my first deal happen without any coaching and then I can use the profit to pay for the coaching.

My husband had to declare bankruptcy before I met him and he is terrified to take a risk.

I dont have any credit history, because I am from Germany and couldn't even buy my cell phone in my own name, because they check your credit.

So now I am trying to do assignments.

I wished I had a coach and someone like Matt to teach and guide me.

Sorry to hear about the health issues in your family! I am a personal trainer that also does nutritional counseling and would be glad to help in any way I can.

Keep up the fantastic job that you are doing!



At least you have the attitude to succeed. And as long as you keep taking action that will help keep the fear at Bay. Just let me know if i can help and good-luck.




You are on FIRE!!!

Hi Randy, I just finished reading your Journal ( and what a journey it has been)
I want to congratulate you on your success,motivation and
creativity, you are on fire!!! Thanks for sharing your experience with us, the good and bad ones, lol.



Thank you so much for sharing that! Successful people fail more than failures do; the difference is folks like you and I am gonna do it too! Hell yes that really inspired me! Of course everyone here does but you are right up there at the top with Matt and Carol and Rina, I guess because I have been following them for a while now and I KNOW where they were and where they are AND DEFINITELY where they are going!


The only way to predict the future? CREATE IT!
Dream It~Build It~Live It
Success is predictable!


Just wanted to think you for stopping in and wish you the best of luck. Just stay motivated and keep taking action.





Glad to see you stoped by. and I luv your positive attitude The sky is the limit.





Well I got to spend the last 4 days in UTAH, and meet the coaches and PMI staff, And I can't forget Dean. I have always had the up most respect for the coaching staff. But after been their and see what all they do and what is expected of them I just can't put into words the respect I have for them. It really takes a very dedicated person to do what they do and still have time to invest. I just can't get over what I learn each time i am around these guys, If you are a member use them you can't go wrong if you do what is ask of you'




Big Step

In the next few days I have to start posting daily again. My REI is really going to the next level. a level that most people dream of including myself, But never thought possible. Bur now I know their is no limit. Thinks to all that has helped and I am very grateful for Dean making all this possible.





Glad you are going great guns down there in TN and KC. Always enjoy reading your posts and learning from you. Hope you are an empowering conversation soon!


Cathy B

Follow my progress at:


Great to here from you, Hope all is going well.




Hi Randy and Julie,

Hope you guys had a good trip back! I've started on one of my take aways, expanding my areas by getting to know a new one each week. Hopefully before too long I'll go out of my state, like you!

It was so great meeting both of you and learning from all you have experienced and done so far! I know you are going to go SOOOO far now with your new plans.

I wish you the best.... not the best of luck, for you are all about the hard work, there is no luck in that!

Hope to talk to you soon!



Don't take no for an answer!
Don't live in the gap!
Don't give up!

You can follow my progress at: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/54148/...


You are a great coach yourself. Thank you and your wife for sharing what you know.

Steve and Veronica.


It was so great meeting you, And with your drive you to will succeed and be a success. If their is ever anything i can do to help please let me know.





You and your wife always have such kind words for myself and everyone you reply to. I am so glad to see you have your first deal an now they will get easy. Hope to get to spend sometime with you at the edge.





I have been trying to get caught up on your journal. I am curious about your trip to Utah. What was the occasion? I would sure like to make that trip too. I am glad you are back and safe. Trips are always fun, but it is also great to get back home. Thank you for all you share. I get ideas and helps from your journal every time I read it. I am sorry I haven't posted to your journal much, but I am here and reading often.


Keep on Keeping On !!! Expect it, God has already given it to you. You just need to get out there and grab it!
If you want to follow my journal:

Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10


They had a two day training course that they wanted me to speak at. It was a lot of fun and got to meet a lot of nice people as always with the DG family.




To new levels

It has almost took me two years to get were I am at. But in the process I have made sure that i learn something new everyday. And yes their is so much more to learn. When you put the effort in things really start falling into place.




Today I have just been reading journals to inspire me,yours and Steve and Veronica's.
I have all the materials but I felt overwhelmed and reading journals reminds me why I signed up to the Academy in the first place.
I am very good at what I do which is critical nursing but I have not implemented nor started the REI business aside from what I have acquired prior to DG.
Thanks for the inspiration.


you are doing so awesome!!! from broke to doing well, helping others and now teaching. i WILL follow in your footsteps and thanks for clearing that path. Smiling i always appreciate what you are doing to help our military out too. keep up the great work you are doing!! thank you.


Linda, Army EOD Mom
you can follow my journal at http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/45351/...
Fear equals:


So glad you stopped by. You said you joined the success academy. Please use them. they really help' The one thing I do want to add. Please start taking action. the longer you Wait the harded it will be' If I can ever help out let me know.





So glad you stopped in. I always like hearing from you. Hope things are going well for you;




Great story

Hello Randy,

I say great story, but I should say great reality. I haven't filed bankruptcy but I did have a failing restaurant business that costed me a lot. I am looking to have real estate bring me back. Your reality helps strengthen my faith. Thanks for the insight.



Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is a mystery, and Today is a gift...

Ethel Griffin

...So don't throw away a gift, do it today as tomorrow is not promised.


Glad you stopped by, It sounds like you the attitude to succeed. JUST STAY FOCUS AND TAKE ACTION. GOOD LUCK AND STAY IN TOUCH.




Virgina (journals)

You came to the right place for a great journal. A true put 100% into REI journal.



Thinks for the kind words, It always great tot here from you and to see where you were at when you started. and were you are at now. It always great to see other people succeeding.




New Day

I have got to set down and re organize. I have to do this every now and then Due to things changing. I an gearing up to go fast. and when I say FAST I mean fast.I just can't believe all the new people that I have met from this site. I still kick myself in the butt for not being involved on here from the begging.


