Our first MILLION! - dominoafekt & investorinmissouri

Our first MILLION! - dominoafekt & investorinmissouri

Hello DG Family!

We decided to combine our journals since we are in this together.

Our friendship began about a year before we started investing in real estate. We actually met online while playing a video game LOL. But it shows great partnerships can come from anywhere!

dominoafekt's Real Estate Autobiography:
I started getting interested in this after I saw Dean's infomercial when I was jobless, just got out of high school, and looking for anything other than my web hosting business to make some money. I took a leap of faith and actually ordered something being advertised on TV, although I did research on Dean first and found this site. That is when I really knew this was real. After seeing this community do nothing but help others for free, I ordered the Think a Little Different Course. I got it through PDF form but I printed the whole thing out and read it when I was alone because I was embarrassed to even be considering it.

That course got me extremely interested in wholesaling. But I had NO idea where to start, so fear soaked in and I got unmotivated from everything.

I soon after got a VERY nice job in the Sears Tower 86th floor as an Intern for a trading firm making 10/hr out of luck. I soon then was promoted to the IT guy, fixing all the computers, and basically doing odd jobs for 13/hr full time. While working there I found myself getting re-interested in real estate when I was running low on money or wanted to advance, but the fear always set back in right away, and I'd go back into my routine.

A few months later I got kicked out of my dad’s house for a very dumb reason. So I lived at my friend’s parent’s house while I went apartment shopping. This is where I really learned how to be independent. I already was more independent than most of my friends but this REALLY kicked me in the behind.

I am 20 now, and still have the job to this day, but a few things have changed. I got promoted to Junior Trader in July for $50k salary. I work night shift from 8pm-6am with an hour commute each way. I am away from home 12 hours a day, 5 days a week.

Some people would kill for this job and the salary (especially at my age), but the night shift is really depressing me, and my boss is never satisfied. So the stresses of this job outweigh the reward. This is why I want to move forward with real estate. Don't get me wrong though, I am extremely grateful for the job I have, I just want to move onto more than that. I would much rather do something I love for half the pay (not saying REI is half the pay), than something that depresses me and stresses me out on a constant basis.

After this promotion I got all this extra money and knew exactly what to do with it. This promotion gave me the confidence and dampened my fear enough to dip my foot in real estate.

I always knew that investorinmissouri was interested in real estate like I was, so I talked to them (her and her husband) and we concluded that we should partner up and go 50/50 on everything. I also found out that they have already started on some of it; you can read about that in hers.

Ever since we established the LLC together we have made one deal so far. She or I will post more info on the deal in a separate post.

All I can say is that I couldn't do it without her, and I give her most of the credit for our first deal. While I was mostly distracted with my full time job, she was kicking but down in Missouri doing all the hard work on it! Laughing out loud

We are starting to spread out in my area in "Chicagoland" and Northwest Indiana as I am currently building our buyers list for this area to get started. We are moving slower out here cause of my job, but at least we are starting!


I have posted her original journal, so some of this might not pertain to this post. Just think of the following as a separate post.


investorinmissouri's Real Estate Autobiography:
Well today is Saturday at about 11pm. I came to deans sight to look for possible buyers. But then I got so involved in reading and found that maybe I should start a journal so that I can reflect back to where I started and how far I progress.

I have to say that when I first started it was a year and a half ago. I have come so close only to see my deals fall threw every time.

But with the help of a good friend and amazing partner I have gotten back up again with the hope that since I have failed now is my time for success.

The first thing we are working on is our buyers list.

So far we have run classified ads online, called for rent , we buy houses, and why rent when you can own ads and I have even posted a video on Youtube.

Lastly we have done two weeks of bandit signs. I think we finally found a method that fits well with out the signs blowing away LOL LOL.

At this moment my partner and I have 6 buyers on our list. 3 that are active and 3 inactive possibles for the future. Not to bad I would say.

I look at all the phone calls as practice. I can hear the confidence in my voice as I speak to each person. I know exactly what to say now that I have done so many calls. It is like having a new job. At first your unsure. Checking your every move. Then with time you get faster, better, and get amazing results. It becomes natural instead of uncomfortable. When I get in that state of mind of fear and rejection. I just remember my why. It motivates me to push past the rejection and gives me the strength I need to keep on going.

Well I can see that coming out way. This definitely takes dedication. But I have a big why in my mind. HUGE WHY. And this is what keeps me moving and going no matter how many no's, voice mails, or rejections I get. For every no I know I will finally get a solid YES!

