Our first MILLION! - dominoafekt & investorinmissouri

Our first MILLION! - dominoafekt & investorinmissouri

Hello DG Family!

We decided to combine our journals since we are in this together.

Our friendship began about a year before we started investing in real estate. We actually met online while playing a video game LOL. But it shows great partnerships can come from anywhere!

dominoafekt's Real Estate Autobiography:
I started getting interested in this after I saw Dean's infomercial when I was jobless, just got out of high school, and looking for anything other than my web hosting business to make some money. I took a leap of faith and actually ordered something being advertised on TV, although I did research on Dean first and found this site. That is when I really knew this was real. After seeing this community do nothing but help others for free, I ordered the Think a Little Different Course. I got it through PDF form but I printed the whole thing out and read it when I was alone because I was embarrassed to even be considering it.

That course got me extremely interested in wholesaling. But I had NO idea where to start, so fear soaked in and I got unmotivated from everything.

I soon after got a VERY nice job in the Sears Tower 86th floor as an Intern for a trading firm making 10/hr out of luck. I soon then was promoted to the IT guy, fixing all the computers, and basically doing odd jobs for 13/hr full time. While working there I found myself getting re-interested in real estate when I was running low on money or wanted to advance, but the fear always set back in right away, and I'd go back into my routine.

A few months later I got kicked out of my dad’s house for a very dumb reason. So I lived at my friend’s parent’s house while I went apartment shopping. This is where I really learned how to be independent. I already was more independent than most of my friends but this REALLY kicked me in the behind.

I am 20 now, and still have the job to this day, but a few things have changed. I got promoted to Junior Trader in July for $50k salary. I work night shift from 8pm-6am with an hour commute each way. I am away from home 12 hours a day, 5 days a week.

Some people would kill for this job and the salary (especially at my age), but the night shift is really depressing me, and my boss is never satisfied. So the stresses of this job outweigh the reward. This is why I want to move forward with real estate. Don't get me wrong though, I am extremely grateful for the job I have, I just want to move onto more than that. I would much rather do something I love for half the pay (not saying REI is half the pay), than something that depresses me and stresses me out on a constant basis.

After this promotion I got all this extra money and knew exactly what to do with it. This promotion gave me the confidence and dampened my fear enough to dip my foot in real estate.

I always knew that investorinmissouri was interested in real estate like I was, so I talked to them (her and her husband) and we concluded that we should partner up and go 50/50 on everything. I also found out that they have already started on some of it; you can read about that in hers.

Ever since we established the LLC together we have made one deal so far. She or I will post more info on the deal in a separate post.

All I can say is that I couldn't do it without her, and I give her most of the credit for our first deal. While I was mostly distracted with my full time job, she was kicking but down in Missouri doing all the hard work on it! Laughing out loud

We are starting to spread out in my area in "Chicagoland" and Northwest Indiana as I am currently building our buyers list for this area to get started. We are moving slower out here cause of my job, but at least we are starting!


I have posted her original journal, so some of this might not pertain to this post. Just think of the following as a separate post.


investorinmissouri's Real Estate Autobiography:
Well today is Saturday at about 11pm. I came to deans sight to look for possible buyers. But then I got so involved in reading and found that maybe I should start a journal so that I can reflect back to where I started and how far I progress.

I have to say that when I first started it was a year and a half ago. I have come so close only to see my deals fall threw every time.

But with the help of a good friend and amazing partner I have gotten back up again with the hope that since I have failed now is my time for success.

The first thing we are working on is our buyers list.

So far we have run classified ads online, called for rent , we buy houses, and why rent when you can own ads and I have even posted a video on Youtube.

Lastly we have done two weeks of bandit signs. I think we finally found a method that fits well with out the signs blowing away LOL LOL.

At this moment my partner and I have 6 buyers on our list. 3 that are active and 3 inactive possibles for the future. Not to bad I would say.

I look at all the phone calls as practice. I can hear the confidence in my voice as I speak to each person. I know exactly what to say now that I have done so many calls. It is like having a new job. At first your unsure. Checking your every move. Then with time you get faster, better, and get amazing results. It becomes natural instead of uncomfortable. When I get in that state of mind of fear and rejection. I just remember my why. It motivates me to push past the rejection and gives me the strength I need to keep on going.

