just started putting up my signs (25) and got a call from a township code enforcement oficer saying I had to take the sign down or get a fine of 1,000 dollars for each sign in their township (2). I used a Google Voice number forwarded to my phone.
1. should I worry about this ( I dont have the ability to get the sign down)
2. can they trace the google voice numver back to me?
any body have info???
"dump the clutch and nail the throttle"
"Just do it, Get it Done!"
--Matt Larson
"dump the clutch and nail the throttle"
"Just do it, Get it Done!"
--Matt Larson
I wouldn't worry about the 2 signs you have out there. You have to ask yourself is this my target area? If so, try another marketing approach. You may also ask other investors in the area what is there approach for this area.
Hope this helps you, good luck.
"Winners never quit and quitters never win."-Vince Lombardi
Rick Cooper Investments
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should I worry about them fining me or can google voice stop that?
"dump the clutch and nail the throttle"
"Just do it, Get it Done!"
--Matt Larson
why cant you get it down ?????????????
"dump the clutch and nail the throttle"
"Just do it, Get it Done!"
--Matt Larson
Google voice is untraceable. (I haven't tested it out though
). Give them awhile to cool off and then put your signs back out. Its the best way to get calls. I took mine down, but I gonna put'em back out. Yes if they get your name and address they can come fine you, but thats why some people let everything go to voicemail, so they don't have to talk to city workers at all.
Hope this helps.
"Remember, success is a journey, not a destination.
Have faith in your ability."
Bruce Lee
ask them what sign are they talking about; that way you don't have to take down all of them; then put them up on Friday night and pick them up Monday morning.
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Put them out for the weekend only. You're supposed to use a total different number on google voice or magic jack and let it go to voice mail so you can pre screen them. If its a total different number from your primary cell number then they shouldn't be able to track you down. If you do talk to them ask them what signs they are talking about. Matt Larson has a great speech on bandit signs and the sign police. If you do it for the weekend only I haven't heard any complaints and you can still get a lot of calls from a target area.
Bless and be blessed!
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I have a friend who didn't believe the bandit sign police would find him and he now has a $75K lien against him. This happened years ago, but the lien is still there. He also had a google number.
His advice to me - only weekends and if I miss a sign and I get a call from the bandit sign police - be nice and take the sign down within the hour.
Your city may not be this bad, but .... Think about the weekend plan as others have suggested.
Just a thought.
Good Luck!
Two things..... I got a call once... I told the Police I had an angry friend who was playing a trick me.... Where is the sign and I will remove it... Cops have big heads so play up to them. # 2 Find vacant houses.... I staple signs right to a house .... First of all its private property so cops cant say anything.... Investors call because they think I own it.... so I just ask them to make me an offer... and sometimes the owner will call, so I tell him I just wanted to know who owned it and wanted to buy it..... I usually have it sold before I buy it ! Ya gotta love this business !!
I got the bandit sign call from our city fathers, I just ignored, changed the number on my new signs, and I also put signs on vacant houses also, yes people call, I use magic jack for phone service on signs, just dont do like me and use that number on your web site, thats the reason I had to replace the number with a new one, I still use the old signs on private property after signing a contract, and also put out my for sale signs. Dont let no popo stop you from reaching your dreams, just work around it.....John H... PS keep the phone a ringing and making the offers and taking the money to the bank........
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I would ask where the sign was and just take down that one. Yes they can trace you with google voice. I was told that one of the other local investors here had that happen and he got fined. So I would highly recommend just finding out where the sign is they are talking about and just take down that one.
Another thing to think of is if you are putting them up on poles. I found that once we stopped putting them on poles and just put them in the ground we stopped getting calls from the city.
Try and see what works for you.
When you say thank you, you are telling the world that you want more. Say thank you every day! It will bring joy, and it will bring so much more.
You are right, great answers
"Remember, success is a journey, not a destination.
Have faith in your ability."
Bruce Lee
I seem to be working an area that has very few bandit signs and very little space to put them in the ground (Delaware County, PA near Philadelphia) so I need to utilize the telephone poles. The reason I thought I couldnt get them dow was that I didnt have a ladder and they were nailed to the pole, but I got them. But out of the 25 signns that I put up I only got two calls from the sign police, and I put them up around the county.
One question-----the two calls that I got from the sign police are the ONLY two calls that I got!! Do I need to do something different ( they were they dand written type on yellow plastic saying we buy houses)
"dump the clutch and nail the throttle"
"Just do it, Get it Done!"
--Matt Larson
What did the signs say? I would start with that LOL
We got a call from township police here in South Eastern, PA, Delaware County, the DAY we put them up.
They called several times saying that it would be a $500 fine per sign/PER DAY!
It worried me enough to have my husband go back down there to remove them, but they were already
taken down by the police.
Some townships are serious about this, others, not as much.
I like the idea of putting them on vacant homes. That is great!
Dianna Helm
Vacant homes is an excellent idea....
"dump the clutch and nail the throttle"
"Just do it, Get it Done!"
--Matt Larson
I don't like to leave bandit signs in one place too long. I move them around, and sometimes only leave them up for a weekend or from Wednesday through Saturday.
Also, from legal standpoint, I would say that there's a private property right issue here. If the signs are on private property (a yard rather than a light pole), I don't know that the city could do anything to you, especially if you have the property owner's permission to display the sign. I just really don't see a "code enforcement officer," coming on someone's property and telling them to take down a political sign, like "Daffy Duck for President," for instance.
Rick Allison, Realtor
Amarillo, Texas USA
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good comments
"dump the clutch and nail the throttle"
"Just do it, Get it Done!"
--Matt Larson