So here is to finding my 20 to 30. Wish me the best Dean friends and I will be posting my progress soon Smiling


Our goal for now is to replace both of our salary's and set them to 50k for the time being which we would need to make around 10k a month for this to happen. This way I can quit my job, and she can live comfortably while we continue.

Our big goal is to get 1 million in equity within the first few years!!!

I might edit this original post if I think of something else to add.

We thank you all for the great support and hope everyone succeeds at their goals!



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Bids, repair estimates

The only way to get a truly accurate estimate is to have three (until you develop a relationship with one you know and trust) estimates from licensed contractors. Remember there are LEVELS of rehab and amount of rehab to be done that fits your strategy for that certain property and the area.
One guy might say $25,000 and is using carpet and cheap counter tops and another might be $40,000 but he is using stainless and granite, hardwoods etc etc.
So you need to tell them HOW you are going to remodel depending on the area and your strategy. Do you see how you can get several prices from the same rehab? All rehabs are not the same. Get contractors to estimate apples to apples! If you are going to rent the rehab is cheaper than if you want to bring it to retail and have the nicest house at the lowest price in the area (quick sale).

Michael Mangham
MD Home Acquisitions LLC


Knowledge is power, but execution trumps knowledge. Tony Robbins

http://www.mdhomeacquisitions.com Seller site
http://www.mdhomeacquisitionsbargainhouses.com Buyer site
http://www.mdhomeacquisitionshousehunter.com Bird Dog Site
http://www.mdlodeals.com Tenant/Buyer site


Thanks for the info. I will check it out.


When you say thank you, you are telling the world that you want more. Say thank you every day! It will bring joy, and it will bring so much more.



Oh yes that I understand. I was actually using hammerpoint project estimator and putting in numbers of materials from home depot and lowes. Also materials from the local restore here in KC. What I don't understand is how one person can do a roof for 5k and another do it for 3k.

Also found the same difference in flooring. For example installing hardwood floors. Not carpet. I found that was all around the same price. But hard wood I found huge variances. Windows ranged from 90 to 300 each. Also I guess it depends on their labor costs and mark up too.

I have talked to several contractors I am thinking maybe I can get one to come with me to some viewings to help me understand costs a bit more. I really thought I had it in the bag but you learn new things everyday.


When you say thank you, you are telling the world that you want more. Say thank you every day! It will bring joy, and it will bring so much more.



What part of Missouri are you from? I'm from the st.Louis area. Congrats on all of your success!


Thank you for stopping by. I specialize in investment properties, both residential and commercial. As a agent/investor myself, I realize the importance of working with fellow investors.

Winford louis Straubs Jr.
Executive Branch Investments & Signature Realty
770.783.5225 ext 104
770.783.8321 efax
678.304.7421 Direct


I am in the KC metro area. I live in independence but we look everywhere surrounding. I have another investor who has tons of properties in st louis. Also 3 buyers who are in that area as well.


When you say thank you, you are telling the world that you want more. Say thank you every day! It will bring joy, and it will bring so much more.


Heart broken

Ok so I know your not supposed to get emotionally involved in homes. I know this I know this. For some reason I just got my hopes up sooo high on this home I saw today. Preliminary analysis was amazing!

Purchase price: $15k
Rehab costs max $40k
ARV: $120k

Can you see why I was pumped? I was so super excited I could barely sleep last night.

We went to view the property today to get exact figures on the cost of repair.

BAM!!!! complete money pit. utterly devastated. Foundation issues, fire damage, you name it, it had it. About 70k in repairs!

Also looking at the homes adjacent to the property, it looks like they are having the same issues too. They look great on the outside but when pointed out they were having the same structural problems. You could see the waving in the brick and tilting and all kinds of other things.

Totally broken hearted. Although I know I shouldn't be it just really got to me.

I am moving on though! We have 3 more viewings on Friday which is good. Friday is also my bandit sign day. So hopefully we will have some good leads from those.

Yesterday we dropped off four letters with my business card at homes that were in pre-foreclosure. Two more of which we found where already foreclosed on.

I am seriously considering calling every single home that is listed online LOL and just doing like a telemarketer and see what I can get hahahahaha! It is worth a shot right?

I am so used to people hanging up on me. Telling me thats crazy or impossible that I don't think there is anything someone can say to me right now that I haven't heard over the phone. But on a serious note I am working on searching through online ads now. I have submitted so many contracts with listings that are on the mls that I have no idea where the 25 to 1 ratio came from LOL. So far 68 to 0 for me. But thats ok I am still submitting and still going. There is bound to be a yes out there somewhere.

