Sarah's Real Estate Journal

Sarah's Real Estate Journal

I'm not really the journal type. To be honest, I hated it when my elementary and middle school teachers would require us to keep journals or diaries. However, I do have to admit, I felt some sort of pull to keep a real estate investment journal of some sort ever since I stumbled across this forum. So many thoughts running through my head at the moment, but at least this will give me some perspective about this new adventure in my life, while keeping me motivated and on track, focusing on my short-term and long term goals.

I'm currently in school, majoring in Graphic Design, as well as being a full time artist (I sell my art online through my website). However, I always felt at loss, as in I wasn't really sure what I was supposed to do with the rest of my life, career wise. Oh, I had goals...big goals...but I couldn't figure out a realistic way to achieve them. And that by itself, is highly frustrating. Especially when I constantly saw how my friends seemed to have a set plan for their lives. Don't get me wrong. I love my current job. I love drawing and creating portraits. I've been doing it for as long as I can remember. However, I still felt like something was missing.

Enter the DIY channel. My mother was watching it one day after work for the first time, and I became instantly hooked. This I remembered how I had a blast working for Habitat for Humanity in Florida, as well as going down to John's Island in South Carolina to fix up homes for the less fortunate. Something clicked at that moment. Why couldn't I rehab homes for a living? Why couldn't I make that my career choice and fulfill my goals by succeeding in real estate? At that moment, I knew it was time to do something different and FOCUS.

Thus began the reading and research frenzy, which led me to Dean's book. I finished reading it three days ago and I've learned a ton from it, which only made me even more excited.

This is real and it feels so close. Yes, it's going to be a bit tricky juggling school, work, and real estate, but with God and my mom at my side, I know I'm unstoppable. I'm so very excited about this new chapter in my life.

What I'm working towards:

My short-term goals:
1) Close on two assignment deals by the end of August.
2) Earn $70,000 by the end of this year in real estate.
3) Buy my mother her dream home and taking her on a well-deserved vacation to Hawaii within the next 12 months.
4) Buy a new car in the next few months.
5) Move from wholesaling straight into REI, focusing on rehab and flipping.

My long-term goals:
1) Create and run an animal sanctuary dedicated to abandoned and abused animals, completely funding it with my real estate deals. I'd spoil them rotten Smiling
2) Become a millionaire by 30 (I'm 26 now).

What I've done so far in the past 3 days:
1) Put ads on Craigslist and Kijiji
2) Added my first buyer to my list (yay!)
3) Sent ten emails to potential cash investors, asking them if I can contact them in the future, should I happen to come across a property that they may be interested in.
4) Joined an online REI club dedicated to investors in the tri-state area.
5. Called one of those "We Buy Houses" signs. No one answered, but I left a message.
6) Found three properties that I may potentially be able to contract. Did some research on them, but I definitely have to do more research, before I send the owners a letter.

I just previewed this. I didn't realize how much I actually wrote Shocked I'm not sure if anyone else will read this, but if you did, thank you for sticking with me Smiling I hope I didn't bore you too much.

I look forward to making friends and networking on this site. I do have to admit, the constant signatures I see across this site that include Bible verses make me smile and feel at home. Thank you for your time Smiling Have a great day!


In Christ alone, I place my trust.

Great start mouse!


congratulations on starting your journal- it will help you keep track of how much you accomplish and inspire you to move forward every day. (and it didn't bore me at all Eye-wink

Your goals are very ambitious! keep it up! Read threads on this site that have great information on questions you may have.

wishing you great success,




“And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!” ― Dr. Seuss

"I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends; I am surrounded by angels, but I call them friends" - Unknown

My journal:

Thank you for your kind

Thank you for your kind words, Valerie! I really appreciate your support.

I do have to admit, I'm a bit addicted to this site. Sticking out tongue So far today, I put up a few ads on Craigslist and received responses from two people! (yay!) However, I'm a bit at a loss, to be honest.

One person replied, saying he was mostly interested in rental properties and if I could give him an example of the kind of property I have, the area, the price, and what the rental would be. I honestly have no idea how to answer, since I don't actually have any properties under contract at the moment Sad (I sent out a generic ad). I would really like to see if I could add him to my buyers list, but I'm unsure of how to go about it and I'm a bit concerned that he won't be interested in being contacted in the future if I don't have a rental property to tell him about right now. I would greatly appreciate any advice on this matter.

