Haha. My journal headline is bit overambitious but they say that when you dream, you should dream BIG!! And I would LOVE to fly first class one of these days!!
Well here we go! After reading other members journal entry, I've become excited again with Dean's program and techniques.
I am currently a licensed Real Estate Agent in sin city - Las Vegas. I have a love/hate relationship with this place. I hate it because it seems like I'm stuck here yet I LOVE it because of all the money-making opportunities.
I have yet to sign up with the Success Academy and from all the testimonial's I've read, it's a DEFINITE MUST to join.
I intend to but I'm hindered by lack of financing. Hopefully I'll be able to scrape the money within a few months. Once I do, I'll be sure to log everything in. And I mean EVERYTHING!
I've borrowed Dean's books from the public library and have been taking notes here and there. I plan on purchasing them in the future since they contain VITAL information in real estate investing.
So far I have:
1)completed reading Be A Real Estate Millionaire
2)attended the 3day training course back in May
3)started reading PFRERN
4)read through other members journal entries
5) looked up auctions in Las Vegas and found one that was held back in May: 540 sq ft home 1 bedroom 1 bath SOLD for $6,500 with FMV $67K! (this made me salivate!)
Attending the 3 DAY Training has really put a lot of things in perspective and that achieving my dreams is REALLY within reach! Dina Buchanan, the lady who did the training, said that the next two years are going to be the toughest and will require a LOT of work. Well, I'm already experiencing it first hand but I'm enjoying all this knowledge and information that I'm gathering and learning. 2 years will probably go by rather quickly!!
So hopefully within the next few months I'll be able to sign up for the Academy. I have been in contact with someone who has agreed to go in half with me since it's good for 2 attendees (but you're restricted to attending the same courses).
This is my last year in my 20s and I'm DETERMINED to end it with a BANG! I'm tired of the constant hammering from friends, family, and even STRANGERS about how my biological clock is ticking and I need to get a move on it.
Well, I've decided to take THAT pestering and utilize it as a motivating factor in becoming a SUCCESSFUL REAL ESTATE INVESTOR!!
It is June 24, 2010. I have a little bit over 6 months left. I guess that means I need to hustle and bustle.
And if anyone has any spare brain cells left, please send them my way. I seem to have lost quite a few back from my college years!
The one thing that I have learned is that practically ALL SUCCESSFUL REAL ESTATE INVESTORS have used the same strategies and techniques... they just adjusted it to suit THEIR life.
The time is NOW! Houses in Vegas are moving... there are UNBELIEVABLE DEALS everywhere! I just need continue following the rainbow to my pot of gold!!
Let the journey begin...
Here's your first class ticket on my plane to destination: MILLIONS!
"An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest." Benjamin Franklin
From one fellow Las Vegas Real Estate Investor to another:
"Let's Rock This Town, Rock It Inside Out" - Stray Cats
Awesome way to start your journal...looks like you've got your Goal in sight, and the direction you're gonna take all mapped out. I truly wish you all the best in all of your endeavors!
ps: how do you go about getting those great quotes to show up as part of your post?
"One thing I like about stones in my path is when I cross them they become my milestones." -Unknown
It sounds like you have all the energy and determination that you will need. Now lets see what you can do with it. There are endless ventures out there for you to succeed in and with your real estate background you have a definite advantage. Good luck to the next step in your life...Jan
what are you doing to get customers as an agent???
Are you always 'on the clock' in terms of always being aware of seeing a home or hearing someone mention they know someone looking or may know someone who knows someone who's looking???
Maybe i'm delusional but I thought Vegas was booming because the market is so down out there and its bringing in investors nationwide.
No better place to get help
Vegas is definitely booming. It's a GREAT place to invest IMO.
They have us doing cold calls at the office to build our seller/buyer lists.
I've also been trying to network through friends, websites, etc.
I'm always available to get into contact with...
Still learning the field but mostly focused on the investor's aspect of real estate.