Here is to my big fat YES!!!! woot woot!


When you say thank you, you are telling the world that you want more. Say thank you every day! It will bring joy, and it will bring so much more.


Indiana Update

Started building my buyers list a few weeks ago for my area. So far we have about 5 out here. I have been kind of slow on the ad's though. The goal is to get 15 buyers then look for a Realtor out in this area. Everything is moving slow due to my working hours but we are moving along! Thats what matters people! Baby steps are better than no steps!!!!

I plan on calling more for-rent ad's tomorrow to see if they want to buy (or sell) as well.



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Udate on today

WOOOO HOOOO!!! ok so I am super pumped and excited. Today I got a phone call that changed what happened before.

If you guys recall we had a seller who had made an agreement with us and then cancelled and decided to go with a realtor. And before they did that I had several people lined up to view the property.

Well guess what:) Smiling Smiling The called me today. They changed their minds and are going to sign a contract with us tonight WOOOOO HOOOO.

I have the contract signing tonight and then a half an hour later I have someone coming to see the property that was interested in it before. I also have someone possibly to see it on friday.

TALK ABOUT WORKEN IT:) Smiling Yeah baby. I was always nice and willing to help them out with what ever they needed. In the end they decided to go with us. YEAH BABY YEAH!!!!!

can you see me dancing hahahaha Smiling


When you say thank you, you are telling the world that you want more. Say thank you every day! It will bring joy, and it will bring so much more.


Oh yeah

and did I mention got more buyers today as well. I am so grateful for all the information that I have learned:)

boy these ups and downs are just like a roller coaster ride. LOL I am on the exciting uphill right now:)


When you say thank you, you are telling the world that you want more. Say thank you every day! It will bring joy, and it will bring so much more.


Thank you PMI

WOOO HOOO so I have so much to say but dont want to say it until its all said and done:) Smiling Look soon for some exciting new info:)

I do want to say that I called PMI 3 times today. Thank you so much you guys for everything you did for me today. Because of what you guys did, your patience, your awesome role playing skills, and your super awesome knowledge I was able to get what I needed done today with success.

more details on that later:) Smiling

thank you thank you thank you.

Tomorrow is going to be even better. We have 3 viewings and I have a great feeling its going to go great:) Smiling

WOOOT HOOO watch out dean I am gonna have our 5 deals soon Smiling Smiling Maybe all in the same month hahahaha!!!!


When you say thank you, you are telling the world that you want more. Say thank you every day! It will bring joy, and it will bring so much more.


like a snow ball

I have to say that all of our hard work is now paying off. We have two homes due to close soon. I have another deal in the mix. We have more buyers added daily. And we have a whole new opportunity with another DG member that I am super excited about.

It has been like a snow ball. At first nothing but as we move forward it just builds and grows. Its getting bigger and better. WOO HOO.

I have to say it is awesome networking and talking with other investors on this site. there are some amazing opportunities and learning experiences.

I cant wait for tomorrow. Mondays always seem to be big days for us. HA HA HA which is funny cause in the corporate world we all dread Mondays:) Makes a huge difference when its for yourself instead of someone else:) Anyways Happy MONDAY!!!


When you say thank you, you are telling the world that you want more. Say thank you every day! It will bring joy, and it will bring so much more.



Alrighty I am super excited. I have two homes due to close in the same month.

One closing on friday, one closing on the following monday WOOOT.

Looks like we will profit 3k from one and $1,333 from the other.

Also we got an offer accepted FINALLY off of an MLS listing. Looks like when we sell we will make around 20k Smiling oh yeah. that one hopefully we will close on dec 7th. And we will start the rehab then:) I am so super excited Smiling


When you say thank you, you are telling the world that you want more. Say thank you every day! It will bring joy, and it will bring so much more.


Haven't been on the site much lately :(

I'm baaaack! Haha

Hey guys, haven't been on the website lately due to a lot of stuff going down at my current job. I would normally jump on here if it was a slow day at work Sticking out tongue

LOTS of stuff going on in Missouri, and I'm sure she will tell you alllll about it tonight after we potentially CLOSE (its either tonight or monday, working out the details still) on our first deal Smiling ANNNND pick up our first assignment check Smiling.. Yep thats right, she got our first two deals completed in the SAME DAY!!