Another wholesaler replied to my ad, asking if I had any properties in two other counties. I replied, telling her I didn't have any in those counties currently, but that I would retain her information for when I do. I then asked if she happened to know any cash buyers in the two counties I'm focusing on. She immediately responded back saying that she does, however, she asked if I had any short sales. Shocked To be honest, I have no idea how to proceed from here. If i were able to assign a short sale, how would I assign a short sale to another wholesaler? Would it even work that way?

Lastly, I'm having serious butterflies when it comes to calling people. I'm TERRIFIED of calling a potential investor for the first time to see about adding him or her to my buyers list. I'm worried that they may ask me a question about real estate that I don't know the answer to, which would then make me look highly unprofessional Sad I really need to figure out a way to get over this fear. I feel as though it, or rather me, is holding me back. Sad


In Christ alone, I place my trust.

Things are moving right

Things are moving right along and I'm incredibly excited! Smiling

I managed to add five more names to my buyers list yesterday (all cash buyers) for a total of six, so that by itself has me feeling like I'm close to achieving my goals. I will seems all this real estate talk has renewed my love for Monopoly Sticking out tongue I was babysitting the other day and while I was playing the game with the children and parents, I think I was more giddy and excited than they were. I won by the way Sticking out tongue

I emailed a few more possible investors today, as well as posted my daily ads. I did come across a nice list of potential investors and their emails in Central and South Jersey, which brought a huge smile to my face. Planning on emailing them today and asking them if I can contact them in the future about potential investment properties. Later tonight, after I finish a few commissioned drawings, I'm going to focus on finding possible properties for the rest of the night.

I'm extremely grateful to God. I really feel Him guiding me every step of the way Smiling


In Christ alone, I place my trust.


you have taken some promising steps. Keep up the good work and read as much as you can. Real estate is just like any other need to put the effort in to get the results out.


Always Looking to Acquire Houses | Always Looking to Amaze Investors

Thank you, Bill I'm using

Thank you, Bill Smiling I'm using every day to learn more about real estate. Can't wait until I able to start and complete my first real estate deal.


In Christ alone, I place my trust.


You have my vote. You won me over when you I read about your love for animals. You sound like someone that knows what they want and not scared to go after it. Good luck and I will be watching your progress.Good luck

Curtis Fillers

PS.I found your FACEBOOK Page, very nice, your a great artist !!! Take care

Thank you for your support

Thank you for your support and kind words, Curtis! It's much appreciated and I'm glad you liked my artwork.

I have to say, the more I do in real estate, the more excited I get. It feels like such a huge rush, with everyday bringing new and exciting things.

Since I last updated my progress on the 15th, things have taken a huge leap (yay!) My buyers list now has 12 names, and I finally managed to lessen my fear of calling potential investors a bit with God's help. I stared at my list of goals and dreams and asked myself if I was really willing to forget about them all just because of a silly fear. Apparently I wasn't Sticking out tongue I'm still nervous, but I have my faith in God, His strength and guidance, and my trusty script to guide me through the iffy parts.

I told God I was going to let him guide me every step of the way. I can't wait to see where he continues to lead me Smiling

Something motivational happened a few days ago. I happened to mention my real estate plans to the mother of the kids I babysit and she told me I was a dreamer and that my plans wouldn't work out, that real estate wasn't the way to go. I just shrugged it off since I knew what's in my heart, how truly excited I am about this, and how I know I will succeed in RE. Besides, they've been trying to sell their house for about two years now for $1.9 million, but haven't had any offers. (Property isn't worth that much). Due to that, I will admit I can't wait until I complete my first flip and then post on Facebook "I just flipped (bought and sold) my first house!!" and see how shocked and surprised she is. Or is that too mean? Sticking out tongue (Don't get me wrong, she's a great person and they're a wonderful family; however, I also know the reason she told me RE isn't going to work because she wants me to be involved in another network marketing company they're in and I simply don't have the time to devote to that. So that kind of annoyed me that she wasn't supportive of my goals and dreams, especially when she knows what's driving it: my love for animals and the fact I want to take Mom on a vacation. Besides RE interests me so much more. I even dream about it Shocked *sighs happily*).