I am currently working with one investor right now and trying to help a friend of mine stop foreclosure. There appears to be various programs available out there to help stopping foreclosures. I'm trying to equip myself with learning more about various programs because there are so many people going through foreclosures out here and there are various programs that can help people out their situation... just have to find it.
I wish I had the ability to take everything in at one sitting!! I feel like I have so much information to catch up on!!
What techniques do you use to get clients as an agent?
Are you always 'on the clock' in terms of always being aware of seeing a home or hearing someone mention they know someone looking or may know someone who knows someone who's looking???
Maybe i'm delusional but I thought Vegas was booming because the market is so down out there and its bringing in investors nationwide.
No better place to get help
Here's your first class ticket on my plane to destination: MILLIONS!
"An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest." Benjamin Franklin
They have us doing cold calls at the office to build our seller/buyer lists.
I've also been trying to network through friends, websites, etc.
I'm always available to get into contact with...
Still learning the field but mostly focused on the investor's aspect of real estate.
I am currently working with one investor right now and trying to help a friend of mine stop foreclosure. There appears to be various programs available out there to help stopping foreclosures. I'm trying to equip myself with learning more about various programs because there are so many people going through foreclosures out here and there are various programs that can help people out their situation... just have to find it.
I wish I had the ability to take everything in at one sitting!! I feel like I have so much information to catch up on!!
What techniques do you use to get clients as an agent?
Are you always 'on the clock' in terms of always being aware of seeing a home or hearing someone mention they know someone looking or may know someone who knows someone who's looking???
Maybe i'm delusional but I thought Vegas was booming because the market is so down out there and its bringing in investors nationwide.
No better place to get help
not sure your relationship with your broker, but you should talk to them and let them know the best way to get clients is to be out in the streets, events, parties, etc.
First off, you have to be in 'politic mode' 24/7, have all the business cards you can, and in some form or fashion, mention to people that you're involved in real estate
"Did you see that winning goal in the World Cup???...."
'Yeah I know his cousin. I rented him a summer house two years ago. Hi i'm Marianne, real estate agent, here's my card...'
"How about those Lakers???..."
'I had good seats there. A friend I referred to Artests people got him a discount at the Palms..oh by the way i'm Marianne, real estate agent, here's my card...'
and on and on,...and on
Not saying that if there's a party you need to be upside down giving out your biz cards while taking a keg hit, but try and be at the events that matter;
Upcoming political season is a great place to start; you have no idea who's going to win, so hit up both sides
Hosting RE networking events through your agency(they foot the bill, you promote it) bringing in investors and possible clients, be they firsttime or multi-time homeowners is a great way to get your name out there.
Get to know other agents. Having an agent call you to let you know they have a house they want to you get a buyer for shows you know what you're doing or they're willing to give you a chance
Aside from Craigslist, of which i'm not really at all a fan of, I say check out
I've gotten a bunch of contacts that i've used recently and you can actually see who they are and what they really do so you're not wasting your time
Just always be in the mode and use the time you're not in the office to the best of your abilities, but it starts with getting out the office and briging in clients.
Hope it helps
Hey Elix,
Thanks so much for your comment. Yes, it has helped and I will utilize it when the opportunity presents itself. I guess I'm testing the waters first with my feet before diving right in by just sticking to the "familiar" friends, colleagues and close acquaintences.
Still waiting on getting my business cards though. They said they should be in at the end of the month so I'm excited about those. My first business cards! WOOHOO!!
I will definitely speak to my broker about RE events/parties. That sounds like a great way to network. Although I am unfortunately NOT politcally inclined. I'll try to work on that. I just have to figure away to keep my brain from shutting down when it comes to politics.
I'm currently in a mentor program at my company. When I had interviewed different brokers, this company seemed to offer the best training program so I'm happy with it.
But I really do appreciate your tips and advice. I welcome ALL COMMENTs... good and bad... As long as it's constructive criticism and not some blatant put-down.