I'm going slower out here than I expected out here but I'm moving along :/.. it's kinda stressing me out to be honest... mostly because I feel like I'm not contributing enough Sad but now that we got our first two deals I can go put up some signs on the weekends! Waiting for 20 buyers on the list before I look for a Realtor. Almost halfway there!

Couldn't have done it without her and I can't wait until we start rolling out here to do things double time! Thank you so much for everything Smiling



Are you new? Check out my NEW and IMPROVED Guide for Beginners! http://deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/everything-else/128413/domini...


That is so exciting for the two of you!!
And good to see things are really working out for your partnership. Surely helps when you have someone to run things past, and this site is awesome and the advice we get!
For those still dragging their feet or don't have the courage to get out there, well just start doing something, call FSBO, or REMAX, as Matt suggested, really do work well with investors. I am "training" mine! And I learn a lot from him too. He never knew how investors worked and now he found me my first deal, and is anxious to learn more and wants us to do at least one every week to start.
So Dominic, I would at least start checking out agents now, they may help you with your buyers list too. My agent is going to our first REI meeting with me in 2 weeks, so this will help get things moving too.
Good luck and don't feel stressed by too much, turn it around and think of it as the "fun" part of your day.

deans the man

keep it goin



Wooo hooo we closed today on our very first property:) Smiling

Need to take a picture of the check but I mailed it to Dom LOL. Forgot to take a picture hahaha. WOOOOOOOT I am so extremely excited:)

Now for the even better news. I just partnered up with another investor who specializes in bulk reo's Smiling Smiling She gets the properties and I find the buyers:) Its a WIN WIN for all of us. Dom is hard at work getting us more buyers too!

I love this site, I love dean, I love my partner and I love all of the wonderful people we have been in contact with. Thank you so much everyone. This is a super amazing network of some pretty awesome people:)

1 down 4 to go and then REFUND BABY! then bigger and better deals:)

should we start a countdown to our million. Oh yes I think so:) WOO HOO!!!!


When you say thank you, you are telling the world that you want more. Say thank you every day! It will bring joy, and it will bring so much more.



Good for you guys! I am thrilled for you!

Keep up the good work!



"You're never too old to be what you were meant to be!"


"Shining Like a Star & Dancing on Sunshine"

"Shoot for the moon! Even if you fall short, you'll still land among the stars!"

Just Look Atcha!

Makeba and Dominic,

That is ABSOLUTELY AMAZINGLY AWESOME!!!! Your tenacious spirit has served you well.

Makeba, I can see that "chesire grin" on your face through the words in your post. Yes, your "Family" IS proud of you. The next 4 are just around the corner!!



Quitters NEVER win - Winners NEVER quit!

"P.U.S.H. = Persevere Until Something Happens" Dean

“Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” Thomas A. Edison
Check out my Road to Redemption journal: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/88171/...


I am glad in a way and sad as well. The holidays are stopping my forward movement LOL but then again it is a good thing cause I get some time off and get to spend it with my family Smiling Smiling I am wondering if it would be to bold to go to homeowners this weekend LOL probally:) I cant wait for monday Smiling


When you say thank you, you are telling the world that you want more. Say thank you every day! It will bring joy, and it will bring so much more.


Got a Realtor!

Today when I got home from work I called a few Realtors and came across one that seemed pretty motivated and investor friendly.

THE ONLY thing that was iffy, was when he told me he doesn't pick up the phone sometimes on purpose. I think that can easily change for me once we get an established relationship. I think hes worth a shot and if it goes bad, we'll just move on to the next.



Are you new? Check out my NEW and IMPROVED Guide for Beginners! http://deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/everything-else/128413/domini...


And I just deposited the check from our first deal today Laughing out loud



Are you new? Check out my NEW and IMPROVED Guide for Beginners! http://deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/everything-else/128413/domini...

Dominic and Makeba

you are doing an amazing job! i love the attitude i hear in your posts. very encouraging to everyone. Smiling congratulations!


Linda, Army EOD Mom
you can follow my journal at http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/45351/...
Fear equals:

That's Great!!

Congrats!! to you both. Keep moving forward.

Realty Check me too

I am in the same boat and would love any information to help me. If rehab is off, it really could tear your deal apart or make you miss out on a good opportunity. I was kind of thinking my estimates were high, but now after reading this I know this is a serious area I will need to fix.

Anyone out there who can I would appreciate it.

Buyers list

dominoafekt wrote:
Thanks Sandi!

It's always nice to see supporters Laughing out loud

We are currently up to about 15 buyers on our buyer list and we have a very promising deal in the works!