More to come later. Thanks for reading! Smiling


In Christ alone, I place my trust.

Stay the course Sarah

and don't let the dream killers run your life.


Always Looking to Acquire Houses | Always Looking to Amaze Investors

Thank you, Bill. I will

Thank you, Bill. I will definitely keep that in mind Smiling


In Christ alone, I place my trust.

Things are moving right

Things are moving right along Smiling Made some amazing contacts with a few people on this site, which I'm extremely happy about. My buyers list has 20 names (huge majority being cash buyers..yay!)so far and I sent out 5 yellow letters this morning. Going to write two more tonight to mail tomorrow. Need to send out a ton more, but I'm incredibly excited that my first deal is just right around the corner.

Continuing in my search to find an investor-friendly title company in Ocean or Monmouth counties in NJ. They seem to be non-existent :-/

I keep asking God to bring the right people into my life, so I'm going to let Him guide me on the right people to come in contact with and join my team. Thinking of a name for my LLC when I apply for one, focusing on a name Christian type name I think.

Called a few For Rent ads...most were nice. One was a bit abrupt. However, my fear of talking to people on the phone has decreased a huge amount, a fact that's making me quite happy, so that last phone call didn't bother me much.

My first short goal: Close on 2+ deals before school starts. Working like crazy to make that a reality. I'm exhausted, but incredibly excited Smiling


In Christ alone, I place my trust.

I have to say...God is

I have to say...God is pretty awesome Laughing out loud

Yesterday, I posted that I was desperately looking for an investor-friendly title company. I had called a few yesterday with no avail and emailed one since no one answered when I called. This morning, when I went to check my email, I found an email from the president of a completely different title agency, saying that my email was forwarded by the other agency to them since they're familiar with assigned contracts and that if I would call them back, they would love to discuss my real estate needs (this is where I started jumping up and down with joy...seriously).

I called back...receptionist seems to be nice which definitely gives the agency major points (friendliness is very important to me in any business setting...I refuse to do business with anyone that's rude, impatient, or condescending). She told me he was out to lunch, which resulted in me leaving a message on his voicemail.

If God truly sent this agency across my path and everything turns out well when I talk to hm, I'm going to be insanely excited. It's going to be one more thing I can cross off my to-do list and I can completely focus on getting those properties locked down. And oh! Two more cash buyers were added to my list this morning! *dances with glee*

Yes, I'm a dork. But I'm a happy dork at least Sticking out tongue


In Christ alone, I place my trust.


I FOUND AN INVESTOR-FRIENDLY TITLE AGENCY! *dances around like a nutcase* The president is incredibly nice and informative and I seriously can't wait to work with them. God definitely takes all the credit for this one Laughing out loud


In Christ alone, I place my trust.


You are doing great, its just a matter of time for you.Keep doing what you are doing.The person that didnt think much of R.E let that inspire you Take care and the DG Family is behind you.

Curtis Fillers
PS Take acre of all those cats lol

How are you doing this???

All those cash buyers? What did you type up for an ad to get these cash buyers?? Maybe this comes from not reading the book at all (you replied to my post earlier), but I'm so amazed at what you are doing. And what in the world is a yellow letter?
Wow, I thought I knew enough to get by in this business just based on what I read on the Internet, but I feel like such a noob right now...
PM me! Your my inspiration right now!
Jason H

@Curtis - Thank you so much

@Curtis - Thank you so much for your support Smiling Haha, my cats are insanely spoiled. They're currently playing some form of Tag with my ferret Sticking out tongue I hope your cats are doing well Smiling

@Jason - I'll send you a PM in a few minutes Smiling

Hmm...plans for today are going to include posting more ads and figuring out how I can get real estate information concerning probates online. Completely at a loss on that one.


In Christ alone, I place my trust.


Good for you! You are doing so well!

There is a white space on the top left side of this page when you are looking for additional info such as probates.

Type "probate" there and click your enter button. Don't click the magnifying glass. It is just there to confuse new people. It does nothing else. You will get a listing then of all the threads here pertaining to your subject.

Loving your journal! And the fact that you have been participating on the other threads.

Good luck! Of course, I truly believe people make their own luck.