So keep your comments and ideas coming guys! Thanks again!!
=the investor neophyte=
They have us doing cold calls at the office to build our seller/buyer lists.
I've also been trying to network through friends, websites, etc.
I'm always available to get into contact with...
Still learning the field but mostly focused on the investor's aspect of real estate.
I am currently working with one investor right now and trying to help a friend of mine stop foreclosure. There appears to be various programs available out there to help stopping foreclosures. I'm trying to equip myself with learning more about various programs because there are so many people going through foreclosures out here and there are various programs that can help people out their situation... just have to find it.
I wish I had the ability to take everything in at one sitting!! I feel like I have so much information to catch up on!!
What techniques do you use to get clients as an agent?
Are you always 'on the clock' in terms of always being aware of seeing a home or hearing someone mention they know someone looking or may know someone who knows someone who's looking???
Maybe i'm delusional but I thought Vegas was booming because the market is so down out there and its bringing in investors nationwide.
No better place to get help
not sure your relationship with your broker, but you should talk to them and let them know the best way to get clients is to be out in the streets, events, parties, etc.
First off, you have to be in 'politic mode' 24/7, have all the business cards you can, and in some form or fashion, mention to people that you're involved in real estate
"Did you see that winning goal in the World Cup???...."
'Yeah I know his cousin. I rented him a summer house two years ago. Hi i'm Marianne, real estate agent, here's my card...'
"How about those Lakers???..."
'I had good seats there. A friend I referred to Artests people got him a discount at the Palms..oh by the way i'm Marianne, real estate agent, here's my card...'
and on and on,...and on
Not saying that if there's a party you need to be upside down giving out your biz cards while taking a keg hit, but try and be at the events that matter;
Upcoming political season is a great place to start; you have no idea who's going to win, so hit up both sides
Hosting RE networking events through your agency(they foot the bill, you promote it) bringing in investors and possible clients, be they firsttime or multi-time homeowners is a great way to get your name out there.
Get to know other agents. Having an agent call you to let you know they have a house they want to you get a buyer for shows you know what you're doing or they're willing to give you a chance
Aside from Craigslist, of which i'm not really at all a fan of, I say check out
I've gotten a bunch of contacts that i've used recently and you can actually see who they are and what they really do so you're not wasting your time
Just always be in the mode and use the time you're not in the office to the best of your abilities, but it starts with getting out the office and briging in clients.
Hope it helps
Here's your first class ticket on my plane to destination: MILLIONS!
"An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest." Benjamin Franklin
Ok... so I actually put in an order for the latest books. I had been reading DG's books by borrowing them from the library. I figured I could just take notes on the important things and then return the book when I was finished... I'm trying to eliminate clutter in my life.
But I came to realize that his books containt VITAL information when it comes to investing in real estate and that it really would be beneficial for me to actually have a hard copy on hand (on top of the free PDF they give when you purchase the product).
Can't wait to get my VERY OWN COPY
Does anyone know how long it will take? I probably won't be around when it gets here because I'll be on vacation... what? vacation? Yeah I know. I really shouldn't go on vacation right now and just keep my nose to the grindstone. But I figured that it won't really be a vacation because I can work and do research from another state.
I'll be going to the east coast to spend some QT with my significant other but I know I'll be working and on the DG website while I'm with him so it won't really be like a vacation.
I made a lot of contacts today on this website and am so THANKFUL for everyone who has been patient with me by giving me information, tips, advice, comments, etc. It's really so awesome to have such a supportive network of people that are readily available!
So today's accomplishments:
1)Read up more forums
2) joined more REI groups/clubs on the site
3) signed up for a network website
4) made contact with potential investors
5) tried to set up my website from my real estate company but it didn't work so I guess I'll have to wait til I go in to the office tomorrow.
6) still reading more and more and just obtaining more and more knowledge!!
