Real Estate cycles tend to last about seven years. This has been an historical fact for nearly two houndred years. Understanding where we are in that cycle is important as we are trying to make money.
Over the past little while we have seen, in somee areas, a rocket ride as properties start going back up. This opens up a whole new workd of buyers for us. These are Speculative buyers. These folks do not want to be left behind. They will purchase properties and hold on for the ride. They are not always looking for fixer uppers. They just want to own and make their money on the back end.
Look for these speculative buyers. They have money and they want to buy.
Roy Voeks
Official RE Coach
Speculative buyers are out there, creating bid wars and paying a LOT more than asking price! Wooohoo!!
If you have properties to flip, you are in a good place! If not, go out an find some properties!!! It's a great time to be in rei!!
“And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!” ― Dr. Seuss
"I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends; I am surrounded by angels, but I call them friends" - Unknown
My journal:
At some point, however, some buyers are going to be caught in the feeding frenzy and start buying properties that are not worth what the bidding wars are demanding. This is especially so for new investors who are looking to flip properties or those that are in wholesaling. The key here is to stay on top of our local markets.
yes it is I agree, a lot of the bidding wars I am seeing the properties are no way worth what people are giving for them. I am out here trying to find something to get.
Yes, the market can be like a roller coaster, you just have to be able to last it out for the entire ride of ups and downs or know the right time to exit. Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
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Joe Jurek CPA