"You're never too old to be what you were meant to be!"

"Shining Like a Star & Dancing on Sunshine"

"Shoot for the moon! Even if you fall short, you'll still land among the stars!"

Thank you so much, Karen I

Thank you so much, Karen Smiling I found a ton of info on probates using your suggestion. I appreciate your help Smiling I will now be spending this Monday rummaging through probate files at the courthouse. I have to admit, I'm a bit excited about that Sticking out tongue

I now have 26 buyers on my list and.... I received a response to one of my yellow letters (yay!). Incredibly excited and nervous for when I call the owner back, but I'm trusting God will give me the right words to say and if it's what God wants, it'll happen Smiling

This particular owner had a For Rent sign on the property, while living in another town. My letter asked if they may be interested in selling, instead of renting out, so hopefully *crosses fingers* things go smoothly. God guided me this far and I'm going to continue letting him guide me every step of the way.

Ever since starting REI, I've grown closer to God and that, by itself, I consider a blessing Smiling


In Christ alone, I place my trust.


You are on a roll Sarah!!!

Keep it up! Smiling


Probates are a GREAT area to pursue. There are three times as many probates as there are REOs.

Before the bubble burst there were 25/1. Funny thing is, everyone is pursuing REOs so there is much, much less competition for the probates.

Good choice for your niche.


"You're never too old to be what you were meant to be!"

"Shining Like a Star & Dancing on Sunshine"

"Shoot for the moon! Even if you fall short, you'll still land among the stars!"

Thanks Tom and Karen I

Thanks Tom and Karen Smiling I appreciate your support!

So I had an interesting day at the courthouse on Monday. Apparently New Jersey is one of those states that doesn't allow outsiders to view what the heirs inherited, such as real estate. Of course, I realized that after spending two hours in front of their computers, figuratively banging my head against a wall. I kept thinking I was missing something, even though I had full probate files in front of me. I finally asked a clerk, and she said Jersey doesn't allow such viewing of documents.

Nice to know. Finally. -.-

And oh, did I mention New Jersey doesn't require Notice to Creditors to be posted? That would explain why I only found one NoC in a paper that covers two counties in a week. Fun.

Anyway, because I'm stubborn and refuse to give up, I went to the town library across the street to sit down for a few long hours of research. I started by going on my county's surrogate's office website to conduct a probate search. Since I didn't have any names, I started searching by date of death starting with about two months ago, out of respect. (I don't want to contact the family too soon after a death).

I then cross searched the names that came up with my county's property records website, seeing which names had real estate linked to them. After narrowing the list, I then searched for their obituaries to see what their family situations were like (ie: out of town family members, etc.) By the end of three hours, I came up with seven names that seemed to be good candidates. I copied their docket numbers, headed back to the courthouse, typed in the docket numbers, and found each one's executor and corresponding address.


An update on those yellow letters I sent last week: I received two responses out of seven letters. Not bad Smiling

I sent out another batch this morning, so hopefully, God willing, I'll get some more responses. Excited! I'll write letters to the families tonight. I'm really hoping I don't get hate calls because of it.

My buyers list is hitting the number 30. Yay!

I didn't choose a realtor yet. I think I'm going to wait until after my first assignment to do that. I'm planning on calling my title company for some recommendations then. When I'm getting ready to lock down a property to assign, I'm going to be calling a few contractors for a free consultation, as well as a few REA to give me some comps concerning the house.

Calling a few contractors for consultations will give me an idea of how friendly, ethical (I know my way around rehab a bit), and businesslike they are. When God provides the right one, I'll offer him/her a possible business arrangement of getting paid for repair consultations on various houses I lock down.


In Christ alone, I place my trust.

Hi Sarah,

You sound a bit like us - my wife and I - trying not to stress but trying to make progress.

As well as I used to have the same goal for animals - this year I've rescued 4 dogs and years ago, we rescued our bunny - found in the park roaming. 2 of the 4 dogs are now pets - 1 was near death when I found her. The others we found homes for.

I was curious about your Craigslist ads - are you using ghost ads, anything in particular that is working well?

And the yellow letters I think I am familiar with - but are you using the standard from the company or making your own? Are you mailing to any particular targets?