I had been up til 5:00 AM on this site just looking and browsing and applying certain things... I didn't want to stop reading... but eventually my tired eyes won the battle and I had to shut the computer off.
I work best at night. Probably because it's so unbearably hot during the day! Oh Las Vegas, how I hate your summer heat!! I try not to have the AC on at the house because it always more than doubles the power bill... I try to live frugal... most of the time...
I also researched the next workshops for Dean's Academy. The next one is WHOLESALES and starts tomorrow out here!! Are there any members here who will be attending it tomorrow??!!
Here's your first class ticket on my plane to destination: MILLIONS!
"An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest." Benjamin Franklin
excellent option to also make money when things are slow; everyone needs a place to live. This could also be an option you could run by your broker to allow you to spend less time in the office just making phone calls.
-Contacting landlords looking for rentals and offering your serives at no expense to them is a great way to go.
-Looking for ads that say 'no fee' are a good source; these are when the agent gets paid by the landlord and you can get paid by the renter.
-Offer an alternative on your brokers fee; typical rentals here in NYC are 15% of the yearly rent roll. For example, the fee for a 3br apt is normally $1800. The brokers fee would be about $3200.
Have your office offer 'only' a months rent, which is a savings of over $1400. All present the amount of savings in your pitch.
-Visit the local colleges and look for ads looking for renters or contact the owners and offer your services. Get friendly with the housing department of those same schools to see if you can be the realtor they come to in case of rentals or if an employee is looking to buy, they think of you first.
Your license gives you lots of leeway and options; use them to the fullest to get checks
Hope it helps
Ugh. So I did NOT accomplish anything today. Why? Because I slept in, and was feeling a bit of an "information/search overload". I just sat in front of the tv and goofed around on the internet... for the MOST part.
I did to a measlly amount of Real Estate work/research.
Was woken up by another aspiring Investor from California. She had found a buyer who was looking to purchase homes around Riverside area and was wondering if I could pull up some houses. I told her that my MLX search is limited to Nevada because each state has certain requirements to be a Realtor. She was so sweet because she said that if she closed on this deal she would pay for BOTH of us to attend Global and I can just pay her back! Bummer I couldn't pull up the homes.
But I did offer her some suggestions where she can find available properties without having to use the MLX.
Got in contact with someone who has completed the SUCCESS Academy and is now currently signed up with the Global Academy. I discovered that the Success Academy is not person-to-person mentoring but throught the phone. She said she really liked it and is looking forward to starting up with the Global Academy. I need reply to her with more follow up questions. The Global Academy had been offered during Dina's 3 day training but never mentioned the Success Academy.
Tried to call the Success Academy but was having issues. Tried to call them again just a while ago and I guess they have "business hours" and don't have anyone available 24/7.
Received an email from a potential investor. Still need to follow up with me but my brain felt like a puddle of goo today. Probably because it's a blazing inferno in Las Vegas.
Read up on current events/news. Why is it that earthquakes seem to occur everywhere every day?
Caught up with some old middle friends from my "younger" years. It seems like everyone's on baby #2. I'm still working on baby #1: REAL ESTATE! (they're more focused on a physical baby whilst I'm focused on Real Estate as my baby-after all, it's consuming all of my time!!).
So I'll probably make up for today by reading more posts on this site so that my day's not a complete waste.
Was also trying to find more information on the EDGE. Seems like something worthwhile to get... but money is too tight right now for me to purchase...
Augh. I'm SICK of being limited with funds. Grrr...
I really need to get off my butt and hustle... problem solved, right? Easier said than done... double grrrr....
Here's your first class ticket on my plane to destination: MILLIONS!
"An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest." Benjamin Franklin
Oh and I can't wait to have some fun in the sun with my HUSBAND in a few days! WOOHOO!
I guess I should use that to motivate me to get some work done in town!!
Oh... and I need to drag myself to the gym. Argh... So much to do! Really shouldn't have wasted today...