Well I can see that coming out way. This definitely takes dedication. But I have a big why in my mind. HUGE WHY. And this is what keeps me moving and going no matter how many no's, voice mails, or rejections I get. For every no I know I will finally get a solid YES!

So here is to finding my 20 to 30. Wish me the best Dean friends and I will be posting my progress soon Smiling


Our goal for now is to replace both of our salary's and set them to 50k for the time being which we would need to make around 10k a month for this to happen. This way I can quit my job, and she can live comfortably while we continue.

Our big goal is to get 1 million in equity within the first few years!!!

I might edit this original post if I think of something else to add.

We thank you all for the great support and hope everyone succeeds at their goals!



Are you new? Check out my NEW and IMPROVED Guide for Beginners! http://deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/everything-else/128413/domini...

update so far

Ok so I have to apologize because I haven't posted here in a couple weeks. I have actually been really busy trying to get our next deals going. Here is what has been going on so far.

Put out 8 offers on REO's with my buyers criteria in mind. Got one accepted. We moved forward and had the water turned on for the inspection. I also had 4 contractors come threw to give estimates. Everything was ready to go and we were set to close on Wednesday last week. Had it under contract for 44,950 and was wholesaling it for 50,000.

My investor called the inspector with questions and basically the inspector scared them by telling them it had over 20k worth of foundation repairs needed. I assured my investor that he was wrong and we could get an engineer out to look and sign off. Long story short investor backed out. Which is fine they were not comfortable and I wouldn't be either if the inspector told me the same thing. This was done tuesday morning. As soon as I found out my investor backed out I advertised to each and everyone of my buyers via forums, phone calls, email, online ads, and the like.

I had 4 people look at the property, One said yes 3 days after advertising with the inspection report. He got an engineer to look at the property and said its all good. I was offered $43,000 we renegotiated with the bank to get it down to $40,000.

We are due to close on the 18th Smiling EM is already at the title company we are set:)

At the same time I have been looking for more properties for this other investor plus the one who backed out. We put in 7 more contracts and got 2 accepted today.

We have also been working pre foreclosure listings, Sent letters to tax lien and bankruptcy leads and I have been calling on FSBO ads. We continue to put out signs and got 2 new leads but all leading no where. All in all we have been in consistent action and consistent focus.

My goal is to have these other two we have under contract close in 10 days. Smiling

thats my update for now I will keep everyone posted on when we close and how much we made:) woot woot:)


When you say thank you, you are telling the world that you want more. Say thank you every day! It will bring joy, and it will bring so much more.


OMG Makeba!

It sounds like you have really got the hang of things now and it is all starting to POP!

That is so exciting! Can't wait until we talk again!



"You're never too old to be what you were meant to be!"


"Shining Like a Star & Dancing on Sunshine"

"Shoot for the moon! Even if you fall short, you'll still land among the stars!"


Thanks so much Karen:) Me too:) I will try to call you tomorrow in the afternoon some time.


When you say thank you, you are telling the world that you want more. Say thank you every day! It will bring joy, and it will bring so much more.



kudos to you! We all hope the deals work out for you guys. Keep us posted when you can.

The Edge!

WOW! What can I say? There was so much information. There were so many amazing people and it was such an amazing event.

The hotel was BEAUTIFUL and the speakers were super great. I have already started taking my action steps. It was so fun! I dont think I got much sleep at all my mind just kept going and going:)

I have to say this though, I do not think I would have been able to go with out some amazing people. I want to say thank you so much to Jim for the suggestion to make it possible. I want to thank Karen. OMG you made this event monumental for me. Not only did is she a great person I made a great friend. I cant say thank you enough Karen. It was the most wonderful 4 days of my life. HUGS!!!!

And most of all thank you to my partner DOM! I love you, your amazing and it all happened because of you:)

At the end of the day we were all asked what was our biggest AH moment? I have to say that I had so many it was hard for me to pick one. But the one I want to share with all of you is this.

Dean said something that I think all of us could us in life that would apply to everything not just REI.