This whole process is not that hard, but it is a bit like keeping a lot of balls in the air at the same time right now.

I presume by watching others that after the first deal or 2, the process actually gets more coordinated - easier to find buyers and relate when you have a property, and easier to find property when you have more confidence in your exit strategy and the actual process.

The first deals are a bit of pushing thru it and not getting worn out.

We have called multiple realtors and some sound perfect, but getting reports out of them has slowed down.

Found some potential deals, but until I know more I can't say for sure.

And contractors are an interesting lot, I've spoken to a good dozen on projects lately (my house) and we worked with one recently I thought was really good. Recommended to someone else and their bid was probably 4-5 times what it should have been - in my opinion.

The phone is often the emotional brick wall - it's not the words, but the pushy or condescending tone behind them that wears you down and stops you.

It's a process for sure.

We're praying as well to make progress and not get worn down and to meet others who can help us.



PM me if you are in SoCal and want to chat or meet up. I'm in OC.

Hi Sarah,

Thought I would drop in to say hello and welcome to the DG Family. Good to connect with you on FB.

Looks like you are taking action, and that is the key. Like Bill said; don't let the Dreamstealers have their way and continue with your positive outlook and attitude.

To your success,



Quitters NEVER win - Winners NEVER quit!

"P.U.S.H. = Persevere Until Something Happens" Dean

“Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” Thomas A. Edison
Check out my Road to Redemption journal:

@ Kevin, that's great that

@ Kevin, that's great that you rescued all those animals! I'm sure they greatly appreciated it Smiling Animals are really amazing Smiling

I'm using ghost ads, but I will admit I haven't posted any in a week. Trying to currently find properties since I'd really like to close two deals before school starts. I'll send you a PM with some examples of ghost ads and the yellow letter I use Smiling So far, I've sent yellow letters to vacant/abandoned homes, FSBO, For Rent, and probates. Kind of odd, the responses I got back were from the FSBO and the For Rents, not from the others. The FSBO ended up having their realtor call me which they apparently got the same day they received my letter *bangs head against wall* and the For Rent only wanted to sell if I paid top dollar. *sigh*

Your analogy of keeping balls in the air is perfect. It is overwhelming at times. I think my stomach is permanently tied up in knots. I do wish there was someone near me that would be willing to let me learn from them during one deal, from beginning to end. Just having that experience would be priceless.

My search for a realtor. The best way I can describe that is...painful. I thought I found a great realtor the other day, but she hasn't gotten back to me. I've called over than 25+ REA offices in three towns, but no luck. Sad

I completely understand what you're saying about the phone. My leg shakes and my heart starts racing. My mom thought I was exaggerating when I told her how I react to making calls until she saw me make one the other day.

I keep asking God to take away my fear and give me strength, because I seriously need his help to succeed in this.

@John - Thank you so much for your welcome note Smiling It's great to connect with you on Facebook. I will definitely keep staying positive. Smiling


In Christ alone, I place my trust.

Hi Sara

Hi Sara. It does seem like you know exactly what your doing and GOOD job! I read a couple of your posts to see if I could learn anything. I did see through your grammar and the words you choose, you seem intelligent. To me intelligence, kindness and confidence all go hand in hand with professionalism. I'm quiet surprised your having trouble finding a RE agent. If I may, almost every REA wants to work with me... but I only chose one so far. I was scared at first. Then, after the first call I quickly realized I can be more elegant then them once I tried. I do have a nice script that helps when ever I feel nervous. If you would like it, PM me and I will be happy to help.

With probates and FSBO deals. I haven't tried this just yet, I plan to this week. Matt Larson, one of Dean's top students. I hang off of every word that this guy teaches. I did exactly what he says and was able to choose, not get lucky, I chose a REA. He also teaches that the other half of your leads will come from putting out bandit signs. He mentions that bandit signs get him his best deals.

Thanks for show me where to post my journal and I hope your succeeding in daily. I do hope my words were of any use, and just ask if you want my script. God bless!


Its another day to live.
JD Kitts


Your doing great. Im cheering you on, only a matter of time.