Here's your first class ticket on my plane to destination: MILLIONS!
"An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest." Benjamin Franklin
I'm glad to see that you have the ability to take some time off from your JOB and this investment business, and wish you an AWESOME trip out to spent that QT with your hubby.
Hopefully you will be able to return here to LV with a recharge & whole new outlook that can rocket your plane to your final destination - Millions!!!
I say hurry back though, 'cause if you're still open to working with us as our Realtor/partner - using the teachings that Dean has set out there for us, we are ready to jump in the game and start making some serious $$$ for us both.
Again, have a wonderful trip...and let me know when you get back in town and would like to sit down (with mom and I) and discuss how we might proceed with "turning this town inside out."
"One thing I like about stones in my path is when I cross them they become my milestones." -Unknown
I know its easier than said but see if you can somehow get int ouch with their human resources department about being their relocation or temporary housing agent. I'm sure they already have someone who finds the houses they use to rent out for their tv show, but it doesn't hurt to ask or be one of the people they think about or be the 'Plan B' they have
I know it's been a while since I've updated on anything... but I had to share this quote before doing anything else.... I had also posted it on the thread-o-quotes to share with everyone else!
"Reach for the moon; even if you miss, you'll be among the stars."
— Les Brown
Here's your first class ticket on my plane to destination: MILLIONS!
"An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest." Benjamin Franklin
So after a long weekend vacation, I came back to Vegas and went straight to attend my classes required by GLVAR to fulfill their requirements for membership in holding the designation of REALTOR®.
The difference between a LICENSED AGENT and a REALTOR® is that as a REALTOR®, we have certain rules, regulations, codes of ethics and conduct, etc that we MUST FOLLOW. It's also a prestigious membership to be a part of! Not every licensed agent is a REALTOR®. You have to undergo a process and fulfill certain class requirements in order to hold the designation of REALTOR®. Confusing?
Well to simplify, just remember that NOT ALL licensed agents are REALTORS®.
So I had to attend a 2 day Orientation where they went over some details, rules, and guidelines of holding the designation of REALTOR®. Networked with other licensees, etc.
Also learned that having a designation along with your license raelly does HELP you in your field... Not only does it expand your clientele, but also your KNOWLEDGE in the business...
and KNOWLEDGE is definitely POWER!
After undergoing the whole REALTOR® process, I came to realize that certain aspects as an INVESTOR or even doing business with some INVESTORS conflicts with my sworn duty as a REALTOR® (yes, we were sworn in today as REALTORS® during the Induction Ceremony).
Now I just have to figure out how to juggle and handle both...
I know I have some investors out there that are anxious to get started and I am DEFINITELY EAGER and anxious to work along with you, but I just have to figure out a way to balance it.
Overall, I have STRICT rules and guidelines that I need to follow. If I am found to have broken or in violation of ANY of the rules and guidelines, I can face steep FINES and even risk losing my real estate license.
Holding the designation of REALTOR® is available to other states and not just Las Vegas. If any REALTOR® out there is reading this, please message me or send me a comment on how you were able to balance the two??
I really want to succeed in both aspects of real estate... I just need to find a medium.... I knew that having a real estate license would limit some of my investor transactions, but I was never aware of how much!
For INVESTORS: I am still willing to work with you as you continue your journey in real estate investing... if you are willing to accept that I am still new to the field, have certain limitations (some of them of which are EXTREME), but am WILLING to think "DIFFERENTLY", then by all means, contact me and let's figure out a way together!!
I just thought I'd put it out there and be honest in regards to my situation.
I am taking Real Estate SERIOUSLY. I mean BUSINESS!!
I'm definitely not as knowledgable as seasoned agents out there, but I definitely have the HEART... because I'm IN IT TO WIN IT!
P.s. I had ordered my business license with my firm about 3 weeks ago and it STILL hasn't arrived! Grrr... I missed out on quite a bit of networking opportunities... *sigh*
Here's your first class ticket on my plane to destination: MILLIONS!