To sum it up we bought a house in her area for 4k, and found a buyer to pay 12k for it in 10 days! We will have the buyer under contract as of Friday and the deposit of $500. After that we get the extra $7500 within 30 days! I am so excited to finally get some progress done. They really mean it when they say after your first deal everything clears up!

I hope you have quick success in finding a partner! If you are looking to invest in Kansas City or Chicago area give us a PM and we can figure something out for a few deals!

What an inspiration, congratulations on making the change and overcoming your distractions. What is the best advice you can give on building a buyer list?

Realtor chat

dominoafekt wrote:
Today when I got home from work I called a few Realtors and came across one that seemed pretty motivated and investor friendly.

THE ONLY thing that was iffy, was when he told me he doesn't pick up the phone sometimes on purpose. I think that can easily change for me once we get an established relationship. I think hes worth a shot and if it goes bad, we'll just move on to the next.

What do you say to these realtors to develop your rapport?



Check out this thread I posted on beginning. It has information on Buyers lists and Realtors:


As for building the rapport, just be friendly but try and control the conversation. I've had terrible phone calls with some Realtors where I felt like I was being interrogated. I'm still learning on how to speak with Realtor's the right way, but just be ready to answer AND ask all of your questions. Remember, THEY are working for YOU.

Just be sure to explain that you are looking for a long-term partnership with them, so they know you are serious. Here is a sample of an email you can use if you want to email them. It can also be a good template to use when speaking with them on the phone:


My name is ____________ and I am an investor in the local area. Due to the current economic conditions, I have decided now would be the best time to get into real estate. I not only represent myself, but I also have several investors in and out of the area that I help find, rehab, rent out, and manage properties. Because of the money backing me, I have set the goal to buy 10-25 properties within the next ___ months. Some of these properties I will buy and hold, some of them I will sell to other investors, and some I will flip. Regardless of the strategy I use on each property, I need to be very aggressive on the price I pay for the property, especially in the current market.

I have not chosen a real estate agent to represent me yet. The agent that I choose cannot be afraid to offend other agents with low offers. The agent I choose also will have to be available at all times. I use several strategies to buy and sell properties quickly, including making verbal offers when permitted. I will also look at A LOT of properties, and buy only a few. So an aggressive work schedule will be required. The upside for the agent who gets accepted will be lots of commission. We will close on properties every month. I will also pull in the agent on "For Sale By Owner" deals. At times I will write additional commission into the contract when we ramp up to full speed.

All that aside, I expect to work with a professional. I want to make money, and I want my agent to make money as well.

Here are the properties that I am looking to buy: (change these to meet yours)

- Single family homes with at least 2 bedrooms
- 1-2 baths at least 1,000 sq. feet.
- No mobile homes at this time
- No home built before 1950
- No vacant ground
- Located in a 45 mile radius of __________
- Any ugly house that needs work
- Will settle for 1 bedroom for the right price

If this sounds interesting to you, and you are a aggressive agent that not only looks at immediate income, but also income for the long term. I only work with motivated sellers that want to sell their home today. The agent I choose must be familiar with doing conventional buying and selling as well as creative buying/selling techniques.

Please respond to this e-mail with your name, phone number, and why you would excel in being the agent to represent me.

Also, if you dont think you want to represent someone like me, any referrals would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you,



Are you new? Check out my NEW and IMPROVED Guide for Beginners! http://deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/everything-else/128413/domini...


Alrighty well right now we currently have 5 properties under contract

2 are from sellers
2 are short sales
1 is with a realtor

After reviewing the costs of HML on the one with the realtor it looks like we are going to have to renegotiate on the price. The lending cost is soooooo expensive. Hopefully we can close on the two wholesales and cut down on the lending cost on one of them. I am going to contact pmi and see if we can get more creative with that one.

Again a rehab check reality. estimated 30k come to find out 50k ug try try again until you do it right but its a learning exp for sure. Will keep everyone updated when we find out more.

thanks so much for all of you who are supporting us in our journey:) I look forward to meeting some of you when we go to the next edge event:) Fingers crossed.


When you say thank you, you are telling the world that you want more. Say thank you every day! It will bring joy, and it will bring so much more.


Makeba and Dominic

Sounds like things have really broken wide open for you! You two are a good team.

Look forward to your next deal closing.



"You're never too old to be what you were meant to be!"


"Shining Like a Star & Dancing on Sunshine"

"Shoot for the moon! Even if you fall short, you'll still land among the stars!"


Five properites under contract, that great. That first closed deal really got things rolling for you. Keep it going!