Take care
Curtis Fillers


congrats on steping out your comfort zone and taking action sarah, i know at first it seems scary to start in real estate, calling buyers, speaking to agents etc. but the only way to overcome that fear of talking to investors on the phone or personally is if you actually try. yeah mabey the first few calls might not go so smooth but once you keep trying and making those calls and planning what your going to say ahead of time you will have more confidence, you will sound more professional so dont be afraid to speak up, we all make mistakes. the only way we learn is through trial and error like dean always say. so good luck with your real estate investing, i hope you get your first deal soon. i wish you the best sarah...


i beleive real estate will help me become successful, ill never give up.

Hi, Sarah,

I already sent you a PM on another topic and was going to sign out for the night (morning again now!), but saw your journal listed and went from here to your website. Didn't realize we were working in the same field; I do weaving, mixed media, and all kinds of graphics applications, and am also teaching now that I've completed my degree program. Always have a small rescue zoo (currently ONLY 3 cats, a Wolf/Malamute, and my mom's 2 cats); have had as many as 23 cats back in TX, various combinations of dogs, a small flock of Navajo Churros and a llama in NM, etc. Also was the first manager for a thrift shop which now supports the animal shelter where I used to live in NM, and I turn some of my drawings and my mom's into silkscreen or laser-print cards to benefit the shelter here. I did Habitat for Humanity Homes in San Antonio --- until another volunteer accidently shot me with a nail gun! Great to read your Journal. I'm looking forward to getting my books, and it helps me to hear how much you have progressed already.
Many thanks,

HE LIKED ME!!!Who you may


Who you may ask?

An elderly man that responded to a voicemail I left him asking him if his abandoned house was for sale. Except he thought I was stalking him.

Yep. I definitely wasn't expecting that one.

So we started talking. He promptly asked, "How did you find me?! My property didn't have a 'For Sale' sign!! Was it the Asbury Park Press?!"

Me: "Er. Nope. My mom saw your house while she was walking and she suggested I contact you."

Him: "There has to be another way! You had to find me another way!. How did you find me?!"

Me: "By walking. My mom is a bit addicted to walking and she walks in that neighborhood all the time, since she likes the area, and she noticed your house. She told me the address and suggested I see if you're interested in selling."

Him: "No, there has to be another way. You must have found me some other way. How did you get my number?!"

Me: "Well, honestly..sir. I got that from"

Him: "What?"

Me: ""

Him: "What?! I can't understand you"

Me: "SUPERPAGES.COM!!!!.... Do you want me to spell it?"

Him: "Yes. Spell it."

Me: "S-U-P-E-R-P-A-"

Him: "Wait..what? Say that again."

Me: "S-U-P-E-R-P-A-G-E-S-dot-com."

Him: ""

Me: "Wait...what?"

Him: "It's a 'C' right?

Me: "'s a 'P'. 'P' as in Peter."

Him: "Ahh. I got it now. I'm a bit tone deaf."

Me: "That's okay. People tell me I talk too quietly."

Him: "Well, Stacy..."

Me: "Sarah"

Him: "Eh?"

Me: "My name is Sarah..."

Him: "Oh yea..that's right. Well, the reason I was worried is because I received a letter from someone a few weeks ago asking if my house was for sale so I thought someone was checking up on me and trying to take my house from me."

Me: "Was it a yellow letter? I mean, a letter written on yellow paper?"

Him: "Yes it was!"

Me: "That was me, Mr. (name). I sent you that letter. I just wanted to followup just in case you didn't receive it."

Him: "Good to know! Okay, I feel better now!"

Me: "Glad I could help you feel better."

-conversation continues-

End result? He appreciated how honest I was with him and said he liked talking to me. And if he was ever interested in selling, he would definitely call me first since he liked the way I conducted myself Smiling

Thank you J, Curtis, Ismael, and Jennifer. I really appreciate all your comments and advice Smiling It means alot that you took the time out to give me support Smiling


I've been insanely busy since I last posted, which I'm extremely happy about. And I'm proud of myself as well. I'm stepping out of my comfort zone...and while my leg seems to be permanently doing a little jig of it's own, I've noticed I've become more self confident and more sure of myself.


Yep..meeeee. I was starting to think I was the plague to agents or something. I seriously love my agent...and she's a broker! I asked her to send me listings in two counties that are described with "vacant, as-is, handyman, or 200 DoM with a price reduction" and she sent me over than 1800 listings that match that criteria. I'm in real estate heaven. *sighs happily*

She has no idea what assignments or double closings are, but she's willing to do them as long as they're legit. And she doesn't ask me constant questions. Yay!