"An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest." Benjamin Franklin
Hope your little vacation to the East Coast was everything you hoped it would be - and then some!
Erik and I have closed 22 deals while you were away...weeeeeeeeellllllll, ok, so maybe this hot summer heat has fried my brain a little, but I can dream, right? Anyways, glad to see you're back safe & sound. I just read through your previous post @ conflict of interest...and the funny thing is that what you just described is why it's gotten so difficult to work with Realtors here in Las Vegas. It seems that as soon as you mention the words: investors, assignments, or wholesale deals, they end up turning around and walking the other way or they have brokers breathing down their backs to get these commissions rolling in...they just don't seem to get the fact that investors can potentially make them more commissions more often than the average one home buyer will...I just don't get it.
I'm really glad that you're determined to succeed in both aspects of real estate! On that some note...mom and I just got back from our REI Club meeting this evening, where we invited one of our business partners along, and a funny thing happened as we were leaving...Keep in mind that our partner used to by a realtor in California, still holds her liscense, but hasn't practiced since she's been here in LV. It just so happens that the organizer of the REI Club and a local Mortgage Broker just teamed up...the Broker was at the meeting, and to make a long story short, wants our business partner to join them in their business! She's been putting off getting her liscense here, because she was under the impression that she couldn't hold in more than 1 state. Not only did she find out that she can, but this Broker (who ironically was an investor for 20+ years) is telling her that he would insist that she work with Investors!!! CHAAAA-CHINGGG She potentially gets this J.O.B. doing what she loves to do as a Realtor, and can work these deals for us as an investor as well - and the Broker insists that that is the way she does her deals. Does life get any better than this?
I hope that I'm not putting the cart before the horse here, because this all happened just a few hours ago and our partner doesn't even have the job yet, but, (keeping all ten of my fingers crossed) when she does...I really believe that this whole Realtor/Investor relationship thing is about ready to see a whole new kind of business partnership created. And the KEY to making this whole thing work...A Mortgage Broker that Understands Investors. I really think that this mindset will allow this new partnership to make a killing in the business, and the COOL part about it is that we will be her first clients!
Let me step back a minute here and let you know that Erik and I are also talking about getting into a partnership together...he's got 100+ CASH BUYERS at his fingertips looking to invest in Las Vegas properties, well, let's just say that he's got himself a Las Vegas Partner. Interested in either one of my current projects? Send me a PM and we'll discuss further how we can help one another out.
Congratulations on becoming one of the newest SinCityRealtors & again welcome back.
Happy & Healthy Investing
"One thing I like about stones in my path is when I cross them they become my milestones." -Unknown
i just took my Realtor oath yesterday. i'm new too and it is a fine balancing act. i will do the best i can and most of all, disclose, disclose, disclose.
Linda, Army EOD Mom
you can follow my journal at http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/45351/...
Fear equals:
So I got a call from the Success Academy this evening and spoke with 2 representatives. One is the recruiter and the other from the finance department.
This program is SO much more affordable than the Global Academy/Bootcamp and the financing is AWESOME! I was so ready to jump on that bandwagon... I mean it just makes it seem so much easier (less frightening - to be exact!) to have someone always there for support and guidance... someone who's done this MILLIONS of times etc.
BUT!! But like most consumers, when it finally came down to putting the down payment... I FROZE...
Unfortunately even with their AWESOME program and their AWESOME flexibility in payments, I really CAN'T afford it right now...
Been sitting here arguing with myself and finally decided to call the finance guy back and sign up and see if we can work out a different payment arrangement. I guess I missed my time limit because he already left the office. Oh well....
Hopefully they'll accept me in a few weeks when I feel more "financially" able??
So now I'm off to read up on other people's experience!!
Here's your first class ticket on my plane to destination: MILLIONS!
"An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest." Benjamin Franklin