"Success is when you fail, how quickly you can bounce back from failure." Dean Graziosi 2011 Edge Event.

There are so many elements and things in life and in REI that can and will go wrong. When we spend all our time and energy focusing on what went wrong instead of how to move forward or turn it around it will keep that negative result. Lets all make it a goal to make our bounce back time short and sweet and our focus like a laser beam:) Smiling


When you say thank you, you are telling the world that you want more. Say thank you every day! It will bring joy, and it will bring so much more.



It was wonderful to meet you! We had so much fun! You are so fun to hang around! Smiling I have pics of you on my journal. You'll like them! Laughing out loud


OMG it was so awesome to meet with you and your husband:) I felt so bad that we didnt get to say good bye:(

I will be calling soon:) Smiling Smiling We have so much to talk about. Smiling Smiling You are so awesmone. Maybe next year I will bring my kids and we can all do something together Sticking out tongue


When you say thank you, you are telling the world that you want more. Say thank you every day! It will bring joy, and it will bring so much more.



IT WAS SO GREAT TO MEET YOU at the edge!!.After talking with you i realized how motivated you are to make things happen.you and dominic are going to tear it up this year !!!! go get um !


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CHECK OUT MY JOURNAL http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/20063/...

WOW! It's been 3 months,

WOW! It's been 3 months, cmon Makeba I thought you were supposed to be updating this thing! Hahahahaha just kidding Sticking out tongue

Writing an update here soon Smiling



Are you new? Check out my NEW and IMPROVED Guide for Beginners! http://deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/everything-else/128413/domini...


Ok so yes it has been a long time since I have posted here.

Here is a quick update.

We have and are working on the RBBP. We have connected with some amazing people on DG and are working on other areas to expand in.

We are currently running new bandit signs for both buyers and sellers.

Just last night we put up 18 signs for buyers and today and I am not kidding we got a total of 26 calls. WOW! that is the most we have ever had in one day. Gotta Love Greg Murphy Smiling Smiling

We have 5 possibilities now that we are working on and I will keep you updated on how those go. So far things are moving forward for us. Hope to have our next 2 deals soon:)


When you say thank you, you are telling the world that you want more. Say thank you every day! It will bring joy, and it will bring so much more.


Good to hear

Good to hear things are still going good for both of you! Are you guys focusing on one strategy specifically like just working with investment buyers? Or are you working on a couple different strategies at the same time?

Have you tied up any deals since your last post?

You're gerat

Look at your age I can't believe what you have done. Keep your good work and keep healthy and happy. God Bless you!

Wow, almost has been a year

Wow, almost has been a year since our last post! Sad

We have accomplished so many things since then it's hard to keep track! Now we are up to I think 11 deals completed (I will have to recheck).

And we are expanding to a new area! Very exciting things coming our way this fall! Smiling



Are you new? Check out my NEW and IMPROVED Guide for Beginners! http://deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/everything-else/128413/domini...

Serious update needed

Hello DG Family,

Its has been a long time since we have posted on our goal page. This was our page to track and document our journey to the first million!!!!

So far it has been since august of 2010 since we started with Dean and it has been an amazing journey.

We have learned so much and know that there is always more to learn every year. So far I have attended 3 edge events, Dom has attended 2. We have made some invaluable relationships and connections and we are working on our 21st deal. Most of our deals have been wholesales but we have dabbled in a little bit of everything.

Wow there is so much to say its hard to know where to begin:) I am going to make it a new goal to post on here more often to show our progress. I remember when we first started all the amazing people who helped us along the way. I hope that we can do the same for those we can help. We by no means are experts! But what knowledge we do have we are willing to share.

So the big question is have we made a Million dollars????


But we are chucking away at that number each year. I can tell you that we have made more then I used to make in one year working a retail job Eye-wink I dont know the exact number but I will post it soon:)

I just wanted to review and get back to where we all began. For me it was right here with my DG Family.

Here is to another exciting year and to achieving our goals!!! I will post more soon!!

with gratitude



When you say thank you, you are telling the world that you want more. Say thank you every day! It will bring joy, and it will bring so much more.