If anyone is looking for an agent and has called every REA office on the east or west coast like I did with no avail (not really, it was more like 30 offices and Trulia was no help whatsoever), I finally posted an ad on Craigslist. Feel free to use it if you want.

I'm a real estate investor looking for a friendly and creative real estate agent. I don't mind if you just recently received your license or have been selling houses for years. What I am concerned about is finding a real estate agent that doesn't mind thinking outside the box, has a good work ethic, and is friendly and hardworking.

I mainly work in Monmouth and Ocean counties and I regularly buy, rehab, and sell homes with the goal of making $20,000 - $25,000 in profit per deal as quickly as I can. I'm currently looking for an agent to work with on finding properties with great investment potential.

The characteristics I'm looking for include:

- Able to access listings in both Monmouth & Ocean counties. Other areas are a plus.
- Able to think creatively & outside the box.
- Comfortable with submitting multiple low offers (about 25 a week) anywhere from 30% to 75% off FMV of the homes. I realize many of the offers won't be accepted, but a few will be, so there will be a few closings each month).
- Able to give me a list of expired MLS listings, as well as a list of cash purchased properties in the last 6 months.
- Friendly, hardworking, and has a good work ethic.

I will be regularly requesting comps on potential investment properties and there may be times where I may want to talk to the seller and the seller's agent to discuss contracts, as well as submit verbal offers. Most, if not all, properties/listings I will be interested in will be described as "vacant, as-is, handyman, and motivated sellers", as well as properties with over than 200 days on the market. I'm currently interested in residential properties (no mobile homes at this time) in low-crime neighborhoods.

The upside will be that that the agent I choose to represent me receive many commission checks on a monthly basis, due to the many offers we'll be putting in. In addition, there will be times that I will write additional commission into the contract. There may be times that I may pull the agent in on properties that are not listed. I want all parties involved to walk away happy and with a check in their hand each and every time.

If you're interested, please email me. Thank you for your time and I hope you have a great day.

I received three responses from agents using that ad. One said he works with investors all the time and owns a shortsale servicing company. The other was my agent, and the third left me a message.

The first one didn't like the fact I was looking in two counties even with my criteria and then asked if I had a network of contractors to take care of me (?) He then proceeded to call me today (3 days after I asked him for the listings, to tell me again it's too vague *rolls eyes*). The second one (my agent) sent me 1800 listings the next day (yay!) and the third I called back, thanking her for her time but that I had found a REA and I appreciate her response.

Did I mention I love my REA?

Second. You know how I mentioned my leg does a little dance when I'm on the phone, scared and nervous out of my mind? It was going overtime, but I decided to suck it up and I cold called a potential investor to see if he would be interested in being contacted about properties. He talked to me and was nice! Smiling His voice sounded a bit gruff, but as long as he wasn't yelling at me, I'm happy Sticking out tongue Another cash buyer added to my list Smiling

I really and truly feel like an RE investor now. Within the next few days, I'm going to start submitting offers. I'll have to talk to my REA about the details tho, since I don't want to pay EM or ruin my REA's reputation, should I have to back away from the contract. I'm planning on using a flex option contract as well. (Thanks, Makeba!)

I'm really grateful for this community's support Smiling


In Christ alone, I place my trust.


Hi, Sarah,
1800+ ?
I'm out here in the rural mountains, and I'll be happy if I can eventually put together a few a year. That's amazing; how are you going to manage keeping up with that and college? I imagine Response + $ = Adrenaline, though, enough to keep you cranking. I'm already having a hard time winding down to get to sleep for studying and thinking about it all; whenever I get to that point, I'll have to wear myself out working to get any ZZZs.
Told your namesake about "the other Mouse," and she got a big kick out of having a twin; said she'd send you some energy too.
Like your Craigslist approach --- very classy. I think that will have a lot to do with your continued success.
Best wishes,
Jennifer E

Hello Mouse

I'm from Mercer County and I'm interested to know how you're doing now with you're agent?


Moving forward daily will get you to your goals!
"You become what you study" - RTK Rich Dad Poor Dad

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