Please Help!!!

Please Help!!!

Can someone please tell me if it is still a good time to invest in RE? I'm so confused about what I hear on TV about prices going up, my realtor telling me that if I would have contacted her a year ago that I could have made money as the inventories are so low now.

Does the 25:1 still work..I just don't know anymore. Extremely confused on what is working, what isn't etc. I'm lost!



some help

Hi kmjfoster,

In some area's of the nation prices are going up and there is a lot of competition for sure. What state do you live in? Where are you investing your time? You can do this business from your home in any market you want. For instance I live in Utah and I invest in Chicago, Las Vegas, NYC, and a few other, because there are not enough good deals where I live, but I don't let that stop me from being successful in this business. So expand your area of business. There are still a lot of good markets to do business in.

Hope this helps.


ANY Market ...

is a good time to invest in real estate; you just have to "buy right". Yes in some area the housing prices are increasing, but that is not necessary a bad thing ... more possible profit. I was taught you make your money going in (buying), you just collect the profit check when selling. Any area will work if it is a good deal. Supply/demand do govern prices, but whether a house
is 20K or 100K, if you can make a 20% return on investment that's what counts.
That's why it's called "investing", you're looking for the best possible return on your investment.

Always a good investment

As you are finding out it is a very volatile market meaning that is ever and always changing. That's why it is good to pick a couple of strategies that you like and work them in up and down markets, plus ride along the tails of seasoned people like in here to learn what you need step by step.

The only way to find out if the 25:1 really works in your area is to get busy contacting and finding. Maybe in your area with what you find it will be 20:1, or maybe with inventories down supposedly according to one person the ratio may be 30:1.

Actually finding your own story to connect with will also build your belief in what you know. You may find that statement to be true for them but not for you for the niche you work and vice versa.

By the time you've run your research, remember, something in the market will have changed again. Be ready.

Isn't it so fun!


Best Regards,
(Licensed Realtor-Military Vet-9/11Vet)
A self-directed realization for 2014 is to:
Live life as if always on vacation and have all the good health, time, & wealth to enjoy it.
Work, only when and IF desired. Helping others do the same. It Pay$ To Connect!
Always In Gratitude.....

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